Wtf mods

the evidence of russia's influence over the trump organization / trump campaign is really growing, at this point everybody should see that trump is in bed with the russians

>russian oligarch-tied company paid over 1 million michael cohen's shell company

>trump organization manages to spend about 400 million in cold hard cash, right in the middle of the recession

>eric trump admits that most of the trump organization's financing comes from russia
“Well, we don’t rely on American banks. We have all the funding we need out of Russia.”

so why the fuck are mods pruning my collusion threads? this is real brah

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Other urls found in this thread:


>t. shareblue
Daily reminder shareblue is active and currently trying to derail our movement using weak Russian tier demoralization tactics. Watch out for terms such as “boomer” or “kike” these words are used to discourage you from posting. They are currently raiding /ptg/ with weak memes such as the defamed AWOO mascot and trying to use it against us as well as photoshopping the G-d emperor with an Israeli flag behind him. Just report the trolls and carry on, we must secure 2020!

not fake. just fucking happened. i still have the tab open. they pruned this shit after about 10 minutes of it being up.

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Fuck you you shill faggot

Surely, this time it is over for Drumpf.

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Daily reminder Trumpcucks are dumbfucks and the Russian Collusion evidence is not only growing via the Cohen seizure, but Caputo said that ALL MUELLER'S TEAM ASKED HIM ABOUT. Stay buttblasted.

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>Russian Oligarch
The same Russian Oligarch that gave the Clinton Foundation $500,000??
What about the millions given to John and Tony Podesta's lobbing firm for the same reasons, to gain access to Hillary and Obama?
Nothing illegal whatsoever. It's exactly how Washington works.

400 million of (laundered?) money is a bit more concerning tho....

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The hilarious thing about this so called Russian Collusion accusation is that it's going to backfire against the left. Let me premise this by saying I'm neutral on Trump. I just have an intuition about people's behavior.

People have heard day in and day out about Russia. They're tired of it. Only the most hardcore elite leftist actually believes it. Come 2020 Trump will do at least as well as he did in 2016 because moderate will be tired of this bullshit.

you may be right. maybe all the evidence is a red herring. maybe trump dindu nuffin

otoh the evidence keeps getting stronger and stronger -- slowly, too slow for the attention span of the cable-news watching american who's used to a 24-hour news cycle. mueller is a careful and methodical guy, not constrained to the news cycle, let's see what he brings to the table

Propaganda is so pervasive on Jow Forums, that we even have "anons" unironically pushing the desperate hail Mary remains is the Russia narrative. The real question is, where is all the propaganda coming from? The whole internet is similarly controlled. Who is doing it? How? Why?

i'm doing it because i'm a berniebro liberal who happens to live in a left-leaning part of the country and work in research/higher education. admittedly there is a liberal slant in the ivy league elitist community, but then again, facts have a liberal slant, right?

[ i now accept the wrath of /pol, bring it on fuckers ]

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Cheer up, faggot. The Council on Foreign Relations is gonna 404 this shithole into the middle of next week real soon, so you won't have a place to post a thread at all.

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Trump made a huge mistake trusting that jew

>work in higher education
So you’re a parasite

i guess i work partially for rick perry; doe finds me for particle physics research

i guess that makes me a parasite? just like fermi and feynman and oppenheimer?

LOL we need to look at the ISRAEL INFLUENCE.

>russian oligarch-tied company paid over 1 million michael cohen's shell company
Where's the collusion?
>trump organization manages to spend about 400 million in cold hard cash, right in the middle of the recession
Yeah, real estate dipped during this time, which is the time to buy, idiot.
>“Well, we don’t rely on American banks. We have all the funding we need out of Russia.”
Didn't cite this, because it's literally rumor.

someone has to work so you can play with all your toys
children and women are parasites too now stop feeling bad about it

>Didn't cite this
okay, here's a citation (not the real one tho) that you might approve of:

at this stage
lets be perfectly clear and transperent
not to mention honist
if u beleeve that drumpf isnt guilty of TREASON
its off to the gulgage to u sweetie ;)

so, hillary, the dnc and obama paying the russians to cook up a dossier doesn't somehow constitute collusion, but trump winning an election it.!

Says right in the URL, "golf writer" says it. No actual recording, just says it's true. Do you believe everything you're told as a default thought process?

