1990s America

What were the 90s really like? Was it truly heaven on Earth for suburban Chads? Any oldfags with stories to share?

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>Fags were quiet
>Niggers were powerless
>Politicians were still bought
>Economy were good
>Tiddies were smaller
>Frogs hadn't turned gay yet

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Pretty easy going. However it was the real beginning to the degeneracy we see today.

>Class of 99 reporting

the 90’s ended on 9/11/01

>lower levels of political correctness
>less faggotry and feminist bullshit in the media and culture
>sand niggers were overseas sand nigging, no refugees causing problems
>stable economy
>golden age of vidya

Then everything went to shit on 9/11

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Video games are better now. Plus we have technology which makes life easier mostly. However cars were way cooler then and no social media was a big plus. Also lack of wide spread cell phones was comfy.

>70$ dollar vidya

Holy shit not even the best AAA games today go past 60 bucks

>What were the 90s really like?

Ffs, op was born in the 2000's..


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So much this. Everything changed after that day.

digits of truth

>Video games are better now

Better in some respects, but worse in others (SJW bullshit, pandering to a more casual audience, etc) . The lack of social media was fantastic, shame you can't put that cat back in the bag.

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yes it was awesome and dope on a rope now excuse me while i go weep for the future

Degeneracy was rampant since the early 1950s

cars were way worse then.

The 90s was factually superior to the 2000s, and the 2010s as well up until liiiiike 2014.

Honestly, we really came into our own culture from 2014+

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>Video games are better now
Most modern games are just interactive movies that play themselves.

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Nah, I'd say the peak was between 2007-2011ish and everything before that time frame is better than what came after for the most part.

Tbh I stopped playing vidya but the market kind of ruined them for me in HS. I used to love Resident Evil but they fucked it up and I learned that every market will follow the money. Grunge rock was really cool but nowadays the Jews in Hollywood prefer to go with cheap nigger and hip hop music because it turns a profit easier. It sucks but the age of information has also hurt our society as much as it has helped it. Sometimes people learn things that they then use to make our lives worse.

No they were factually shit.

Niggers were far more savage back then, this generation of apes is low T and faggy by comparison.

This with the addition of no google

It was better, more peaceful. You could tell a fucking joke and it wasn't the end of the world. You could prank call ppl and the cops wouldn't knock on your door (The original trolling). Wouldn't get shot playing cowboys and indians. And your little boys and girls, were still little boys and girls.
>The 90's was the master decade

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Seriously though, everything from 9/11 onward is our slow transition into a living Hell. It's only going to get worse.

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Cars were way more comfy back then. Nowadays cars are overly safe piles of wire that are a pain in the ass to work on.

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The only good thing about the 90s is the last good moments of rock & roll. Other than the the 90s was full of wiggers and leftists were starting to gain momentum.

ya it was pretty bliss

that looks like garbage

It was actually fun to go out and do shit because you know you weren't going to be recorded, not so many minorities, you got lucky sometimes and smashed some prime pussy.

Class of '00
The 90s sucked in their own regards, but they really were a unique time to be alive and young in, but I guess everyone says that of the decade they grew up in

What do you mean about coming into our own culture?

Yeah, he picked a bad example

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Those cars are so much more fun to drive than today's crossovers. You can take the top off too. Sure the seats aren't nice, but it's simple and cheap. The over regulation of the auto industry has made cars expensive and less creative.

With inflation these games have gotta be over $100 in today's money.

Class of '98. The 90's ruled, you were just a spazz.

I spent most of the 90s in prison out in oregon it was okay

but the console is $499, a controller is like 60, and it comes with no games.

The thing about the 90s that was special was that everyone who was expected to do well did well. You never really heard of a middle-class American out of work for too long or having money issues. It was expected for somebody in their 20s to have a good job, get married in late 20s or early 30s, and be able to buy a nice house afterwards. Sure the perennial blacks and public housing inhabitants were worse off, but everyone else was happy going out for entertainment rather than staying in.

im in my 40s. It was never paradise. It was the beginning of white surburban rich kids appropriating black culture because Duran Duran broke up. And NWA was cursing. Drugs were all over but it wasnt such a douchey lifestyle of hard core larpers. Fags were accepted with little notice and werent feeling the need to scream their sexuality for acceptance and privledge. White women were totally the same. All kardashians without reality TV. Music was definitely better and TV and Movies werent such a cliche' like it is now. Food wasnt as clean and wholesome like today unless your family was smarter than most. People definitely werent such victim mentality focused pussies like today. I think parents stopped beating kids around then which explains why so many of you little faggots have a mouth on you that you never earned in the streets. In fact, everyone under 35 in america should be fucking burned alive so Gen X can repopulate and we might have a fighting chance.

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I had a great time fuck nut, especially ripping upperclassmen off on oregano lol

so did you faggot. mx6's are fucking garbage.


Another classic 90s suv.

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It was allright, there was a bit of fuckery still going on. Had Bill Clinton in office but desu he was a pretty right leaning democrat. Politics was very different back then. Since it was before 9/11 you could get away with a lot more shit.

>1990s America


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Objectively incorrect you fucking dullard

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Fuck you back old man

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Fuck you nigger

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They gave microphones to Courtney Love, it was awful.

holy shit a Geo! that your example of how cars were better. come on. cars may be over regulated now but I can get 500 hp and 20 mpg, cars in the 90's were starting to shake off the 80's malaise but they were not better.


