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nice try Mr. P

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No, not even a little. He's against white people looking out for our own racial interests, while foreign parasites flood our countries and aggressively push for their own racial interests. He also believes truth is determined by outcomes, which is literally insane.

Just because some Lefty professor stands up to the tranny pronoun nonsense doesn't make him our leader.

that dude looks like Lenin
I dont like it

cool so hows he feel about the Jews

Juden Peterstein

Did any of you go to his talk tonight? It was fucking great.

das juden peterstein ubermensch!@

Sorry Juden Peterstein, you had a good run, but we broke the conditioning.

He thinks they're just smarter than you and they don't just hire within their tribe.

Don't quote me but I'm pretty sure that's his position.

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t. Jordan Peterson

Now that'll be $400.

>doesn't make him our leader.
LMAO the projection reveals so much

the peterson worship is peak daddy issues but so is the intense hatred all you faggots have for him its a obvious FUCK YOU DAD YOUR NOT MY LEADER!! I LIVE MY OWN LIFE!! LET ME WATCH MILLENNIAL WOES AND SAVE THE WHITE RACE IN PEACE JESUS CHRIST

Jordan peterson is based! He PWNS those damn SJW's like im not nazi i know there is a difference between bad black people and based black men like give me some reddit gold now

>i dont care if the white race dies

Why wouldnt he be the enemy ?From i can recall he is against the whites uniting against the niggers and jews,

>goes against the left
>pushes back to social degeneracy
>tells young men to "clean their room" (sort their life out)
>single-handly motivated a generation of young men
This site is so contrarian that it wont even accept its wins when they come. There cant be one figure that aids in the progress of the west without pol screeching jew or false flag, etc.

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>not understanding the role Jow Forums plays in modern culture
we stretch the overton window a little more every time we push ourselves away from the latest moderate e-celeb

I just saw Peterson speak in Seattle. Didn't know anything about him going into it.

Though he was an over academic faggot who rambled on between topics. Mentioned twice the "horrors" of the 20th century - mentioning specifically that nihilism brought fascism to Germany and how miserable the Nazis were. He is definitely not /ourguy/

People take this shit too seriously. Funny how JBP is suddenly the "enemy."

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And who are you to tell me what I can and can't like, eh?

there is a radical and motivated, ultra commie leftest group than are the fanbase of Chapo Trap House
they have 100% infiltrated Jow Forums and conservative reddit
they have no issue with LARPing as Nazis and using the terms nigger and kike.
they are the same low-lifes that in another universe would've followed Sam Hyde
their whole goal is to take down Peterson, because their entire makeup is insane suicidal trannies and edgelord SoiBoiz
Being pro-individual like Peterson is, does not keep you from committing yourself to the future of the white race
as the the most important things to you as he says, should be you, your immediate family, and then your community.
if you are a white person then you are only helping your race by committing yourself to that ideal.

>Being pro-individual like Peterson is, does not keep you from committing yourself to the future of the white race
It does, however, stop you from being effective at it.

Well yeah, he's definitely not Jow Forums's guy. He's pretty against Hitler and fascism. The talk was still really engaging. The trancendant father bit really hit home with me.

wtf i love memerson now

He didn't really answer the question though. Were you there?

>guy constantly preaching against nationalism and identity
the absolute state of nu/pol/

but I hate the commie oven dodger and I'm not a shill so O.P. is fake and gay

Purpose vs No Purpose

I was! I think he did, just not in a straight forward way. Losing your father in your teens and searching for a masculine influence and every man's progression from their bio father to a transcendent father answered the question for me. It hit home.

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Fuck YouTube celebrities and fuck celebritiism in general and fuck you OP.

Oh. Well I think he was a faggot.

I thought he was awesome. I was engaged the whole time. That drunk guy in the back took me out of it but besides that I enjoyed the whole thing.


