Pit bull shoots owner

>An Iowa man says his dog inadvertently shot him while they were roughhousing Wednesday.

>Richard Remme, 51, of Fort Dodge, told police he was playing with his dog, Balew, on the couch and tossed the dog off his lap. He says when the pit bull-Labrador mix bounded back up, he must have disabled the safety on the gun in his belly band and stepped on the trigger.

>The gun fired, striking one of Remme’s legs. He was treated at a hospital and released later that day.


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Figures. Most dog shoots man stories are about Pit Bulls.

who the fuck ever thought it was wise to arm these beasts?
probably the same people who think it's wise to arm fucking pitbulls

Lol, I thought this was parody at first.

Thought this was an onion article

He dindu nuffin. He iz aw good boi

>"Hey man look like were room mates for our stay here. So eh...what happened to you?"
"My fucking dog shoot me."

>owning a pitbull
He had it coming. If I ever saw a pitbull on my property I'd split it's head with an axe

How often do dogs kill people in your cunt?

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mistake. its okay white men. its okay to admit accepting nigger slaves from jew ships were mistakes.

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