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>the 90s ended 21 months into the following decade
american education

U fockin wot m8

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The 1999 Jeep Cherokee is simply the best.

Geos are the chad car choice. Sorry to blow your bubble.

>sorry to blow your bubble

didn't like re7 ?

I prefer the 96. After 97 you start to get some electronic issues. But really any Cherokee is a good choice. The 4.0 I6 is a great engine and it's easy to work on.

That straight six was a beast.



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Cup holders my man. Cup holders.

>obvious symbolic meaning
american education


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Not really an oldie but this was, in my view, the very last time that it was okay to be white, straight, Republican, etc without being ostracized. I think 9/11 ruined my nation. It's very sad too, I think race relations and everyone were on a better trajectory before all that shit. I just miss the lack of social media, 24/7 news cycle, being offended over everything. It wasn't even that far back and yet it was a simpler time.
Every white man now, he's living Blade Runner 2049. Makes me sad as hell, to have my brethren that built this world wallow in the miseries of the 21st century. We built ourselves just below the heavens, all to give it up to backwards, angry brown faggots.

trips don't lie, it's still annoying


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Manufacturing cartridges was a helluva lot more expensive than burning a game to a disk is these days. It wasn't until the first playstation games were on CDs.

>he doesn't install his own cup holders
user, I...

True. There is always an overhang of decades. The 80s ended with the release of Nevermind in 91. John Lennon's death ended the 1970s.

The one he posted is 4 wheel drive and you posted a gay persons wet dream.

Who /Jade Falcon/ here?

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cars were pretty shitty...ur right user

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No. We lived like brazilians during 90s.

>dodge stealth

i can't get over the fast that you 3kgt kids think that car is fast.

it isn't and you would never be next to the viper once the light went green

fun fact, jeep was the most popular car brand amongst gays until the pt cruiser came out

Anyone else here have a saturday morning of cartoons destroyed by pic related?

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Can you believe that after they stopped making the Supra the "sports car" Toyota got back into the game with was the Scion?

From the fucking BASED Supra to.......the scion.....the fucking scion

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Graduated high school in '91. Went to college, dropped out after a year and road tripped with my room mate. Grunge was in full swing and it was our soundrack everywhere we went. Went to Vegas, caught the Dead's last show there, Jerry died shortly after. Went to L.A., camped on the beach, drove up the pch hit seattle. It was a cool town back then. Got to see some of our heroes play live, smoked week nonstop, snorted coke, drank, partied, listened to loud music, banged random girls, got tattoos. Pretty much lived the transient life for about 5 years. Then it was time to make some money, so I had to get a real job. Which leads me to now. Just sitting back and watching western civilization fall apart at an alarmingly fast pace. Time to go innawoods.

true dat

one of my dream cars

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*speeds pasts you*
*watches you breakdown due to 1/10,000 electrical shit parts thanks to Mitsubishi*

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the 90s may have been peak nigger fetishism. most white males from 13-19 tried acting like them from rap videos. most of the time they thought that was what girls wanted. with the rise of basedboy generation they don't want girls anymore so aping alpha male behavior is a lot less popular.

Hedge funds came in and cleaned up wall street making businesses cut costs,outsource jobs and only focus on profit by whatever means.

No the 90s had nothing on the 80s, and as far as I can tell the 70s were peak Chad paradise.
But they were better than today that's for sure.
You are not allowed to be a fun-loving Chad today, not if you're white.



Every time I watch this video I think to myself, if I could go back in time and catch up to myself as I was sliding down the slide at Discovery zone and could somehow tell myself about all the shit that was going to happen to me. If I could somehow transfer all my knowledge to this impressionable young man with his full head of hair and excellent life ahead of him would I even believe me? Could I possibly even imagine at that time that things would turn out to be this bad. I need to go lay down for a minute now.

90s were the end of the 80s, so they fucking ruled

Legendary motor, totally gormless and uninspiring shape. That car looks like a miata with a shitty wing on the back.
A car needs more than a 3.0 motor to be truly badass, and it has to look good


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90's ... not much going on since i was a kid. socialist government elected, emergence of bolder crime, high chink murder rate, hard drugs, mass immigration from middle east begins, construction, growth ceased, canada declared a "third world country" by some.

went to middle school, with a mix of middle class and ghetto kids. ghetto kids do drugs in play ground, are in gangs and bring weapons to school. guys from ghetto who failed a bunch of grades, like 20 years old, popping cherries.

late 90s comes the common sense revolution, headed by the conservatives. gib-me-dats very butthurt.

1990's were the golden age of porn.

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The 1990s were when degeneracy became more apparent. Compared the 70s for example, this was the era where womyn wanted to work and not have kids (started in the 80s, worsened in the 90s). Nigger culture became acceptable and cool. A lot of other shit. Video games and comftyness though were good. Its weird to watch old american films about going to Europe and it being a desirable place unlike the shithole it is now, particularly France

memeflag keki/s are by the worst posters of all the memeflag posters.

fuck off dude. you grew up in the 90s and you post under a shit memeflag? grow up. nigger.

Peak Anna Malle before the drugs really fucked her looks

I'll tell you 1st hand
>Boost controller set to barometric (14.7 psi) ($15-300)
>Bigger turbos ($500-3000+) (Let's say 1000 set of twins)
>Intercooler (400)
>And exhaust (700)
And i guarantee you'd get smoked on stock tires.

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