When will this civilization collapse?

When will this civilization collapse?

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It won't.

Soon I hope.
We can rebuild from ashes.
Accelerationism is the only answer at this point.

name a civilisation in history that has never collapsed... history tends to follow a common trend of repetition.

hopefully soon, that will be the end of the nigger, the faggot, and the jew. they are all parasites

What will the collapse look like?

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>When will this civilization collapse?
I think in the next 4 to 5 years
starting with a war between nato and russia china iran
then the racial war in south africa will trigger an escape wave direction europe
and then trigger a civil war in Europe with economic collapse
and that ends in WW3
whereby the whole global civilization will perish
and after that it will start again

when the cryptids rise again

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collapse = niggers and spics

name a civilisation in history with this much power, propaganda, money, and military might behind it, not to mention probably the most complacent and docile population of humans in all of history.

IF it collapses it probably wont be within our life time.

where will it end?

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do you really believe civilisation is going to remain the same as it is now in power and structure forever more?.... there will be changes and there will be catalysts that cause those changes and when there is change there is always a chance of catastrophic failure.

this. From our here and now point in time we just dont see how huge the change is.


Seven years probably

This year when the $IMFS collapses.

It won't collapse, it will merely decay for a few hundred years until all fuel is exhausted (white people).

John McCain is the only thing holding back the tide of rightwing death squads. His tumor has given him great power. Soon he will die and the glorious day of the rope will rise.
Die John.

Fingers crossed


its certainly a possibility if boarders are eroded, white people displaced by complaint brown hoards, all knowledge and culture forgotten and replaced by consumerism.

Its a real possibility. At least stable for the next several hundred years

mid20s-early30s when the white boomers have died off / millennial women are offically to old to have kids and the true diversity of the west can be seen

Fucking die John you traitorous piece of shit

next friday

It already has.

Western civ has evaded destruction three times. It isn't even in an age of crisis you dumb mongoloid.

I don't think we are in the death throes yet, but a day will come when civilisation as we know it today collapses, even if it's only partially. No civilisation has been able to predict it's own demise otherwise they would have tried to prevent it, when you're living in it you become oblivious to the warning signs all around you until it's too late.

It's not if but when. it will happen.


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>water is wet
No shit but that could literally take hundreds of years. The last age of crisis was WW2 and before that, Napolean. Dumb ellipsis r*ddit fag.

Napoleon fuck this phone

>when will these (((big cities))) collapse?
>tfw my town is semi-rural, most households here are in large properties, do subsistence gardening and hunt game (even though we are well off [we just want to be more independent])

>No shit but that could literally take hundreds of years.

yes.. i know... quote me where I gave a time frame.

"I suck a... lot... of.......... dicks..."

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2030s probably. Better be ready.

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Good luck random human

When the world is at its weakest, the deep state will spring the trap and unify the world in one giant globalist empire with the sole intention of controlling the world, they will fail ofcourse, as you cant control the planet, and the empire will fall, the damage will done through, and the whole world will be left in economic ruin with no governments left to lead us

When the stars belong to me.