Let's say for a moment that it's true, my response would be "And..?".

fuck off shill

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they didn't pay the russians, they paid a british shiller

hillary is a piece of shit though, don't get me wrong

eric trumpu didn't even deny it. that's straight up "on the record" official trump organization public-relations. they're stickin to it

and who did christopher steele pay.................wait for it...... wait for it.....DA RUSSIANS...

did he? citation?

anyhow the dossier is a piece of propaganda that shillers dreamed up.

doesn't change the fact that trump is clearly in bed with the rooskies

Original source of supposed quote:
"(Update: Eric Trump has denied saying this about Russia.)"
What say you?

The Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee helped fund research that resulted in a now-famous dossier containing allegations about President Trump's connections to Russia and possible coordination between his campaign and the Kremlin, people familiar with the matter said.

Marc E. Elias, a lawyer representing the Clinton campaign and the DNC, retained Fusion GPS, a Washington firm, to conduct the research.

After that, Fusion GPS hired dossier author Christopher Steele, a former British intelligence officer with ties to the FBI and the U.S. intelligence community, according to those people, who spoke on the condition of anonymity.

read the whole story.. it's from that right wing rag the washington post....if you can stand it...

i get "page not found" from that link...

anyhow the dossier is irrelevant. trump's obviously getting money from the russians

he's a business man.. unlike hillarity clintoon...they were getting a slush fund from the russians...

couldn't find the link...and my dog ate my homework....

okay bros, let me point something out:
the topic is that the trump organization/administration is under the grip of the russians' tentacles.

whine about hillary all you want but that makes no difference. trump took money from the russians

>trump took money from the russians
why though??
he isn't even taking salary as president

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You do realize we do business (as a nation) with Russia every day, right?
Russian influence in our election was highly overstated and inflated beyond what effect it really had.
No matter if real estate deals were being made, it still does not substantiate the claim Trump is under Russian influence.

It will never be proven.

Nigger they gave clintin shit and gave cohen 1.2m. They made atleast 3k different ads for trump. But go ahead and bitch about hillary until the end of time

> US President Salary:

> Amount of money Trump Organization spent (using Russian loans?)

that help?

>that help?
no, pic related: (you)

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Oh yes, trump is colluding with russia, that's why we are trying to start world war 3 with them by attacking their allies...

the point is to read between the lines

>russia was a big lender to trump
>trump can't say anything bad about his big financier
>russia wanted their pawn to take over the us
>russia participated in the hacking
>russia participated in helping to "fix" trump's obvious flaws, like fucking sluts and pornstars, so they sent a nice monetary package to cohen

maybe it's not criminal, maybe trump had no idea! (he is quite dim, actually). in any case it's really fishy... the fuck

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Nobody is raiding your reddit containment generals (which you should go back to AND FUCKING STAY IN btw) quit false flagging your threads with faggot shit, nobody with a brain is buying it.

OP is a faggot, is everyone gonna ignore Trump starting WW3 with Russia for the benefit of the neocon establishment just to push this bullshit narrative? RUSSIA IS NOT THE PROBLEM, WE DO NOT HAVE DUAL CITIZEN RUSSIANS TELLING US WHAT WARS TO GET INTO FOR THEM, WE DO NOT HAVE PRO RUSSIA LOBBIES TELLING US TO GIVE MORE MONEY TO RUSSIA, ISRAEL IS THE FUCKING PROBLEM!

None of this points to Russian collusion. Also let's completely ignore that your queen insulted most of america.

>facts have a liberal slant
I don't think you've been exposed to enough life experience yet to claim that

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>None of this points to Russian collusion
>hurrr durr yah trump dindu nuffin

>Also let's completely ignore that your queen insulted most of america.
let me quote myself, earlier in the thread
>hillary is a piece of shit though, don't get me wrong


I'm the fucking tinfoil hat? Dude are you even listening to yourself, let alone have you read a fucking article on syria or a map lately?

>I'm the fucking tinfoil hat
>I'm the fucking tinfoil hat?
here you go retard, read this and stop copy pasting the stupid shit you read on twitter.

you're being baited user. look at pic related move on.

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fine fine, he denied it

but eric's even more dumb than the don
i'm pretty sure he said that

2020 is in the bag already, and it's because of their behaviors and tactics for the last 9 years.

Kill yourself you sick disgusting faggot communist traitor.

Kill yourself you sick disgusting faggot communist traitor. I hope you hang faggot.

Kill yourself you sick disgusting faggot communist traitor.

why would Davidson know what The Mooch is up to?

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>the evidence keeps getting stronger and stronger
The evidence has been getting stronger for close to 2 years now. Is it gonna reach maximum strength soon or are you faggots gonna finally move on to the next facade you can push.

they don't understand that wanting something to be true is different than something being true.
kinda like ignoring hillary's illegal shit doesn't mean she didn't do it.

boomer never heard of copypasta

Sad! (trumpquote kek!)

