
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

DAILY SCHEDULE (WH Press Corps) publicpool.kinja.com/
TrumpTV Weekly Updates: pastebin.com/6HbHjbqF

>Pres Trump/VP Pence MAGA Rally in Elkhart IN 5/10/18
>Pres Trump Departs DC for IN 5/10/18
>VP Pence on CBS ThisMorning 5/10/18
>VP Pence on GMA 5/10/18
>DepSoS Sullivan meets Chile FM 5/10/18
>Pentagon Press Brief on Niger attack 5/10/18
>NasaAdmin Bridenstine on Huckabee 5/10/18
>CommSec Wilburine @Senate on budget 5/10/18
>IntSec Zinke @Senate on budget 5/10/18
>HHSSec Azar @Senate on Budget 5/10/18
>UNAmb Haley Commencement speech @ClemsonU 5/10/18
>WH Video: Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania greet NoKo exHostages 5/10/18
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania greet NoKo exHostages 5/10/18
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania celebrate Military Spouses 5/9/18
>Pres Trump Holds a Cabinet Meeting 5/9/18
>VP Pence working lunch on US/Western Hemisphere 5/9/18
>Confirmation Hearing for CIADir Nominee Haspel 5/9/18
>DefSec C.H.A.O.S. Mattis/JCSChair Gen Dunford @Senate on budget 5/9/18

OP pastebin: pastebin.com/nygxu29R

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Other urls found in this thread:


>drive to work, already tired and stressed
>think "Donald Trump is President of the United States"
>yay restored
am I the only one?

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Why do normalfags think the crusades were bad?

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That's one of the perks, you knew what you signed up for in this timeline.

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Is nobody awooing?

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/ptg/ is spam

these threads need to stop

With Blankenship gone, everyone expect Manchin to be toast. I live in NV and I van tell you Heller won't win.

Went midterms are over, what will our GOP senate count be?

I have it at 56.

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They believe that killing in the name of god is for low IQ sandniggers and they are correct but not in that context.

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>you knew what you signed up for in this timeline.
I feel like I didn't, really; I was pushed. Whatever, I'll roll with it.

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By my count R+2.

not even giving you a (you), faggot

>with Blankenship gone
He was also threatening to go after Morrisey.

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nigga shut the fuck up you've had over a year to deal with it.

i disagree

we should just try to slow them down instead

>if possible

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Seriously though, what are these ads

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Fucker is delusional.

I had a bunch of them in the college I studied, the administration used them to level the grass without needing to pay people to cut it.

How gookmoot pays the bills.


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7 people shot dead in Australia. B-b-but muh gun control

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If I don't use adblock I get ads with a dick with some sort of gel on top of it, you're lucky I guess.

Oh thank god finally a ptg. I was really freaking out for awhile it must have been down for an hour.

The Niger Cover-Up MUST NOT STAND!!!

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Because it's what they were told in school. Normalfags never question anything they're told by authority figures.

>there were people here trying to push him as /our guy/
The part that upsets me the most is a handful of them probably believed it.

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you would think that being a constant thread for 2 years means you aren't "spam"

judges at that level have all been judges for a long time
even if affirmative action works it's going to take time to filter that high

it knows you're a pedo

>Blankenship 2020
Do it, you faggot.

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>tfw this cesspool thinks it's "ok" to mock a MAVERICK war hero suffering from brain cancer on his death bed

This man served our country for 36 years of his life. Cadet Bone Spurs felt extra pissy and tried to ruin his last days with his family. The fact that flagposters from other countries will reply to my post proves that America is just a game to other people . This is my fucking COUNTRY. Yes Hillary is a shit stain but Donald Trump is just a sleazy billionaire with no ethics the fact that you retards cheer makes me so disillusioned with my America. You retards arnt even republicans. You make me embarrassed to associate myself with a party that was glorious 100 years ago.

You need to go back to storm front you edgylords

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>asked why Hitler hated the jews so much in 5th or 6th grade
>got ISS for 3 days
Public school was a mistake.

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>Only one in five americans are subhuman trump supporting scumfucks

>And even then it's zero because trump supporters arent real americans

This is technically true

most of them are pay for by jews to demoralize your

or to brainwash you while you are masturbating

Losers are easy to spot. That guy has fail written all over him.

I miss the good days of the GOP

Back when we had men like McCain and flake. True heroes who stood up for conservative ideals like putting business first and defending our interests all over the world - especially our allies.

I'm afraid that our party has been hijacked by charlatans and has given into tribalism and ethnophobia. We have embraced the worst of our evolutionary mindset while shirking the best.

I'm sad to see it end like this. Since when did we stand for racism? We never gave a wit about your color or creed, it was what you believed that defined you in the party of Lincoln. Wasn't it our party's greatest president who tore down walls in the USSR? Yet now we want to build them to keep out our neighbors.

We were the party of patriotism, now we are the party that attacks the patriots in our FBI.

We were the party of virtue, now we are the party that supports a foul-mouthed chauvinist.

We were the party of law and order, and now we tolerate our politicians using foreign influence to harm our democracy.

We were the party of state's rights and small government, now we are the party that sues California for trying to govern themselves as see see fit with immigration.

We were the party of doing things by the book, and now were the party that broke centuries of tradition by ramming through a supreme court justice in the Senate.

