Why does he get really emotional when someone mentions the Jews?
Why does he get really emotional when someone mentions the Jews?
Because all you are doing is sowing hate attacking his livelihood
Because shareblue is desperate to use the Jews to divide and conquer the trump movement. It aggravates me too.
People always get emotional when a criticism hits close to home.
I don't need to show a rug merchant anything BUT hate
Who doesn't hate this snake-oil salesman?
The Jew cries out in pain while he strikes you
>why do jews act like jews?
Because he is a fraud when it comes to being a psychologist. He's just a internet celebrity caught up in the liberal madness. Part of the liberal disease is not know you're infected and/or refusing to accept that you are.
Because he doesn't want to bite the hand that feeds him. He's controlled opposition in every sense of the term.
he's claiming to be a rebel intellectual preaching truth to power and he refuses to seriously address one of the most important issues of our time, and on top of this has the chutzpah to call someone else a coward.