The left eats their own; JK Rowling edition

This is almost too easy, any post calling her a transphobe gets traction. I'm doing my part to stir up the mob. JK Rowling is going to get exactly what she wanted by associating with these people.

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Keep me posted kike

What do you mean exactly what she wanted?
She wanted to exploit the SJW trend to sell books to dipshits.

A little clarification, thats not me in the OP that was someone else, it's just easy to use that hashtag to make your own anti JK posts and get a lot of hits. Or just ride off the popular ones at the moment, demanding people boycott JK if they care about trans rights.

She wanted to be friends with people that she knows will turn on her in an instant if she does one tiny thing out of the radical lefts playbook. She got it.

>stating after the book's release doesn't count
What the fuck do they want her to do about it, then? They always pull this sort of shit where you cannot win with them no matter what you do. What are they even trying to achieve at that stage?

Don't ask questions, just go along an encourage it. They don't need reasons to turn on JK and vilify her and you don't need reasons to stop them from doing it. Rowling absolutely deserves every bit of it.

What a stupid article.

Need to do this more

>stir up dumb bullshit with artists we don't like
>they have to make crappier media by putting in tons of shitty trans characters and all that retardation
>they lose viewership and money
>someone else takes their place

She publicly calls on White countries to take in economic, country shopping migrants, meanwhile her mansions have many empty rooms which could go to rapefugees

I don't know if that'll work, season 3 of rick and morty was just as viewed as season's 1 and 2.

JK Rowling flicks her bean over the thought of exterminating all european people’s and their culture. She is probably kicking herself wishing she would have portrayed more while males as faggots and traps.

yeah but no one, and I mean NO ONE is talking about it, except to mention the steep decline in quality. Even people who aren't savvy to why noticed the quality took a nosedive almost instantly.
Ratings mean nothing, posterity does.

seriously, what? I'm afraid to search for that term, but in context it seems diametrically opposed to the term "transphobe"

>they have to make crappier media by putting in tons of shitty trans characters and all that retardation
soooo you want to do what you say marxists or jews are doing but it's okay when you do it?

Not by me. I stopped at the pickle rick episode (s3e2 i believe)

The reason I posted this.

He's insinuating a psy-op

>What the fuck do they want her to do about it, then?
Crawl into a hole in the Earth and die, obviously.


Never liked those books, got through about two and a half of them and stopped caring. The movies are even worse, their aesthetics are awful.

Holy shit? How can we meme her into having to take in refugees?
There's no way we can't find a way to guilt her into it, the cunt is a billionaire.

The left eats their own

They're shitty colonials.

Excellent. This strategy works in part because she is a billionaire, and the left, being mostly Jewish, is eaten alive by envy of others' money. So if you give them a moral pretext, they will bite with a shark's instinct.

Not her directly but her public.

This is true, season's 1 and 2 were frequently quoted by my uni mates, yet not one of them ever talks about season 3 outside of occasionally saying "I'M PICKLE RICK!" and they haven't done that since about 2 months after it aired.

I liked Harry potter as a kid desu. hope the left abandons it out of spite. that would be nice


gays read too much into things, then get upset when you rebuke them for assuming things too quickly.
>make a male character
>give him luscious flowing hair
>queers assume he's a token gay for them
>tell them no
>they call you a transphobe for NOT making the character gay and somehow reason the way you presented it was to deliberately make them look foolish when it comes to light
>when you just like long hair and they assumed too much from the outset

Lesbians are mentally unstable. when these freaks say the "gay community" they mean "the lesbian community that forced itself into all gay groups to speak for them"

There was a petition a while back telling her to put her money where her mouth is and let some live with her.

Spoiler alert: She ignored it.

but it's okay when you do it, evil when jews, rich corporation owners and SJWs in positions of authority do it?
The hypocrisy of the powerless, you aren't going to make being a cunt on the internet look significant.

Yes, it needs to happen.
Fucking Lilly Allen agreed to house refugees in her mansion and it ended hysterically, I want JK Rowling to feel that same despair.

Ye, Manipulation of her public into pressuring her is probably the best option, she will dismiss any direct confrontation.

>and the left, being mostly Jewish
>half of politics is mostly Jewish
you have masturbated yourself into a very easy to understand and dull alternative reality, user.

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That's some serious mental gymnastics there, but ,given the current political climate, all too common.
Mandatory lobotomies when?

I was getting hounded for not watching it. "Oh you have to watch Rick n Morty".

So I checked it out to see what it was all about. That episode where they take steroids and go to town on a white guy for being a Nazi did it for me.

