Italy NO! YES! ... Maybe?

>As early as next week, Italy could adopt a harsher stand on migration after coalition talks between Lega and Cinque Stelle to form a government have resulted in broad agreement.

>On Thursday, representatives of both leaders were optimistic that Italy could have a government by next week. Agreement on a programme for government is set to include a harsher stand on migration, the introduction of a flat tax, a minimum income for all citizens and laws to regulate conflict of interest.

Sounds to me like Lega making concessions to M5S's socialistic nonsense to focus on the immigration issue


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Other urls found in this thread:

Will Salvini be PM?

No. A third person will be, not Salvini or Di Maio.

I don't know. Could you repeat the question?

Non whites telling other non whites to gtfo

> Spaniard talking about Italians being nonwhite

Real talk now, it's time to broke free of Jow Forums memes. 5S may have looked like it moved towards dark waters (at least for this board's hivemind), but in actuality they were never that different from the good side of Lega, as in they were sovranist as fuck.

All it took to meme you guys was one of Grillo's thousand mumblings about cinegros and shit or some backpedaling about EU just so that said EU didn't feel threatened when relevant shit was actually put on the table as to negotiate for better terms. It's like you don't even know how basic politics work.

If this government actually succeeds, it will be one of the best legislatures in the last 20 years.

The biggest eyebrow raise here is the part where they want universal basic income

>a minimum income for all citizens
sounds like a pretty bad idea for Italy unless you get rid of all the other gibs.

No, M5S is opportunistic as fuck, don't wver trust them. The only reason they're brushing up their sovranist rhetoric right now is because it helps them get into a government. If PD agreed to make a government with them, they would have shifted their rhetoric to be not ao against Europe anymore, and dropped the EU and Euro referenduns altogether.
They're just vote-grabbers who got successful because of the very short memory of Italian voters.

Cool, so they will eventually be greece and venezuela after all

t. pasquale ciro esposito

t. Mugebi Ubongo

Ok just read the thing. They are all a bunch of socialists. I wouldn't be surprised if they are working in collusion and lying to the public about the migration issue same as they were doing here for years. So only choice is socialist a and socialist b. This is why we can never let them have our guns people.

what did he mean by this?

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>universal basic income

Which is a huge lie if you ever bothered to read about said income. To put it simply, it's financial aid in case your income falls below a really low threshold (and it's only for FULL Italian citizens). After you ask for it, you will only have to work 8 hours a week for your district. Then, thanks to employment center reforms (which were in Lega's program), as to make them more efficient and optimized, you will be interviewed for a maximum of three jobs according to your expertise (and if you're without, you're put in a specialized course, free of charge). If you refuse those three jobs, you don't get your income anymore.

>The only reason they're brushing up their sovranist rhetoric right now is because it helps them get into a government.

Looks like bias to me, years back it was said 5S were never going to govern because they weren't capable, and they were going to be eternal money vacuums in the opposition. How times change.

>If PD agreed to make a government with them, they would have shifted their rhetoric to be not ao against Europe anymore

No, they would have just adjusted their "contract" (they aren't actually allying with anyone, they openly stated they don't trust anybody) just to be more aimed towards leftist issues. Both sides had to agree one paper, but they wouldn't be sacrificing their ideals (after all, that's what you do in a proportional system, why is this a problem again?).

>They're just vote-grabbers who got successful because of the very short memory of Italian voters.

Funny how this fits for any party ever made. Salvini is using equally "scummy" tactics to get governship (allying with the Berlusca again after swearing time and again not to ever do so). Why does he get a pass?

>Which is a huge lie if you ever bothered to read about said income. To put it simply, it's financial aid in case your income falls below a really low threshold (and it's only for FULL Italian citizens). After you ask for it, you will only have to work 8 hours a week for your district. Then, thanks to employment center reforms (which were in Lega's program), as to make them more efficient and optimized, you will be interviewed for a maximum of three jobs according to your expertise (and if you're without, you're put in a specialized course, free of charge). If you refuse those three jobs, you don't get your income anymore.
This doesn't sound like UBI, this sounds like temporary unemployment financial aid

>votes a private association with shady connection to international secret service

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That looks like a good way to sum it up.

UBI really implies no strings attached, hence "universal"

>bunch of literally who that can't even make their own touted system secure (rousseau was hacked multiple times) and live off ads
>counting anything

UBI was probably poorly translated from Reddito di Cittadinanza, which could actually imply that every citizen has a form of income (technically, that's still the spiritual nature of the bill), but the Italian term itself was coined by Grillo, which has a tendency towards spouting grandiose bullshit that sometimes overly damaged his own movement.

it's really bad,5cucks must be genocided,worse than commies

Contractually M5S elected members can't go against any decision from the Casaleggio Associati. It's a whole party of tools that will never be independent political personalities. They are also cutting their own salaries, becoming as a matter of fact completely dependent from the higher authority.
>muh onestà
so it's okay

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Honestly, this is bad news for Malta as the articl says. But I feel like it's important to hold our leaders' feet to the fire rather than let them get away with waffly bullshit because Italy is covering our ass

Enough of politicians! Italy needs a technocratic government to hasten reforms and stabilize the markets.

>planning nationalist and socialist laws


You do know the Italians are shit at technology, right? I mean, if you want it to *look* nice, by all means, get an Italian designer. But for the love of God don't ever use Italian engineering.

>says Belgium
>while using a phone that runs on batteries that uses radio communication so he can Reddit-space on Jow Forums

That's just prejudice. For fuck sake we wouldn't have the atomic bomb without the work of Enrico Fermi.

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m5cucks must be euthanized

>Contractually M5S elected members can't go against any decision from the Casaleggio Associati.

