John McCain Nicknames

Songbird John
Dyin' McCain

poast them.
p.s. pic related is Jow Forums relevant. john mccain got tortured and spilled the beans when he was in 'nam. fucking untrustworthy faggot from a long time ago.

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Other urls found in this thread:,2003692&dq=don bolles&hl=en

John McCaincer

John McCain (D)

John McMigraine

John McMafia

This is a Russian shill thread

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>His father covered up the USS Liberty
>Graduated bottom of his class in Annapolis
>Killed a shitload of sailors by crashing his plane into a carrier
>Ejected from his plane wrong, which caused his injury
>Gave away US flight paths to the NVA
>Recorded propaganda and was never tortured
>Got connected with the mafia in Arizona
>Helped kill Dan Bolles
>Divorced his wife to marry a mafia heiress
>Involved in the Savings and Loan Crisis (see Mafia, CIA, and Bushes) with the Keating 5
>Killed 2,500 Navajo with toxic waste
>Backed every fucktarded war
>Took money from the MEK and KSA
>Blocked Kobach from DHS

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The twitter trolls are already going down faggot.
How long until Mueller is knocking on your door Ivan?

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I hate the guy but I will give him this.. The north vietnamese really turned the screws into him.. I'd sing like a song bird too if the head gook came in and said "herro" What a hero

john "Tumor Brain" McCain

I bet every single one of you sòyboy faggots voted for the nigger in 08 because Jew Stewert told you too

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The BRÄIN man is the epitome of male dominance and masculinity.

Let's start by looking at his tumor. His swelling is large. Its domineering size makes his presence known without him even needing to point himself out.

He is bipartisan, as a result of his high levels of patriotism. This gives him the appearance of health and strength.

The BRÄIN man's demeanor is one of a true maverick. He is principled, assertive, and can be explosively conservative. His behaviour strikes fear into the more timid, cowardly members of the GOP

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>now purged
so we can stop giving credit for all the shit Jow Forums does to russians?


I hate this traitorous war monger.

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This is never going away and I hope it ramps up after this subversive piece of shit drops dead. Fuck him and fuck every last bit of his family. Death to traitors.
>To the Vietnamese people and the government of the DRVN:

>From John Sidney McCain, 624787, Lieutenant Commander, U.S. Navy, born 29 August, 1936, Panama, home state Oregon. Shot down 26 October, 1967, A-4E, an aircraft.

>I, as a U.S. airman, am guilty of crimes against the Vietnamese country and people. I bombed their cities, towns and villages and caused many injuries, even deaths, for the people of Vietnam.

>I was captured in the capital city of Hanoi, while attacking it. After I was captured, I was taken to the hospital in Hanoi, where I received very good medical help. I was given an operation on my legs, which allowed me to walk again in a camp, and my right arm, which was badly broken in three places.

>The doctors were very good and they knew a great deal about the practice of medicine. I remained in the hospital for some time and regained much of my health and strength. Since I arrived in the camp of detention, I received humane and lenient treatment.

>I received this kind treatment and food even though I came here as an aggressor and the people who I injured have much difficulty in their living standards. I wish to express my deep gratitude for my kind treatment and I will never forget this kindness extended to me.”

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John "Not so Mcclain" McCain

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>tfw this cesspool thinks it's "ok" to mock a MAVERICK war hero suffering from brain cancer on his death bed

This man served our country for 36 years of his life. Cadet Bone Spurs felt extra pissy and tried to ruin his last days with his family. The fact that flagposters from other countries will reply to my post proves that America is just a game to other people . This is my fucking COUNTRY. Yes Hillary is a shit stain but Donald Trump is just a sleazy billionaire with no ethics the fact that you retards cheer makes me so disillusioned with my America. You retards arnt even republicans. You make me embarrassed to associate myself with a party that was glorious 100 years ago.

You need to go back to storm front you edgylords

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I really hated that election, our choice was rolling the dice on this guy surviving 8 years, he was already frail back then, and leaving us with Sarah fucking Palin as bimbo in chief, or elect a literal who nigger because first black president,2003692&dq=don bolles&hl=en

McCain fucked POWS, took money in a Mafia-CIA joint operation, killed 2,500 Navajo with toxic waste, and probably more shit than that.

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John McCain made America great.

Look at Songbird's shoes. Yes, he stepped in dog shit and proudly posted it on Twitter.

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Waaaagh I'm a poor old man, feel bad for me! Feel bad for the families of the dead that McCain didn't even give a second thought to when he performed his retarded hotshot maneuver that caused a catastrophe. Kiwi just go the fuck back to /ptg/ you're posting there anyway. so I'll ruin you there too.

I miss the good days of the GOP

Back when we had men like McCain and flake. True heroes who stood up for conservative ideals like putting business first and defending our interests all over the world - especially our allies.

I'm afraid that our party has been hijacked by charlatans and has given into tribalism and ethnophobia. We have embraced the worst of our evolutionary mindset while shirking the best.

