Literally a traitor to the crown

Post traitors.

Attached: Traitor.jpg (500x377, 65K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>standing up for yourself is being a traitor

>2 English rejects defending each other

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No, but unjustifiably betraying your country and getting your kith killed is.

What are you?

You fly the EU flag.

You are the traitor.

>American can't into reading comprehension
Shouldn't be suprised I suppose
I bet you think Ned Kelly was a traitor too, you fucking poofter

>What are you?
>You fly the EU flag.
>You are the traitor.

Says the meme flag

No, just a criminal (and not a very good one). But he was dealing with crooked cops for a bit. So at least that evens out.

>flag related

Says another meme flag

>Betraying your cousin,him and his family getting killed by commies

Attached: King George 5.jpg (700x393, 100K)

He was a mason that owned allegiance only to Satan.

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>EU flag
>accusing others of being traitors

I hate you bootlickers more than the jews.

Fuck off Yank, Australia is literally better than you in every metric, not to mention everyone likes them more

They're even better than you at being racist. Compare Australian refugee policies vs American ones

The American Revolution is a meme by revolution standards and involved like 3% of the American population at most.
Very few people died compared to any major European revolt or heaven forbid the Chinese ones.

>creates the greatest nation on the planet

Still feeling that salt there Mohammad?

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Lol, you are posting with an EU flag. You are a traitor to your own monarchy.

>Very few people died
The amount is less of a concern. It's that some (((merchants))) and wannabe (((politicians))) put their own selfish aims above the rest of their countrymen.

Ok sweety

>said nation becomes Israeli puppet

Reminder that Jefferson's "all men are created equal" is the one line that fucked the entire west. It's not twisted to promote racial equality and we all suffer due to it

Yeah sure whatever

Brazil being a shithole doesnt disprove what I said about Australia being better than the US

it's true tho.

>Brazil being a shithole doesnt disprove what I said about Australia being better than the US
Let me know when the world cares about what Brazil and Australia does and we can talk. I legit like both your country's but stop pretending like you're relevant.

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He liked sticking his dick in farm equipment let's forget what he says for now.

Is it really selfish for them if they're doing it for their countrymen though?
What if they just wanted them to be free and pursue their own country independent of Britain, with its own wishes and destiny?

But it's not and it's objectively false.

((((((( Crown ))))))

>Is it really selfish for them if they're doing it for their countrymen though?
They weren't, though. It offered no advantage to the loyalists, and instead was to puff up the traitor leaders.

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him fighting against the crown was a betrayal against Freemasonry itself

You think some people should be given inherent superiority? I mean obviously some people are better but that the quote means no one should be given devine respect over another for birthright.

You’re not a traitor if you formally declare independence first. I consider a traitor someone who has the trust of another and only reveals themselves to be an enemy through a harmful act of backstabbing.
Washington and his followers clearly stated “we’re independent now.” He gave fair, peaceful warning before the war that he no longer swore allegiance to Britain.

It's not given, they just have it, or take it.

Tough fucking titties.

>Why would you be mad about getting stabbed in the back when i told you i was going to stab you in the back?

I wish this wasn't true.

I'm against that. As an inferior person i don't like that idea.

No one wants your faggot crown.

Sometimes you have to be a traitor to be a patriot

>implying he believed blacks were "men"

Washington had the best twitter bantz.

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And that's what's wrong with the world now.

Chinese, eh?

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No, they're pretty mutually exclusive. Terrorist/"Freedom" Fighter fit better, though.

if only he would have stuck up for his cousin, we wouldn't have Bolshevism to deal with to this day

>People that got sick of an incredibly unstable parliament at the time and a literal mad king.
>People that bailed Europe out of both world wars and prevented Western Europe from turning into a Comunist shithole.
You can screech all you want but we'll still bail your ass out again when the time comes.

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>People that bailed Europe out of both world wars

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>Doesn't know that Russia backed out of the first World War.

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If I was soft EU faggot , I would take my mind off my genocide too.

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Well aware of it. But it was key to entrenching German forces. Even if they did broadcast unencrypted.
So they played an actual role, unlike America, no matter what your American "history" books say.

Now try saying that without tears

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Are you the crown cock sucker?
A monarchy is contrary to a truely free nation, a democratic republic was the right way to go

The Crown betrayed us when they violated our colonial charters.

Wrong on both counts, bootlicker. Hereditary monarchies are far more libertarian, especially when compared to a (((republic))) built on bureaucracy and pretending people have some kind of choice in the matter.

hurrrr the crown is great all their colonies are just shit hurrrrr
If the crown was so great it should have better controlled their territories

>Built on beurocracy
Maybe in the commonwealths, not in the original 13
You do when you vote your reps in. You're saying you might as well just leave it to some crown and trust they'll be benelovent, which is retarded, especially if you take a look at the British royalty today. Do you trust them?
>Just trust the crown goy the nanny state is the way to go goy don't rebel for independence

Shove your crown up your funky faggity ass.

