Weed is the redpilled man's medicine

>get food poisoning
>nauseous all the time no matter how much I puke
>no position is comfortable
>literally want to kill myself from having to be sick and not being able to drink or eat anything without puking it
>look up remedies online
>teas, lemon juice, change your focus, fresh air, sitting up straight, etc...
>gets into more serious over the counter drugs like Emetrol, Nauzene, Dramamine, Pepto-Bismol, Gravol
>say fuck it and go out and buy a pipe and a gram of weed from the local dispensary even though I quit last week
>feeling sick as fuck on my walk and ready to puke, can barely pack my bowl with no energy and wanting to puke
>take a toke
>suddenly my nausea is gone
>decide to chill and play some games
>start getting munchies and don't even realize that I'm drinking at eating without feeling sick by the time I already am halfway done downing all of that
>literally cured now even after high is gone

Tell me how cannabis is a degenerate drug. Tell me how it's not the redpilled man's choice of medicine instead of pumping themselves full of pharmaceuticals. This is the LORD's plant.

Attached: Moon_Rocks.jpg (600x400, 61K)

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Do whatever the hell you want, just don’t post about your faggotry on a politics board

It is a good temporary reliever of many symptoms.

Thing is, those symptoms are coming from something.
And that something might just kill the shit out of you if you don't find out what it is and receive treatment.

You were probably just feeling that way because you decided to drop weed. This happens all the time when you try to change your addictive behavior.

Just try to notice that weed has a fair bit of visual effects before you go schizo

t. dabber for 7 years now

Pot does not have physical withdrawal effects like the ones described by the OP.

Weed is just level 1 tier red pilling. You need to do shrooms or LSD at least once to get to a higher level of clairvoyance.

nah, I've gotten food poisoning before. It was just some shitty food I had eaten at a buffet.

yes it does - your appetite will be obliterated when you quit so you're either gonna eat anyway or not eat at all - neither feel good

This isn't a "politics discussion" board. It's for the discussion of "politically incorrect" topics, hence the name Politically Incorrect. Now fuck off dickhead

>get food poisoning
pick better food, maybe?

What is this unwitty banter? Are you a female that you just have to find something to snivel about?

No. The Jews give you weed to keep you mellow and meek. Sheep much?

Thank you. Finally someone understands that psychedelics are the ultimate redpill

I'm addicted to weed,
weed is over rated.

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don't eat raw chicken and maybe you won't need to get doped-up in order to suppress the nausea that ensues?

Yeah, Jow Forums is reserved for threads about dick skins and Jordan Peterson.

Yeah but stoner culture is gay

thanks for the obvious tips. wow I guess I don't need weed.

are you going to tell cancer patients that use weed to settle their nausea "don't get cancer next time"?

Fuck off. You're dismissing the thread topic just to be a bitch.

>Even though I quit last week

Nice excuse.

>get food poisoning
It's probably withdrawals from "giving up" weed last week.


>weed withdrawals

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It did stop me from puking my guts out after puking and shitting for 18 hours. Don’t eat pork chops that have been in the fridge for too long.

Why do Germans feel the need to shitpost even when they are on vacations?

I want weed so bad when I’m not smoking and I don’t want it when I am.

Getting high is like sobering up to me. I’ve struggled with addiction (to weed) for years now. Anyone who says it isn’t addictive is wrong.

>weed withdrawals

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moon rocks are degenerate.

You dont have to act like a stoner to smoke weed. A lot of people you think would never smoke weed actually smoke it. I know this person whose a higher up in some insurance company. She shit talks weed constantly and calls people who smoke it losers. Well one day her husband approached me and asked me if he could buy some weed from me. I asked him what for and he said so me and my wife can smoke some tonight. I was shocked and asked him why she shit talks it all the time and he said so no one ever expects her of smoking it.

I can smoke 90% pure concentrates for weeks and stop without a single problem, let alone anything even close to food poisoning effects. You do not get these kinds of symptoms from stopping, even suddenly. You might be a little irritable or difficulty sleeping, but it's not fucking comparable to food poisoning.

Smoke everyday for five years and quit cold turkey and tell me it’s not physical withdrawl

I’ve quit high-volume weed usage cold turkey several times for various reason. The only “withdrawal symptoms” there are is
>decreased appetite
>being bored.