>makes a poll for Jow Forums on who's the worst.
>adds a Jew option

Boy are those results surprising.


op is a faggot

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Proving OP's point. Shills are in full force since he went on the spotlight on channel 4, now Jow Forums is inundated with shill larpers whining about him. Although I wouldn't be surprised if it was the same jews proxyfagging to attack his character.

Nah I was ground level. Unless you were a drunk blind woman who kept getting up to go puke I'd say we weren't.

Go sully on a another site , you evil coward.

The fuck why me? He's obviously not /ourguy/ but I'm all for him. No guy who doesn't hate Jews or despises Hitler will ever be /ourguy/.




How am I proving OP's point, didn't Peterson say exactly what I claimed?
Does anyone here actually believe jews don't hire within their tribe any chance they can, even at the cost of IQ/credentials?

>He's obviously not /ourguy/
but he is

It's the shills who don't want people to listen to him. Besides he was 99% Jow Forums approved when he was starting his fame.

We know

But all they can ever do with their crossed eyed attempts, is to just convince low IQ people who are beyond the reach of JP's intelligence and arguments in the first place. So, basically zero sum game for them.

Reason appeals only to high IQ people and those are JP's targets and he is winning. There's nothing that can stop him. Even if he would die today, then his message would just go out exponentially.

Am i wrong to distrust that which does not share my interests?That and this human being is sowing division among the right , he is the enemy and that is the only way i can see him.

has Juden's book sales fallen off? damage control

And he never said jews aren't tribal.

>why aren't you worshipping Juden Peterstain aka Xanax Jesus goy?

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No, he implied that the people making those assertions are doing it because they don't want to take responsibility of their own failures.
That's literally what the guy said and it's not correct, go ask any of your jew lawyer friends, they'll admit it all day long.

If Jow Forums can accept someone who hates Hitler and not the Jews then great. I've been all for Peterson since I found him.

I just left his Seattle talk and I'm already going to his next one in june. Everyone should give the guy a chance.

Fuck the politics, the actual life lessons and interesting facts he brings are worth listening to.

Ah yes I forgot to you stormies everyone is your enemy.

I guarantee you that most of the things he stands for are things you'd agree with him. You have to use him to fight the authoritharian left. It's okay if you have your disagreements but you have to choose wisely which battles you should fight first. JP is one of the best things that has happened to the right this last years.

>he is a leftist
>gives basic life advice
>nothing revolutionary
>ties it in to his individualist ideology
>doesn't care about the 'browning' of America
he isn't an ally of white nationalism

>I guarantee you that most of the things he stands for are things you'd agree with him.
By your logic, we should like Ben Shapiro.
> JP is one of the best things that has happened to the right this last years.
I'm weary of anyone in the spotlight, JP doesn't get a pass.

The concept of personal accountability is pretty fucking revolutionary now a days.

Peterson is a faggot

But he is kinda right, jews do have a higher IQ most people and yes jews are many times tribalists. Both of these things are not mutually exclusive.

Grow up. You wasted a get.

The problem is when people like him and others deny tribalism within judaism and the workforce, they effectively stifle any logical and honest conversation that needs to be normalized for us to find actual middle ground in public.

t. Jordan

>Both of these things are not mutually exclusive.
They are more than they aren't.

When does it become enough for people to admit common sense shit in debates?
You get millions of dollars and still cannot speak your mind?
Something just seems off about that concept to me and I lose respect for people who won't talk about it because they know the money will stop flowing.


If he doesn't call out the jew then he's just another gatekeeper which is exactly what he is. He just pushes the same old boomer materialism/ falling in line meme.

I actually like him a lot, but is the print version of 12 Rules as much of a snoozefest as the audio book? I've been listening to it at work this week and don't get the hype at all. Maybe it's because it's all things he's been saying in interviews and lectures for the past year-and-a-half.

Honestly i just want to see Peterson have a debate with someone intelligent and learned about the claims Peterson posits. I have yet to see him engage any scholars, just journalists or students who generally agree.

People are much dumber than you might think , the main reason why its a best selling.

