The holocaust happened : part Jeux

Jews were gassed at auschwitz.

>muh typhus
There were 46 operational ovens at the camp. Each on of these , if you use basic math , could cremate a single body in about an hour. The amount of bodies reported by the sonderkommado at the time being put into ovens was around 5. 46x5=260x24= over 5000
The ovens at the camp could destroy 5000 bodies a day. There is also the fact that bodies are constantly being fed into the ovens , instead of waiting for the bodies to completely fall to ash before they are replaced. Meaning many more could be burned

No sickness on earth could consume this many people a day. Typhus is not why the ovens were built. the ovens were built to deal with massive amounts of dead jews being gassed in the multiple facilities designed for it on site.

>muh gas chambers were not there
There were around 6 gas chambers at the camp. The first was known as the "white bunker". It was in the woods outside the camp and little is known about it. Then there is krema 1 which was in the middle of the camp. This is the famous "air raid shelter" that was that now stands at the camp. Then there is krema 2 and 3. The most famous gas chambers which are underground and feature a undressing room , a gas chamber , and a elevator to the ovens. The final 2 gas chambers were above ground facilities called krema 4 and 5.

blueprints of these facilities exist. As well as recon photos. They were real and they were not for "delousing clothes" because there were facilities in the interior of the camp that were specifically for disinfecting clothes. All the gas chambers except for krema 1 were located at the edges of the camp.

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Looking past the hebraic, kvetch-riddled pilpul dung which continues to permeate this thread, we are bound to recognize that Adolf Hitler is undoubtedly the single most brightest spark of hope and salvation in history of mankind since the rise and fall of Jesus Christ. His vision of mankind was the most truthful and righteous among all mental conceptions of our races future and fate in the universe. If Adolf Hitler (pbuh) had won the war against the world capital, we would live in a much better world right now. Hitler rallied millions of people in a country which was broken from WW1 and rotten to the core on a societal level. Just by the power of the eternal truth his ideas and sayings constitute, nothing else. He had nothing else, he was a low-ranking german soldier in the war which had been lost. But he ignited the volk-consciousness among our people and set sail towards our freedom so we may know peace from what the previous century had been. Hitler is the single most lucent figure to have ever walked this continent and will never be forgotten as the pioneer of volktum. Peace be upon this kind, pure and upright soul.

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Which camp?

rip Auschwitz

Ask me anything.

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The second world war was organized by financiers and industrialists in order to establish the Bank for International Settlements and the state of Israel. Hitler was a jewish actor. The nazi movement was an elaborate psyop. Communism was a prototype for jewish revolutionary false flag activity. The fascist movement was just a more refined conspiracy. Currently, we live under a fascist, nazi-organized corporate-banking police state.

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How many times were Jews gassed in the gas chambers if 5,000 Jews were cremated every day?

now this is woke

oh and

>Hitler ordered the tanks to stop for 3 days near Dunkirk when only a short distance away. This allowed the entire British army and part of the French army to escape to Britain.
>Hitler refused to take Gibraltar and turn the Mediterranean into a "German lake". There was nothing to stop the Germans from driving through Spain (their ally) and doing the job.
>Hitler declared war on the United States.
> Hitler refused to allow the tens of thousands of tons of weaponized nerve gas that the Germans had produced (at Dyhernfurth an der Oder) to be used. Over 500,000 artillery shells and about 100,000 bombs filled with nerve gas were found in their storage areas (mainly at Krappitz = Krapowice) at the end of the war.
>Hitler refused to conquer Britain. After Dunkirk, Britain was totally defenseless.
>Jewish financiers gave billions to finance Hitler's rise to power.
>Only the Nazi's attempted to kill Hitler. The Americans, British and Soviets made no attempt to kill Hitler. It is known that the British refused to allow a number of feasible assassination plans to proceed.
>An article from "The Jewish World" tells us that Hitler, Goering and Himmler, all have close relatives living as religious Jews in Israel today. Namely, Hitler's nephew's grandson
>Hitler refused to authorise the production of jet fighters. The Heinkel He 178 had its first successful flight in 1939, but the Jews Milch/Goering/Hitler showed no interest in it. The fighter version, the Heinkel He 280, was successfully demonstrated on April 5, 1941, but the Jews Milch/Goering/Hitler refused to put it into production. Hitler wasn't interested in a plane that could travel a couple of hundred miles per hour faster than the others. Same story with the Messerschmidt jets.
>Hitler was let out of jail early and given German citizenship by the same government he plotted to overthrow in the Beer Hall Putsch

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>makes a new thread
>same maths that still doesn't make sense

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