As someone who smoked the stuff for 8 years I can tell you it is the opposite of a red pill
It makes you lazy and stupid and unmotivated. I quit a couple weeks ago and am have never felt as full of energy as I have now. (((They))) are pushing for legalization because it makes us complacent and dumb which is the best thing for dumb goys. Rise above it anons the future is ours

>quit several times

Tell me again how you overcame your addiction

But you're not undergoing chemotherapy. You're experiencing nausea because you don't know how to prepare food correctly. You already sound like a retard so you probably shouldn't be damaging your mental faculties even further. Here's some advice; learn how to prepare food correctly and you'll save money when you don't have to buy drugs in order to keep from vomiting it up. If you get cancer and have to do chemo, smoke away, champ!

Mostly just closed eye visuals.

So what do you have to say about the fact that it literally shits on the pharmaceutics industry, which is one of the biggest heads of the jew hydra.

It’s okay for medical purposes but the only redpilled recreational drug is and always will be cocaine.

>It's probably withdrawals from "giving up" weed last week.

wow you're a fuckin retard

They're a tourist novelty thing. It's just a regular nug of cannabis rolled in melted concentrates and then further rolled in kief. When really there's just no need to get anything other than concentrates.

I smoke 90%+ concentrates, like 2 grams of it a week. And I can do that with no problem.

Those people are idiots, I T break all the time to reduce tolerance, but that's simply a break with the intent to lower tolerance, not me quitting cannabis or anything.

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You're the weakest nigger on the face of the earth. Weed withdrawal is like 2 days of upset stomach.

but alcohol is fine rite?

im not doing this again

Just get your mind off it. POOF! "Withdrawal symptoms" gone

>you don't know how to prepare food properly

Read the thread dumbass, it wasn't me who prepared it. Go practice your "wittiness" somewhere else, child.

>I-i-i can quit whenever, I do it all the time
You’re pathetic.

I’m currently 8 months since I last smoked. I plan to smoke again in the future, and have intended to ever since I quit.

Do you think month 9 the withdrawal will suddenly hit me? Maybe month 10?

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>thinking Jews dont have a hydra head in weed
(((They))) are pushing for legalization because they know pharmaceutics aren't sustainable and keeping us goys drugged up on anything is good for them

whatever you (((alt-right))) cringelords tell yourselfs.

please quote the part of my post where I said that alcohol is fine, thank you.


You’re past withdrawal now, but it’s obvious you’re not past addiction

I never stated it was attempts to quit, just stopping so I don't have to smoke as much. If I wanted to quit I could, seeing as I can just up and stop doing it for 3 weeks at a time without any problem. I simply enjoy it too much to quit, I have never claimed to quit. did you even read what I posted?

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>When really there's just no need to get anything other than concentrates.

real weed tastes better when you properly vaporize it

i wouldnt be surprised if it was healthier too, flavinoids and shit

at least in some ways, theres probably more carcinogens

Yeah but weed is natural. They can have a head in it all they want, but in the end so does every other person on this Earth. They can't control nature. That's the jew's downfall. They're desperately trying to control it for sure, but it's for damage control purposes at most.

Seems like youre addicted to being a faggot. Get help!

Ah the classic I can quit whenever I want, I’ll do it without problems just watch. Any day now...


>everything cool until you run out and turn into a grumpy crackhead junky till you get more

Regular users take tolerance breaks all the time.
Ever hear of an alcoholic, heroin addict, or cigarette smoker talk about taking a break for a week or two to reset their tolerance?

Nice, looks like I hit a nerve

>Weed is the redpilled man's medicine
Okay Tyrone now stop resisting or we're going to Trayvon Martin your degenerate ass.

Bulimics throw up so they can eat. Sounds the same to me

Nausea to the point of vomiting, constant sweating, physical tension, panic attacks, all are common occurrances after quitting heavy daily use



So you're trying to be rude? GTFO all you smarmy jew shits!


>Yeah but that’s not withdrawl. I chose to do that so I can get higher next week.

What this user said: You have no idea what you are talking about.