It's true. People glorify their victimhood and deny all responsibility for their personal problems.

Go to a university and shout "You need to earn your keep, no on owes you anything for being a minority" and you'll be stampeded by a bunch of adrogenous land whale rainbow haired baboons.

im suspicious of anyone offering a "new way" or a "magic pill" to improve your life

guess im just a brainlet

No shit sherlock. Honestly I don't know why they waste their time and money here.

Why doesn't anybody engage him then?
>Who generally agree
Did you forget about the C4 interview or?

This. Jow Forums was always a radical individualist, anti-white, jewish supremacist board.

> JBP's audience
> High IQ
> All they can do is screech at all dissent HOW DARE YOU ATTACK MY INTERNET DADDY WAAAAAAAH

Dude that was some stupid female journalist, countless right wingers have challenged him and he has rebuked them all. Further, he has failed to engage ANY leftist scholars of worth. .

It's because his followers are a cult, you dummy. He could shit on a paper and they'd buy it.

He is the one who refuses debates with any identitarians. He attempts the SJW shaming tactics and runs from debates.
Like like the SJW he is.

One of hes tactics is not playing your game , which works to some degree but at some point he wont be able to Ignore the jews forever .

>Being pro-individual like Peterson is, does not keep you from committing yourself to the future of the white race
And yet his rabid acolytes associate anyone with ethnic feeling with having an "unclean room"

> Running from debates is a brave tactic cause it's "Not playing your game"
lol JBP fags


white nationalism, NOT GOOD, GOY!

Oh hello Malta flag always in these threads.
Name the people he has refused to engage.

They should rather spend their cash filling in some of those great online tests JP has, changed my life bro!

>WAAAAAAAAH people who don't like my internet Daddy, the anti-white jewish supremacist psych professor with rooms full of Commie paraphernalia, is obviously a leftist ro a jew!
Jesus fucking Christ.
>Being pro-individual like Peterson is, does not keep you from committing yourself to the future of the white race
as the the most important things to you as he says, should be you, your immediate family, and then your community.
if you are a white person then you are only helping your race by committing yourself to that ideal.
But the moment white people show any interest in their race, he screeches NAZI at them.

Hey who the fuck is Jordan Peterson?

>yea no
socialist paintings
eyes wide shut LARP
denies white people have the right to organize for their self interest
talks about IQ but denies the JQ
He's a pied piper

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You know it's possible to have criticisms of someone, right?

An overly intelligent Boomer.

Anyone who isn't Cathy Newman and isn't giving him an easy platform to spout his nonsense.

He deplatformed Faith Goldy the moment he had control over a venue. Did you think we forgot, cultist?
A cult leader

Well it is true that if you dont put gasoline on fire it wont burn brighter.Also fuck you , I am against JP , its just that hes tactics wont work on every type of humans , it works on sjw's because sjw's are the retarded kid that keeps crying so the best thing to is not interact with it.

Is there anything or anyone who ISN'T a false flag, shill, or psyop? Dead serious question.

lol cultist fags

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Don't forget
> claims to be pro-free speech but deplatformed Faith Goldy the moment he had control over a venue
> claims not to be pro race realism but believes jews are a superior race that deserves to rule over us goyim
> claims to be anti-tribalism except when it comes to jewish tribalism, then you're just jealous of their success... brought forth by tribalism but don't you dare be tribal yourself (we wouldn't want whites to repeat jewish success, would we? especially with their larger numbers)

> Nazi flag
> Identitarian right-wingers are SJWs
Fuck you memeflag

>steers "a generation of young men" away white nationalism and identity politics
really makes me think.

>He thinks Jordan Peterson's 12 Rules for Life weren't intended to be read literally and that there is deeper meaning behind the hack's self help 101 lecturers.
You are truly the greatest of plebs. I don't feel bad that the snake oil salesman tricked you into buying his personality test.

can I get legit factual answers? wtf does he even do? why does Jow Forums talk about him?

God he is borderline insane hahahaha