>Literally a traitor to the crown
The crown gave us no choice. There were two votes for independence; one in the First Continental Congress, which failed miserably, and the second in the Second Continental Congress, which passed unanimously. The majority of people in Congress during the Revolution did not want to declare independence until the crown gave them no choice and the majority of people during the war were indifferent, only a minority were Loyalists and Patriots. The final straw was trying to take arms away from the Massachusetts state militia at Lexington and Concord and even then there were those that did not want independence.
So fuck off memeflag.

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>Maybe in the commonwealths, not in the original 13
Yea, both.
>You do when you vote your reps in.
Allegedly. And even then, you only get to pick from who's on the list.
>You're saying you might as well just leave it to some crown and trust they'll be benelovent
Which is far more likely than if you have a bunch of (((politicians))) owned by kikes.
>look at the British royalty today. Do you trust them?
More than any politician we have. Politicians have no incentive to do well, as we've seen for hundreds of years.
>the nanny state is the way to go
>t. country where you can't even collect rain water or live off the grid

>Giving lectures on the nanny state

Who better to recognise it?

so the boston massacre was just a meme? what about the raids on concord and lexington?

>Muh American education strawman
You mean asside from the thousands of arms, men and other equipment we gave to the British? How fucking brain dead are you?

You are garbage op. Garbage.

Order of Cincinnatus forever

Death to tyrants

>so the boston massacre was just a meme?
It literally was, yes

They were throwing rocks at armed soldiers, not sure what they expected to happen

What can you expect from a Freemason but treason?

This pretty much, but libtards and cuckservatives won't back that up

Pretty minor in the grand scheme. And they all brought it upon themselves anyway. Revere and co played it up like they weren't literally asking for it. Guess they're still fooling you.

>American education
M8, i've been a party to your "education" system, and it sadly isn't a strawman. I'm not blaming you for it, though.
>You mean asside from the thousands of arms, men and other equipment we gave to the British?
Which was lovely, but still not much in the way of a deciding factor.

Not treason, for one. Since it's a violation of the oaths.

actually it was a protest to show the king they didn't want to pay the crown extra for parchment and tea due to the crown fucking up finances while also not having representation.

>due to the crown fucking up finances
See, this is why people mock American "education"

how did they? the liberty party didn't throw any tea into the harbour yet, it was just a demonstration basically saying "we ain't paying your fucking taxes asshat"

... fucking brazilian trying to talk down to ANYONE....HA!

By attacking the soldiers.

And it's funny how you don't see protests or demonstrations on the same level nowadays, despite the """freedom""" Americans are told they have.

why else did the taxes on parchment and tea rise on the colonoes but not the british isles?

>Dodging the arguement
Thought as much.

Because those tariffs were to cover expenses incurred by the colonies.

Not at all. You're just overestimating the impact. Which again, is not your fault, since you only get fed jingoistic lies in your schooling.

do you really want to talk about freedoms while you can't even speak about (((them)))?

The Boston Massacre is one of the oldest propaganda pieces in American History. The Revolutionaries were throwing "snowballs" which were compacted and filled with rocks and were shot because of it but the fake news media obviously twisted it to just snowballs.

That being said, the Revolutionary War was one of the most principled wars in history. Where you had wealthy individuals giving up their lives and their wealth for freedom.

explain further, exactly how was it the colonies fault or the colonies expenses that the king was paying for?

>He's using an American flag so he must of had an (((American))) education.
>Uses it as only means of arguement.
This is too funny to not continue.

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Sure. Because we can identify the problem. You lot just get placated while they fuck you. Ask yourself how successful that chap would be if he were in NYC.

Military costs from the colonists starting shit with Indians and the French.
>that the king was paying for?
*The Crown. Which was managed by parliament.

> so he must of had an (((American))) education.
I mean, you were hitting all the checkboxes. Where did you actually attend school that they fed you such lies if not the USA, then?
Besides, that's only tangential to the core point. You postulated that America was responsible for arming and manning the British forces, and that won the war for their side. Do you have data to back it up?

when were snowballs mentiioned? all that was said was the boston massacre was bad unwarrented, you say "they threw rocks so they must be killed", who is really the propagated one.

America is the greatest country in the world

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>Provides no data for arguement but asks for data.
Nah mate you first.

>A war started by the crown is now(because I say so) started by the colonists.

are you retarded the crown started that and we call it the french and indian war, might want to read up on it kid.

>because he wouldn't be famous means being locked up for pointing (((them))) out is completely justified and ok.

you must be shitposting.

It's not treason if you win, bitch.

You're the one making the claim, boy-o.

>the crown started that
After colonists had incursions into French territory. And again, parliament made such decisions.
>he wouldn't be famous
What does that have to do with it? I mean try pulling that in the USA and see how it's handled.
Your racial discrimination laws work pretty well for (((them))).

No, it still is. You just don't have the repercussions.