We were the party that embraced the tired, the poor, the huddled masses, and now were the party of nighttime terrorism by federal soldiers in minority communities.

And we were the party that I was proud to be a part of. Not any more. Today, I changed my registration to "unaffiliated".

I hope that we will be forgiven for betraying our principles.

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they dont realize that islam had about 50 times more invasions

he looks like he goes door to door selling meat to people

Usually I get ones saying that I'll never believe what Barron's IQ is or what former fat celebrities look like now. The best are "X wedding night photos she didn't want posted".
It knows I have patrician taste desu.

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i read the first two sentences and then the last one

>opinion discarded

I will celebrate every swamp creature's passing and there is nothing you can do to stop me.

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What makes it so special, huenigger?

I saw the reddit spacing and opinion discarded

i have been riding a wave of joy and optimism with the knowledge that these evil fucks are finally getting their

>why does it feel good to punish the wicked?

It kills niggerbulls

drumpf did a thingy
>here's why that's bad

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How dare you two. John McCain is a goddamn war hero.

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/ptg/ must pray for McCain to survive until June
>Senate vacancies are filled by a governor's appointee, with the seat on the next general election ballot. Current law says his seat would be on this year's ballot if he leaves office by May 30.

McCain is highly curse resistant but after multiple tumors to the brain from the Trump curse and tanking that fat get that was supposed to kill him in April this Maverick is fighting for his life.

Have you said a prayer for this based Maverick today /ptg/? If you havn't you hate Trump and America

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I bet they voted for the nigger in 08

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songbird could have saved us from obama if he hadn't run such a shit campaign

i can hate him all i want

He is a small fry to me.
The big prizes are RBG and the Loch Ness monster of the swamp herself, Feinstein.

McCain is King RINO he has never earned my trust.

Defeating the Clinton Cabal was half the fight. The rest is going to be much slower and less effective. Don't believe the habbening meme. This shit takes a lot of work. These fuckers are like barnacles and they don't get dislodged easy. DOJ and FBI alone is huge. If Dems control courts and police nothing happens. Who knows what's up with Sessions. I don't think anyone knows.

>reddit spacing


>spacing means reddit

Lol this is fucking stupid

Brazil should give one to the white house to protect from pibbles

>here is why you should be concerned

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>If you havn't you hate Trump and America
Nah, I just feel souls. And I know when their coil is severed :^)

He was taken down by the kikes in the media like Jon Stewert and you were too young and busy being a lefty cuck to notice

Thank goodness there are still some oldfags here to set you straight

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>And It's not okay

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Can't he just resign may 30 with same result

If you get one in less than 3 months you have 40 you don't know where from

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Hey Jow Forums,
Is anybody else annoyed by the egocentricity of most of the major right-leaning talking heads? They always make the show about people wanting to see them rather than the information, going so far as to name the show after them.
I want to do something different, I want to attempt a project that brings the comments and theories of this place to a wider audience. To provide a filter for the Niggers and Fags and show the true intelligence of some posts.

I imagine it as an audio show 30-45 minutes long. It would cover a specific topic at a time and instead of injecting my opinion in to everything it would be based on (near) straight reads of comments/screencaps from this site. Would some shit be asinine? Sure, but there is also great stuff that crops up which would be insane to see on a show like Tucker Carlson.

Is this something that you would listen to? A show not about some shit personality trying to make it big but a straight audiobook of Jow Forums posts?

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>taken down by jon stewart

Stewart loved mccain up until the election

>wanting to talk about Jow Forums irl
literally kys

link pls

I can judge McCain because I have the right to shitpost.
Also I bench more than him.

>le epic mysterious club

Would they recite the bräin man?

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reddit spacing is a meme used to cause division

the real reason that i type like this is so i can be identified on boards without IDs

i want to be able to have an argument that spans multiple posts, even without an ID

so people can see that i am different without becoming a tripfag

I can use normal spacing, punctuation, and grammar whenever I feel like it. But I prefer to be less formal on Jow Forums, because I don't expect to be taken too seriously. And long posts are boring and wordy and feel very reddit to me.

>everyone I dont like is reddit

Ok tojo

imagine being such a redditor that you recoil this hard at being hinted you're a redditor

May as well avatarfag loser. murder yourself

i actively avoid the site and have always hated it

it's the antichan

i hope they go bankrupt and something better grows in its place

Spacing your sentences isnt unique lol

>Thank you Sarah

This shit makes you think. I'll judge the fuck out of that "Maverick".

eat shit shill. leave, you do not belong here. this site isn't for you

best way

I'll read anything

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Will they release McCain's sealed service records when he dies?

They loved Trump up until he ran as well.
Face it Jow Forums you were young and dumb and you shilled for a nigger because Jew Stewert told you to

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Dont you have some vending machine panties to sniff?

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>true intelligence
>Jow Forums

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or like the faggot doppelganger of the my pillow guy


Not a typical massacre, lame shit but still, the argument can be killed about our gun laws.

We have African migrants attacking cops with rocks as blunt weapons.

America has problems yes, but my god 1 and 2A are beautiful things.

Propaganda, same way they think the Inquisition killed more than 2 thousand people.

they still fear the frog

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Really makes he think why your still here Ivan

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