A man's power is in what he does. A woman's power is in her face

A man's power is in what he does. A woman's power is in her face.


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>A man's power is in what he does. A woman's power is in her PUSSY.


face and pussy honestly. bodies and beauty are implied

Yes but where in other species is this also not true?

Doesn't the male bird spend his day building an elaborate nest so that the female will grace him with her presence and choose him as a mate?

If you don't like the system, don't blame women, blame nature.

birds are cucked. That's not how human's work.

You bend over backwards for women, they WILL leave you.

wrong, outright make believe and mind control to make you think you matter above the woman who breathes life into you.

A woman's soul, her energy is what is in total control of our universe and that's a good thing. Love them and be loved, be mattered by them.

this. we are natural species when you get down to it. when you say, for example, a bridge is not "natural" you must also say a beaver's dam is not natural
we're natural animals subject to the same very basic rules of all other animals
i don't think this is a refutation of op though, just an explanation

You bend enough so that they can rest, but you should never bend enough where they feel comfortable.

You should be like a god to your woman.

yeah, we literally get the word cuck from them

I agree with this. You should go to work and put food on the table the best way you can, but anything other than that is doing too much imo.

unless it's related to sex and pleasing her/what you want