I'm sad to see it end like this. Since when did we stand for racism? We never gave a wit about your color or creed, it was what you believed that defined you in the party of Lincoln. Wasn't it our party's greatest president who tore down walls in the USSR? Yet now we want to build them to keep out our neighbors.

We were the party of patriotism, now we are the party that attacks the patriots in our FBI.

We were the party of virtue, now we are the party that supports a foul-mouthed chauvinist.

We were the party of law and order, and now we tolerate our politicians using foreign influence to harm our democracy.

We were the party of state's rights and small government, now we are the party that sues California for trying to govern themselves as see see fit with immigration.

We were the party of doing things by the book, and now were the party that broke centuries of tradition by ramming through a supreme court justice in the Senate.

We were the party that embraced the tired, the poor, the huddled masses, and now were the party of nighttime terrorism by federal soldiers in minority communities.

And we were the party that I was proud to be a part of. Not any more. Today, I changed my registration to "unaffiliated".

I hope that we will be forgiven for betraying our principles.

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i cant wait for mccain to die already

hurry up cancer

I will post everywhere Russian trolls try to tear down this based War Hero

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John McCain wasn't tortured. He was paraded to foreign dignitaries. His injuries were because he ejected improperly from his plane. He was a shitty pilot so he crashed, he wasn't shot down.

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New /ptg/ thread up. Am I calling you out first or what big guy?


McCain's heroic actions : bombing defenseless Vietnamese civilians with napalm while hidden in his plane.

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John Bain

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nice, this fag need to croak

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I feel bad for that lad.

>defending our interests all over the world - especially our allies.

You mean Israel right rabbi?

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>bombs non whites
>you put on a nazi flag to complain
Fuck off kike

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Not a fan of McCain but pretending like breaking under torture is somehow unreasonable is stupid.

Everyone breaks. That's one of the first things they teach you about torture if you ever undergo any intel training at all. everyone breaks. human beings do not 'resist' torture, especially bad shit like waterboarding, water torture, bamboo shoots, etc.

You spill your shit. That said, McCain is an asshole for plenty of other reasons.

the bluest of pills

Hey kike focus on /ptg/ I called you out.

So you can shill in peace Ivan? Not a chance

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He wished cancer upon others. It's karma.

Well, if you put it like that...I gues his vife's sone will have to find new daddy soon :(

John McCain is a piece of shit and the worst tragedy of his life was when that old Vietnamese farmer saved him from drowning. If that old man hadn't been so damn decent thousands would still be alive.

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Five Plane McCain

Why is he called that?

If it wasnt for McCain thousands more Syrian children would have been gassed

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Thanks. I've added it to the list.

By helping moderate terrorists who actually use gas on our Kurdish allies?

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Hey Stop that , or the ghost of James Gandolfini will kill you in your sleep.
t. Mafia ,dont lump that treadonous asswipe in with us proud upstanding Italian criminal.
McCumstain = the nigger of criminal niggers

remember this?

Hey, after you bomb your own ship before even taking off and kill hundreds of your fellow airmen, many of them burning to death, crashing your plane over enemy territory shows improvement if anything

lol he even has song birds on his tshirt.

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All the biggest mafia were Jewish, mate. Wops have only ever been the muscle. You goons don't have the brainpower to lead any organized crime.

Dead serious he has mob ties in Phoenix. Cindy was a mob heiress. I hate his military ties given my military service though so I understand.,2003692&dq=don bolles&hl=en

>This all goes back to az being a retirement area for the mob. Hell, half of the Cleveland mob retired to tuscon, and the bonanno family are residents also. Kemper Marley was a player, but a commission guy, who facilitated the state as neutral ground. All the state honchos have been in on this for years also, and get paid in contributions for services rendered. Goldwater is an icon but he was dirty as hell. The governors going back forever have all been dirty too, from both parties, except for mechem, who fluke into office. Babbitt and fife were only the most obvious worst, but all of them have been corrupt as fuck.

>Fun az bonus corruption: our hilarious kickback alt fuel program back in 2000 that cost taxpayers 200 million. The legislation was pushed thru by one of those "honest god fearing mormons" here, a guy named gostcost. Guess what?! He was heavily involved and invested in the states largest alt fue conversion company through his brother in law that ran the company. The states notoriously laffo ethics committee was investigating ol jeff for multiplease violatons when he lost an election bid due to fallout and then it was quietly dropped. Oh, our former governor jane hull was in on that deal also! Good times in az, business as usual. A transient population mostly has no idea.

holy fuck, that's an authentic zyklon ben. Dude really can be brutal as fuck when he wants to be.

is that mcbrain speach ?

>McCain spends half his life trying to bomb sandniggers
>(((Nazis))) complain
This thread is Richard Spencer tier controlled oppo faggotry

The fucking madman
Ever since ol' Ben stopped resisting Jow Forums and just embraced the memes he's been a fucking champ at these

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I bet you cuck faggots side with Trumps gun control too

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this NZ goodgoy really loves this thread.
are you so annoyed by a different opinion about mccain? if you think he's a hero, go for it. that's your opinion. it's my opinion that he's a piece of shit, and i hope cancerchan acts fast so we can all stop hearing about him.