I don't watch much of anything these days because of it. They always have to shove some political bullshit in or fill it with unrealistic "diverse" characters.

I'm waiting for season 6 of Vikings to contain a couple of African vikings


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all i can say is
thas all

Then the bitch needs to be called out for ignoring it.
Seriously, I get that most anons are pretty low energy when it comes to fucking with this bitch because she's just a shitty writer who thinks people care about her opinions, but if any of you ever want to feel the victory of her never being relevant again all we need is some fucking effort and some memes.

They're just trying to take a major scalp. It's all about the hunt for these people.

They are cancer trying to kill the patient, that is their only goal

I do it:
12 fucks on Jow Forums see it
>jews, rich corporation owners and SJWs in positions of authority do it:
broadcast to the masses
So yes, it IS okay when I do it, motherless shill

You have to get into the mindset
There MUST be a problem with EVERYTHING

>What the fuck do they want her to do about it, then?
Sane people would expect nothing but she’s a special kind of cunt. Most artists wouldn’t go about retroactively changing the race of their characters for pity points. She kind of deserves everything that happens to her

Tell me more about season 4

B u m p

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I've had it happen to me alot, personally. Gays just assume I'm a gay. I don't really mind, its flattering in a way.
I've had 1 (one) guy outright ask if I was gay, all the others skip right to being feelsy. I'd spit on them, but the fear of them spitting back is too much.
The one guy to actually ask if I was gay ended up hating me. Because his lesbian friend told him I WAS gay, but didn't date/fuck non-whites.

I had a mulatto girlfriend at the time that the lesbian knew about. They all lie, women that is. But you expect it, there is an added layer of vindictiveness when a lesbian does it. It will be perfectly crafted, the lie, to get maximum effect.

I had the girlfriend's brother get some goon as nigger bitches to go to her work and beat her up. It was hilarious. In the middle of the day they jumped her ass at the CVS she worked at.

Anyway, gays read into stuff too much and feel personally slighted when it turns out to be fanciland thinking.

Maybe we can make jk Rowling turn Harry Potter to a fag. Or make her have fag characters in her stupid books.

Why are you still watching Vikings mate
There's no redeeming that show

Top KEK even HuffPost? shit they are eating her.

>will turn on her in an instant

What do you mean "turn on her"? They already bought her books, she's filthy rich.

Ho-Lee-Shit. You don't know how happy this makes me. She is by far my most hated leftist. I'm actually going to grab some popcorn downstairs and read the comments. This just made my whole week better.

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Don't be stupid
An extreme majority of her books were purchased long before she began to pander

I think it's funny how they did that Nazi joke, but then in the one episode where Rick gets blackout drunk and it's exposed that he hates Israel and has to act like he didn't mean it.

The only way to win against these people is to not play with them in the first place. It’s like that one kid in school that wants to join in, the moment you let him, he whines and bitches and everyone is having a horrible time vs. just him when he wasn’t let into a game.

Don't get mad. Create a shill account and post anti-rowling shit.
This stupid bint courted this behavior, now let her enjoy it

Never forget, lads.

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Whipping up a mob to demand gay characters in books is fucking retarded.

God, i read her books as a kid, did not think much about it.

But honestly fuck her.

We need PSYOPS on this bitch.

pretty sure you're gay

I now understand what Slytherin wanted.

It’s a fake tweet.

No big surprise there to be honest.

Meh, too lazy to bother anyways.

come on discount italy, its fake

Which i affirmed to? are you mentally challenged?

Good. Now bring your sister to rub her Mexican feet all over my face. Thx.

god her writing is so disgustingly bad
>Hermione's white face was sticking out from behind a tree
just her face? not her head and body?
>Harry could still hear Dumbledore's voice talking
just his voice? Not him, just his voice?


Life would be easier it appears.

White is referencing freight they could say a kneegrows face turned white with fear.

>Holy shit? How can we meme her into having to take in refugees?

We pose as an activist NGO, dress up a trailer as a rubber boat and drive a whole bunch of "refugees" into her garden. Film it all for comedic effect. Have a mother with child ring her door as we film their sad looks and tears (might have to break through a gate first, but no borders right?) while 20 fighting age men sit and wait in our rescue boat, ready to enter their new home/refuge.

Basically we become an actual migrant ferrying NGO but on a local level.

