This Popish rubbish was found in layers—first one doctrinal error and then another and then another, and then another, and then another—till at this time the errors of the Church of Rome are as countless as the stars, as black as midnight and as foul as Hell! Her abominations reek in the nostrils of all good men.
Her idolatries are the scorn of reason and the abhorrence of faith! The iniquities of her practice and the enormities of her doctrine almost surpass belief! Popery is as much the masterpiece of Satan as the Gospel is the masterpiece of God! There can scarcely be imagined anything of devilish craftiness or Satanic wickedness which could be compared with her—she is unparalleled as the queen of iniquity.
Behold upon her forehead the name, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH. The Church of Rome and her teachings are a vast mountain of rubbish covering the Truth of God!
The Protestant Pill
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Christianity is all bluepilled and stupid, regardless of which denomination.
Based spurgeon
The prince of preachers! I learned about spurgeon first from the christian answers youtube channel.
Praise Jesus!
"We Preach Christ and Him Crucified"
One of the best. Unfortunately many who cite him today don't mention his scathing critiques of Romanism because of the current economical trend.
I love all you brothers in Christ here on Jow Forums! Let us lift up our praise to the Lord Jesus Christ!