Many soldiers have been declared since the past elections that they won't support nor follow orders of Trump if world...

Many soldiers have been declared since the past elections that they won't support nor follow orders of Trump if world war III starts.

Do you think there is a possible threat among the US army because of this?

Attached: rttetret.jpg (1080x1285, 71K)

Their opinion doesn't matter they are property of the U.S. Government.

Just like how every shitlib was going to move to Canada if Drumpf won, right?

Oh no, the Air Force isn't on board. Guess we only have air support from the Navy, Marines, and Army. How will we ever recover?


>Many soldiers have been declared
no they haven't

theyll do what theyre told or be court martial-ed and made examples of.

Getting real tired of your shit, Mr. Memeflag,

Attached: 1525135924107.jpg (208x242, 16K)

That guy looks like a drunk.

>full beard