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I mean, far as pandering to the left goes, atleast rowling seems to not actually harm her material for it.
She's not actually putting niggers and trannies in her books, she just goes
>but there are some, you just don't know about em ;)

I'd say while still obvious pandering it's a step up from producing disgusting media full of brown smelly people and weird freaks nobody wants to read/see

>weird freaks nobody wants to read/see
Honestly if a wizard would want to change sex he/she would just use a spell and it would actually work right? There could never be transsexuals (as in botched products of surgeries that were never designed to actually be effective at changing sexes) among wizards in that universe.

Hell, in Harry Potter's wizard world (pic related) would just have been an actual tiger, maybe with his human mind still intact, maybe not.

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but it's utterly meaningless, like you.
magical superpowers in stories HELP the story, not HARM it.
So running to the other side of the world when a magician is after you is either a solution or not, depending on the story, since if i can teleport across the country to your room, why not across the planet?

Wow, learn something new everyday! Black people go white in the face when they get scared!

What a retarded thing to say.

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That tiger guy committed suicide btw

How would that harm the story though? Wasn't pettigrew Ron's actual pet rat?

Forcing in transsexuals other than muggles who the wizards refuse to help truly transition would ruin the story completely. Maybe the wizards could mock their pathetic attempts or something like that, that might work. Anything else? Na-ah.

>since if i can teleport across the country to your room, why not across the planet?
Who said they couldn't using that chimney thing? Though that wasn't really teleportation far as I remember.


Am I the only one who hates pop culture right now?

>new Star Wars
>Harry Potter
>some nigger mv even Jow Forums can't shut up about

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Didn't Orson Scott Card get crucified for saying this?

Chances are pop culture currently hates you too. Are you a white male?

>stir up dumb bullshit with artists we don't like
>they have to make crappier media by putting in tons of shitty trans characters and all that retardation
you mean like this guy? but his characters are already trans and despite that his stuff is quite popular

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What did you expect from a batshit insane woman with no children pandering to bunch of derange retards like herself? She deserves this for writing the dullest franchise in the history of movie franchises. Each episode following the boy wizard and his pals from Hogwarts Academy as they fight assorted villains has been indistinguishable from the others. Aside from the gloomy imagery, the series’ only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of special effects, all to make magic unmagical, to make action seem inert.

Perhaps the die was cast when Rowling vetoed the idea of Spielberg directing the series; she made sure the series would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody?just ridiculously profitable cross-promotion for her books. The Harry Potter series might be anti-Christian (or not), but it’s certainly the anti-James Bond series in its refusal of wonder, beauty and excitement. No one wants to face that fact. Now, thankfully, they no longer have to.

>a-at least the books were good though r-right
The writing is dreadful; the book was terrible. As I read, I noticed that every time a character went for a walk, the author wrote instead that the character "stretched his legs."

I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that phrase was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Rowling's mind is so governed by cliches and dead metaphors that she has no other style of writing. Later I read a lavish, loving review of Harry Potter by the same Stephen King. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are reading Harry Potter at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to read Stephen King." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you read "Harry Potter" you are, in fact, trained to read Stephen King.

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Gay guys will hit on me and then ask if I'm straight, usually, and then seem dejected in a "oh well it was too good to be true" sort of way

This shit is dumb, first chapter when faggotfore shows up on privet drives hes wearing bright purple dress like cloak with half moon glasses AND a purple hat with faggy stars, prob jew stars i bet. THEN TO TOP IT ALL OFF he is also wearing high heel stiletto shoes

IF THAT IS NOT GAY IDK WHAT IS, fucking idiots I dont get why people were surprised to hear he was gay. I knew from the get go that fag was a fag

She wanted to soak in the adulation from fans who were looking to her as some fun snarky voice on cultural events.

Now she is looking at a future where she may need to shun the public eye.

Good, made my night.

>his stuff is quite popular
No, not really.

Nice to see this cunt taken down a few pegs

>merulaposting is even infecting Jow Forums

oh no

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And to say some even dare to compare her to Tolkien.

>shit tier along with harry potter

Cmon man, Tolkein is at least one step above Rowling

Tolkein is above all else and only slightly, ever so slightly, a peg below God's own Voice.

At least Tolkien's style is complex enough to keep filthy normies away from him.

>What are they even trying to achieve at that stage?

Who cares, just make sure to keep inciting them to attack (((J.K. Rowling)))

Clearly he meant the arm they go after enemy (white) countries with, Zeke.

She's full of shit.

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>Each episode following the boy wizard and his pals from Hogwarts Academy as they fight assorted villains has been indistinguishable from the others.
They're kids books, children like predictability and repetition, that's why they can watch the same films or read the same books over and over.

Oh please let this fake cunt get what’s coming to her. She didn’t even write Harry Potter.