Pence tells Mueller to wrap up the investigation

The thundergod has spoken.

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Honestly it's about time. Trump said as much in the rally tonight.

>The thundergod has spoken.
my cock is the thundergod because i am the god of fuck. my cock only speaks in spurts and it did not spurt those words you stupid wop-dago

mueller should investigate pence too
>wrap it up

I wonder what he's afraid of.

Getting scared there, static shock?

Tick tock, Drumpfkins

AIDS. That's why he's telling Mueller to wrap it up before going in.

Bump, all shills will hang.

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Becoming the president?


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It's time to wrap it up and make Drumpf's eat that shit so Pence can become the respectable President that USA needs and longs for

They've got nothing on Pence. Pence either becomes president or stays vice president. Something that Democrats don't seem to realize since they all think they'll win and hillary will magically become president by impeaching Trump. Instead they will get someone who literally hates gays and would be far worse for them.

Mueller is running out of time and support
You can see it in the actions he's taking. He's desperate to just get fired.

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If the investigation ends as a dud before the mid-terms, the Dems are fucked. Prediction: because the DNC is a fully SJW converged institution (a la comics, game developers, university admin, etc.), any staff turnover is only going result in the party becoming more radical. There won't be a single white gentile male left if they lose the mid-terms and heads roll.

I think dems are just more comfortable that pence is still basically an establishment man compared to wildcard Trump.

He scared.

Pence has this feel to him, I don't know what it is but when I look at some of his pictures I feel kind of intimidated by the way he looks at things.

It's being true alpha.

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See what I am saying, he has a look in his eye or something.

Why, he's scared of becoming president if trump gets impeached?

"Thundergod" a necon who is the koch brothers bitch lmao current state of Jow Forums

do you have proofs

>They've got nothing on Pence.
you need to look deeper then

>bank fraud case coming up against cohen
>russian oligarch money flowing into the same account that stormy daniels was paid out of
>multiple indictments and guilty pleas already
>totally nothing to see here

Mueller to Pence:
"It's time for you to go back to minding your own business doing nothing."

Fuck off taco

>establishment man
>wants to ban gay marriage and deport all the beaners

Reminder that Trump picked Pence specifically because Trump wanted someone unacceptable to the types of cuckservatives who want to abandon anything conservative in favor of sucking gay mexican dicks, so that even if the GOPe managed to remove him Pence still wouldn't really be "their guy"

But who will replace him in the beltway circle jerk?

based raiden

Any link I plug you will call a shill unless its from thenewpundit

Guess I gotta check those digits

And getting trounced in 2020. Being VP to a President who resigns in disgrace usually means you don't get elected President. Just ask Gerald Ford.

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>Investigate everyone just because
Is this the gestapo now?


I just want a source to make an opinion about the man for myself

What is his name, Jow Forums?

Pence was hand picked by Manafort, who was in deep with his Ukraine dealings. Pence has made sure to keep totally quiet this entire time, which has been for his best interests.

Why is it now that all the illegal contributions of Cohen's LLC have been found out that Pence is getting jittery? He's likely tied up to that.

Im just here to shitpost electric pence memes

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Mueller is afraid of getting hit by lightning

manafort had a casefile from years ago and nothing in it was considered a crime until trump became president
really makes you think

Wrap that shit up b, you see the sign.

Good old Mike "strap'em to the table and get the jumper cable" Pence.

I unironically want Pence to dominate my whole body, violate my every orifice, fill every single aperture in my body with his cum when he is done with my worthless sluthole, I want him to spit on me, take a leak on me and fry my ass for being such a degenerate faggot.

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A successful impeachment would render the new president a lame duck.

Old fags will remeber this.

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Thread theme : Mike Pence - Ride the Lightning.

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You mean
>Mike "zap 'em in the taint because of the cock they ate" Pence?

look at that hand - that faggot doesn't even pick daisies

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A successful lightning strike would render Mueller lame.

You mean...

>Michael "ACDC for the LGBT" Pence?

Mike "cure the gays with gamma rays" Pence

Attached: pence fruits.jpg (1200x630, 63K)

I thought it was Mike "Amperes for fucking queers" Pence

why is al whore manbearpig so fucking blabbered about - but Pence -- heck anyone got even one quote ?

Hes steely eyed. His stare alone exudes authority. He would be a great high disciplinarian.

No, I think it's
Mike "lightning bolt for gay ass dopes" Pence

Are you sure it isn't Mike "Set phasers to straight" Pence

Well, that's Mike "guard your ass cuz he hates sass" Pence

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Come on niggers, we used to hit 500 posts with this shit.
>Mike "if you're gay he'll make you pay" Pence

How did you get rid of the leaf? Asking for um a friend

Mike "Deus Volt" Pence

Are you me?

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I asked a friend
>Mike "the leaf will pay, I'll make it go away" Pence

Name one time Impeachment actually happened yet alone did anything to the sitting president?

I'm convinced this whole witch hunt was just a way of putting pressure on Trump to follow the ZOG agenda with respect to foreign policy.
If they decide to wrap it up soon, I fear it indicates that Trump has finally caved and is willing to remove Assad and start shit with Iran.

You are 25% correct

Step 1: Get a rake
Step 2: Rake
Step 3: The whole fucking planet profits

Hey shut up

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Mike “LGBT AC/DC” Pence

You mean
Mike "you dig the cock, you're in for a shock" Pence?

Miguel Pense

Pence literally is a bastion of purity. It's why Trump chose him over all other candidates. He had much stronger supporters who would have went the extra mile. Pence just does his job, hes traditional and authoritarian.

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pence is a faggot

That's why all of this
>impeach drumph
stuff makes me laugh. I'd take a Pence presidency any day. He's just too conservative to win in a general I think.
>Mike "march in a parade and I'll have you spayed" Pence

>russian oligarch money flowing into the same account that stormy daniels was paid out of
Never heard of a legal trust account

You mean Mike "suck a cock get a shock" Pence?

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You mean Mike " Lightning bolts for semites" Pence

I believe it’s pronounced Mike “gays in camps and crank the amps” Pence

I think he meant Mike "suck a lad, you'll get zapped real bad" Pence

Mike "Israel first makes sense" Pence

Mike “faggots and thots get megawatts” Pence

Mike "touch a tit and get off quick" Pence

Sounds like something a guilty man would say....

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Already btfo dum dum

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I don't get it

Mike "Kids a sissy? Give him more tricity" Pence

Mike "aidsy gays get rays for days" Pence

He'll be the perfect enforcer for Trump's regime, or the guy who can pave the way for Trump's return if they finally get him.

>Pence to Muller Man

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