Benghazi: 4 year investigation, 0 indictments
Clinton Server: 2 years, 0 indictments

Mueller: only 14 months in so far, 23 indictments

>Over half the posts by 1ID
>R*ddit spacing everywhere
>No archive links
>Bringing in delusional r*ddit tripe
Could you be any more obvious, OP? Go back to r*ddit with your fellow söyim.

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honestly i hate reddit, fuck redditor fags...

Jow Forums is the bastion of "anonymity" which really enables true free speech

reddit is for fucking facebook/twitter/instagram sheeple

probably because your sources are shit. You know that time you failed your exam for citing Wikipedia and Its kinda like that

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You are mentally ill. Russia is not influencing Trump.

Facts have a liberal slant? Yes - you could say that facts usually point out how liberals are wrong about everything...

Isn't Mueller's entire investigation based upon the dossier? But if the dossier is irrelevant....

Trump is "dim" - yet manages to out-campaign and out-smart Hillary. How....?

What the fuck is this shit, the first few paragraphs are just, "like OMG Trump spent 400 million over 9 (9 fucking years). He wasn't doing what the experts say!" then insinuating that, "there's no way he could have gotten this money by not borrowing!"

Even though it later explains,"nstead, Eric Trump said, the firm’s existing businesses — commercial buildings in New York, licensing deals for Trump-branded hotels and clothes — produced so much cash that the Trumps could tap that flow for spending money. "

But, "HA, that's a lie. RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA."

You Leftist motherfuckers have to be the dumbest people on the plant.

Shut the fuck up you fucking kike. Trump is a kike puppet just like you are. Fuck off, no president can exist that is actually elected by people. It's a sham

>peddling conspiracies

Wow accusations thats it boys pack it up its over.

ur still a fag tho

OP, have you even read this article? All it does is explain his purchases/reasoning/sourcing in a way that (poorly) makes him seem up to something. It's literally Alex Jone's tier - if not worse.

>"Instead, Eric Trump said, the firm’s existing businesses — commercial buildings in New York, licensing deals for Trump-branded hotels and clothes — produced so much cash that the Trumps could tap that cash flow for spending money. "

top kek. those guys are like business geniuses amirite?

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So what's your beef here? You don't think a guy that's a household name (before he was President) with billions in assets could generate 400 million over 9 years to reinvest?

.Eric Trump said his father wasn’t forced to turn to a cash-heavy strategy. Trump could have borrowed more if he wanted, he said. But he had soured on borrowing in general, Eric Trump said, after contending with unpaid debts in the early 1990s.

“Those lessons undoubtedly shaped his business approach and the conservative nature of how we conduct business today,” Eric Trump said.

Real estate investors typically don’t buy big properties with their money alone. They find partners to invest and banks to lend alongside them. That allows the investors to amplify their buying power, and it increases the odds of earning higher returns.

from your own article you fucking child.

>so why the fuck are mods pruning my collusion threads? this is real brah
because: shills for kikes.
Make Amerika Kike Again


if i were a newfag i would say
>"look! eric trump is posting on /pol!!!!

nice work shill

So, none of that engaged any aspect of my argument. Do you have anything to say for yourself or will you let your thread and fantasies about

>As the ‘King of Debt,’ Trump borrowed to build his empire. Then he began spending hundreds of millions in cash.

-Russian collusion die in peace? You're a mindless piece of shit drone that needs to never speak about anything because you're a fucking idiot pawn. You have no capability of thought. All you would have needed to do was read the fucking article with an eighth grade capability of understanding.

That’s where you’re wrong kiddo

And Clinton foundation got money from China, the saudis and Soros. What’s your point?

Why is Saudis openly donating shekels to Clinton is okay, but this is completely outrageous and unacceptable?

Forgot pic

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How many to reach Kevin Bacon

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sorry for the shitpost but i just hadto

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>facts have a liberal slant,
That's how you stupid shitheds justify your willful ignorance? by telling yourselves you are right from the very beginning. how fucking sad for you

it's not from the beginning, it's from experience

now that i've committed to pissing off /pol, i can quote paul krugman:
>Facts Have a Well-Known Liberal Bias

okay republishit trolls, sob tear.
krugman won the nobel prize in economics. btfo

Nice how you don't source your last bullshit quote.

Fine I'll use a Republican example.
Young George W ran an oil consulting firm. The Saudis gave him millions for "consultations".
Did he ever find Saudis more oil in the ground? Did he teach them a better way to refine their oil? Show them some inside tricks that made them any money whatsoever?
No his daddy was the president and they wanted an inside line to George the elder.