>Weed is natural
Then why is nobody smoking flower anymore? Why is it all about oils and dabs and hash and taking that high to the next level? Because weed stopped being natural a long time ago when we started pumping them full of chemicals to make them stronger. Go ask any hippie boomer what weed was like in their day and watch them shit themselves trying to smoke the shit we have now

so you're either a nog or a chink and your relatives don't know how to cook food properly or you paid someone to prepare and serve you bacteria infested food instead. Thanks for clearing that up.

Concentrates taste incredible if done correctly. Have to have that terpene profile on point though.

I literally could though, I stop for 3-4 weeks at a time without a problem. Again, I have never claimed to "quit" smoking weed for good, I enjoy it too much.

>you can stop cold turkey for a month so what
>Just permanently stop doing this thing you enjoy lmao
>a stranger on the internet called you an addict.

When you resort to calling someone gay, you’ve obviously lost your argument. ITT is a bunch of weed addicts that can’t face reality.

Concentrates are a waste of THC. You are missing the terpenes that make THC worthwhile.

Wow THE drugabuse.com said what?? I sure am BTFO now!

I only smoke weed after a day of biking all day and when I hit the pool at the gym pretty hard.

Or when I'm nauseous or really sunburnt.

I used to smoke all day everyday and watched my life get destroyed, but I was also getting drunk everyday so it was the least of my problems. As long as you don't make it a nightly indulgence then smoke up.

Yeah and now I'm looking into picking up a second job to finance my desire to invest. Thanks shrooms. I will not become a spider eliving in the cracks of society. I will become a cat with two wives and a king sized bedroom bed.


Look at the IDs, I wasn't the one that called you gay but I sure do agree with him!

So bulimics can die from quitting bulimia?
Or was it maybe a really shitty comparison to draw?

Great deduction skills I can tell you'll go far in life.

Just don't do it everyday and use in moderation. There are many potential bad issues that can occur in abuse/over use of it, but one thing cannabis does is impede/prevents R.E.M.cycles during sleep (which is very important and essential for brain/mental health).

Rosin made 30 years ago will be just as strong as Rosin made today. They'll make less of it 30 years ago but it will be the same strength. No chemicals or even solvents involved, just heat and pressure.

Only if you're smoking that one literally 99.97% crystalline THC-a picture that I posted. Good concentrates or sauce will have all the terpenes you could want.

Attached: rosin-squish.jpg (640x396, 44K)

Have you ever smoked 10 bowls of hydro a day for 1 year and then given up cold turkey?

Know what that feels like?

Didn't think so, go back to school.

>why is no one smoking flowers anymore
Literally jews. Pure THC is a terrible drug.

>Why is it all about oils and dabs and hash and taking that high to the next level?

niggers and jews, sure but we're just talking weed here.

That's like saying water is degenerate because some people do enemas.

>Literally poison yourself
>smoke dank weed bro to subdue your body’s necessary reaction to what you did
Hahaha bro my arm is missing so just give me heroin based

Did you even read the thread? You sound like a fucking faggot irl.

>withdrawals from "giving up" weed

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>ctrl f
im so glad youre the only fucking faggot who used this term. regardless of your bullshit schizo brain shit, flower is still natural and people who smoke anything else are brain dead retards. also i hate ad hom but if you use the term flower you are a wookie.

Yeah we've all been through college and had to get a job, m8. You talk like an early 20s kid who thinks he's hot shit because he finally stepped out into the real world.

Daily reminder that Scythians (ancient Aryans) were the first to use cannabis recreationally.

Your ignorance is kinda sexy. Lube that boipussy. I'm gettinf hard.

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did you only smoke pot. Cause Ive been smoking abundantly, daily for the past 6-7 years. I quit for a month around christmas. No physical withdrawls and after 3 days my mood was fine and I didn't really think about it much. Plus I quit cigs for the same amount of time at the same time and it didn't seem any worse to me.

>Flower is ok
>Take flower and put it under tons of pressure and some heat
>It's now not ok


Weed is for niggers like you

All these triggered weed addicts defending their degenerate filthy habits.

You smoke weed to feel like I do normally. You take breaks to get higher because you’ve become numb to a drug.

>having to do all this bullshit to bud makes it ok!
just smoke weed.

Er, I have. But more like several years.

>Weed is the redpilled man's medicine
Shill your drugs somewhere else pothead .

But he is right?

>you smoke weed to feel like I do normally
>retarded and overly pleased with yourself
Shit, maybe he is right.