Why is no bra day a thing?

Why is no bra day a thing?
>inb4 mah breast cancer
everyone knows it is just an excuse for you to slut it up.
>mah female cancer is another form of repression narritive

Attached: 081E916B-87D1-4476-97C0-421C0981C952.jpg (640x640, 77K)

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Bras cause super saggy old boobs.

No bra should be an every day thing, not one day.

You're a fag if you have a problem with this

>Bras cause super saggy old boobs.

Gib bob

Tits or gtfo

You're a degenerate that doesn't know what Jow Forums stands for if you don't.

>Inb4 this day also becomes known as max the AC day at work

I will mark my calendar and make sure to remind me liberal city with drive by megaphonings.

I did at least 30 drive bys this morning.

Redpilled the shit out of people.

The megaphone really forces them to listen.

Attached: 1511908687250.png (430x452, 111K)

>nothing but grotesque fat asses are going to participate
