What's his endgame?

What's his endgame?

Attached: 151210132231-kim-jong-un-phone-super-tease[1].jpg (1100x619, 83K)

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Getting to see Brittany Spears

Unify Korea under certain provisions
> All foreign and American military personnel evacuated
> All American bases dismantled

NK is militarizing and building up their nuclear arsenal because they are afraid of America. Just a single nuke is enough leverage to prevent an outright American invasion.

Just remember we were the ones that attacked them first. No Korean has ever attacked American soil.

Seeing the Backstreet Boys live

This. A united Korean peninsula, under northern control.

Integration into the global banking system

not die

North Korean assigned gf's to all Americans to battle the incel problem


Seeing NSYNC live

World peace and prosperity

Late night McDonald's drive through

Retires to become a standup comedian and over takes that one guy from the hangover as the meme asian



Im okay with this.

Gibs. Literally just gibs. You think this dictator who has his people brainwashed to be his literal slaves will suddenly just decide “hey lets not do this anymore lol”. No you faggots, he’s playing each and every single one of us. Norks have done this before. And those crediting Trump are even more brainwashed than the North Korean people.



All he ever wanted was an Olympic gold medal in basketball.

I'll bump this, anyone else really into the DPRK? I'll read any book I can get about it, watch any movie or documentary about it. I've read enough biographies from people who have left the country and escaped into China and SK. I have no idea what Jong Un is doing right now. Historically they say his father and grandfather both would get aid by playing the USSR and the US off each other. I wonder if the sanctions are really starting to get to him now. He isn't going to just open the borders up, SK doesn't want that either. He has no intention of giving the citizens any more freedom than they already have.

Attached: DPRK.png (584x382, 554K)


To bring his people into the modern age.

I think he just wants to be loved.

>da Gibs
And MacDonald's

Western Investment.

Access to Western Markets

American demilitarization,or partial demilitarization.

Assurance that Regime change will not be pursued

He's probably trying to transition to a Chinese inspired model, where his regime mantains full political social and economic control while still getting access to Western Markets.

North Korean Disney World

Attached: nkd.jpg (605x328, 61K)

Ever thought that maybe you are the one that’s being brainwashed and not them?

using half a century of posturing and threats to drive a hard bargain when the time comes. hes cashing in on his dad and granddads entire legacy, had to happen at some point. if anything he might actually work out a pretty good deal with trump

Attached: 1513736892987.jpg (720x738, 122K)


Most honest and clear-headed post I've seen on Jow Forums.

>Access to Western Markets

"Oy, such horrible camps in his country! How can we let a man like this stay in power? He's anudda Hitler!"

He won't get access to western markets without overhauling human rights standards in the DPRK, which would mean giving up a big chunk of the power he has over his own people. Unless China promised to be a guarantor of his regime's security, nuclear disarmament is off the table as well. These talks are going to result in no meaningful changes.


Every time there's a new U.S. President, North Korea threatens to build nukes and the President gives them tons of shekels and makes them pinky swear not to build them. For once, the President said no, and then he went to China and told them to stop sucking their dick. He probably then sat back and realized he was not living to old age in his rapidly deteriorating country and the best move for him would be to try and make nice with the world and modernize for the country's sake and slide into the shadows to live out the rest of his life like a monarch. He didn't create North Korea. If the country pulls itself together, regardless how much help would be required from others, he'd still get all the credit for it. He shouldn't desire nukes or reunification or the removal of U.S. troops if that's the direction he's going; what he should ask for is for everyone to pretend he didn't commit any human rights violations.

I would also point out that North Korea's been around for 70 years, which was how long the Soviet Union was around before it dissolved.

From what I can tell, avoiding Saddam's fate.

The cold war demonstrated that nukes are a diplomatic tool with martial applications, not the other way around, and the threat of proliferation, especially to parties that would want to have it for martial reasons, is one hell of a bargaining chip.

The biggest detriment to the superpowers having them has actually become a marked benefit to the Kim dynasty, notably because they're flat fucking broke. The US and USSR couldn't actually afford to set off an exchange, because it would end up a fiery stalemate, but NK isn't playing a symmetrical game like they were. They have the bomb, they've proven it works. How much could that fetch from a group, or movement, that wants to use that?

Probably enough to seed some investment in revitalizing their country.

They want to rent us out their nukes, and we're functionally bidding against IS, maybe Iran, whatever other rogue elements that might be in the market for a device that can rapidly convert Uranium into a pile of lighter elements.

NK becoming a failed state puts an unknown number of gadgets into play. The Kim Regime staying in power is about the only way to have a shot at keeping the bombs from going walkabout. Simple as that.

A rifetime suppry of hot pockets.

Eating McDonald’s

To liberalize Korea and assure the Kim dynasty's future under a system modeled after China

Kim's end game :

stay in w/ china as their puppet