He's an astroturfer. No one really believes mcnut is anything other than an old crook.

Keep your dumbass opinions to yourself. Doesnt matter what you THINK McCain previously did, its ALL a bullshit story woven to fool retards like you. Hes a TREASONOUS CRIMINAL for his actions over the past 20 years. Try to deny his openly public pics holding hands with ISIS TERRORISTS

i don't know who tina toon is, but it's on his website right now:

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We are all Russian shills here.

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if you love mccain so much go make a thread about how great he is. or, stay in this thread and actually post some shit to back up your claims and debunk other people, instead of just calling us russian shills. you fucking twat.

Thats not your opinion its Russian propaganda your regurgitating like a good little cuck

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i get paid in eth, sometimes ltc, for every thread i make that gets enough upboats.

oh shit, he called me a cuck. its over. i've been btfo. i can't recover. time to delet this thread because we're not allowed to make fun of john mccain. anything negative said about john mccain means we're just parroting russian prop. oh shit. i've been found out.

Hey Dickhead. Explain that lie AGAIN PLEASE.
pic related( mccain ISIS class reunion)

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McCain not retiring is unironically the best thing he could do for Trump
>Senate vacancies are filled by a governor's appointee, with the seat on the next general election ballot. Current law says his seat would be on this year's ballot if he leaves office by May 30.

Same as when Ryan and McTurtle tried to pass that dumpster fire of a healthcare bill - McCain stood up to save Trump from signing a humiliating failure of a bill

McCain is Trumps greatest ally but cheeto mussolini is to dumb to realise

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Endless supply of bundles of rubles and bottles of vodka through mail and Putin's pinky swear promise of ice skating loli waifu after years of service.
It's a good life.

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Explain what? You grabbed the first pic you could find with McCain and brown people and added some text in paint

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>time to delet this thread
Too late everybody already saw you take a fat shit on the legacy of a man far greater than you could ever hope to be traitor

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If faggots get to say a semi auto rifle is an assault weapon I get to say waterboarding is enhanced interrogation. It's only fair.

LOL, he's been called a RINO for a while now, at least going back to Obama's re-election campaign when he and the other RINOs bent over for Obama and his BS.
Anyone who listens to conservative talk radio shows has heard these "attacks" on McCain for years now, and the RINO label goes back when GWB was in office. LOL, no the Russians didn't make that shit up. They just amplified what has already been said about him in the US plenty of times.

We dont say his name.

Yeah Russians and Jews having been trying to neutralise based McCain since 08. They know hes a threat to the deep state

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>You spill your shit.
yeah, and that's why they never tell you more than you need to know (or at least that's how it should work). so you can't actually spill any larger plans because you don't even know about them at all.

Thing is, the other PoWs attested that McBrain wasn't tortured. He just caved to the threat of being tortured, after seeing what it did to all the other PoWs, none of whom talked or allowed themselves to be used as pro-communist/anti-american propaganda tools, after having actually been tortured.

nah waterboarding is primitive
sleep deprivation is the best way to torture someone

Listen here Australia Jr., people have hated this retard for a long time. His 2008 campaign was pathetic. His "memorable lines" were shit like "Why does Obama repeat the same thing over and over again? Because it's hard to convince the American people when you're lying!"
Seriously, even Bernie could come up with better shit. McCain agreed with Obama on half his crap, too, it was almost like he was put there just to have him get elected. All he ever did and still does is use his status as a POW to discredit anyone. Someone insults him and he comes back with "nobody feel sorry for me, feel sorry for the other veterans he insulted by insulting me!" but this funeral crap proves he's just salty and his a big fucking crybaby about his feelings being hurt.
The weakest, most pathetic candidate possible. Even back then he was being called old, frail, and senile and here he is ten years later still not dead and still not retired.

Big Brain McCain

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KYS. Definitely NOT the first pic of mcstain &"brown people" aka. Fucking ISIS TERRORISTS.
Here have another
TERRORISTS pic related

Oops heres pic

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>Even back then he was being called old, frail, and senile
By Jew Stewert and every other lefty jew whose cock you were too busy sucking to notice they tricked you into voting for a nigger

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Oh no not red circles in paint

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very true

>he doesnt know were all russian shills on a cambodian basket weaving forum

None of you wanted to reply to this because you know im 100% right

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This nigger has been spamming /sg/ with McCain posting and shilling for too long.
Remember to Report any lefty/pol/ infiltrator who voices support for foreign intervention.

>john mccain got tortured
No, he ejected wrong after being shot down in a place he wasn't supposed to be on a mission he wasn't supposed to fly and told them anything they wanted if they took him to a hospital, motherfucker got preferential treatment.

>Songbird John
>Retired Air Force Lt. Gen. Thomas McInerney


If you listened to McCain and bombed those kids they never would have been gassed

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Sounds familiar.

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