That's some source you have there. M5S elected members are not free to do what they want, that's true. Internal democracy there is sacrificed for the sake of compactness, but by their words, the warrants (Grillo+Di Maio) are guided by "common sense", which is not the best of assurances I admit. The fear is that if someone ever goes against the M5S COA, since it's a post-idealistic movement (there are both currents of left and right, so it's not as simple as for right or left wing parties, wouldn't you back the fuck out from Lega if multiple members said "I welcome niggers"?) people would think of it as unreliable, and that's why Dimayo is pulling the "public damage sue" card, even if their contracts are consistently proven useless from a legal standpoint. This will never create individual political personalities and must always control everything they do/say, that's for sure, unless they later leave M5S like Fabio Fucci did, but that's another can of worms, since any M5S member is also contractually obligated to fuck off from politics in 2 legislatures.

>They are also cutting their own salaries, becoming as a matter of fact completely dependent from the higher authority.

By cutting your own salary you get less taxes and can still live properly, you dingo.

Olivetti was a bigger tech company than IBM back in the day, they made the first PC
Then America killed them because it was a threat
>forgetting Meucci, Marconi, and Volta
>also forgetting Lagrange, Fibonacci and Golgi
>forgetting Galileo
>forgetting Da Vinci


We wuz IBM

Nigga no need to rise your hopes so high, when coming to a reality check of actual governing, 5S cities are going down the shitter, while Lega ones are always one step ahead of the others.
Having Salvini as Interior Minister will probably be all the better that we can get from this alliance.

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M5s flips flops too frequently for most people's taste. It's not just backpedaling on a couple of things right before election, it's changing stance on a ton of key points and not just once, but many times.
Just look at the whole shitshow on NATO membership

Any Spaniard is more mutted than an Italian. Your language even contains Arabic words. Also, don't you think that just because we invade Mallorca every summer we actually like you. You are a laughing stock in my country. When the DOTR comes you will be the first to hang, Juanito

shut the fuck up emre

>that pic


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Let's discuss the absolute state of globalists, with both Mattarella and Macron crying wolf about muh sovranist danger, muh Europe is more important than national interests.

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Cretino, vi stavo difendendo. Nessun spagnolo di merda ha il diritto di chiamarci mutt.

Yes, you've had lots of brilliant scientists over the centuries, nobody can dispute that. But I'm talking about the quality of your engineering.

Case in point. My uncle had (probably still has in the attic) one of those computers. Beautiful piece of design... But engineering-wise, way too expensive. Again: prioritizing form over function.

? what word is that?

add tajani

Is there any risk of leaving the EU? That's all I need to know. In or out, not gonna fix your lame ass economy and unemployment. What are they going to do about that?

it should be "sovereignist" in english,i think

Quality has a cost
Not everything can be nepalese-tier cheap

> a person who advocates Quebec's political independence.

I doubt that's what you meant

If you aren't eurocentrist and don't want EU influencing every decision made by your nationalgovernment, than you are a "sovranist". Orban and Le Pen are considered as such.

Conversely, just because it's expensive doesn't mean it's good quality.

Nepalese-tier cheap crap is "good enough" 95% of the time.

buzz word meaning nationalist views, from someone who is euroskeptik and would like to leave the EU because it damages our national interests

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this thing
i don't know if it is a real word in english or not

kekked in real life amazing


what a drunken asshole, how can someone take serioulsy someone who speaks dearly of Marx is beyond me.

Not really and Italy is THE country of quality over quantity
Ferrari is quintessential Italy
Design, style, engineering, and fame

what about Berlusconi now?
Will he have any actual power if this M5S+Lega government will be formed?

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Italy mostly seems to make stuff that enthusiasts like. Like their cars: normalfags think "I can't buy this Lancia because it's unreliable and I have to get my wife's son to school" while car enthusiasts all love Lancia because it has a lot of soul, even if it comes at a reliability cost.

>Secondo Rossi «a un anno dalle elezioni europee il nostro continente, l'Europa, è in affanno per una miscela di sovranismo, di intolleranza e di chiusura. I partiti europeisti tradizionali sembrano non riuscire a dare risposte concrete ai nostri cittadini, che patiscono differenze sociali sempre più marcate. L'Europa appare spaventata, schiacciata dalla globalizzazione, sopraffatta dagli egoismi nazionali, dalle crisi politiche, dai tentennamenti nel governare il dialogo sociale e la sfida democratica».
E allora quale sarebbe la soluzione secondo loro?

>Funny how this fits for any party ever made. Salvini is using equally "scummy" tactics to get governship (allying with the Berlusca again after swearing time and again not to ever do so). Why does he get a pass?

because FI always voted like lega on the senate, while M5s had always abstained

USE credo

actually our hi t3ech it's limited, but engennering products are our biggest export

sti cazzi

it works for Apple

more niggers, more censorship

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What are Italy's biggest imports?

Move forward their project for a federalist European Union super continent with more powers given to the central bank.

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Haha nice.
No, for real now


i guess you should be happy about that

because your own banks are so great with money fucking lol how it going with that oldest bank? banki retardia or something

come on Italians

t.pedophile jew banker

a little better. it was really these fucking leftists fault. that bank is older than your country and these commies managed to almost collapse it in 5 years. what a disgrace

Can someone tell me what's their military stance in the current development of things?
And, if they are conservative, how in the fuck aren't they planning a coup right now?

mildly pro russia / assad.

I'm glad for Italy, hopefully the won't have to "rescue" "refugees" from drowning in Lybian waters any longer. Too bad it won't change anything for us other Europeans at the will just start going with their boats to Spain or France instead.

>military stance
stay the fuck away from wars

>castilian talking shit

>"rescue" "refugees" from drowning in Lybian waters
m8 that's not us doing it, it's the fucking ngos

Yeah but they are setting out from italian coasts and bringing them back to land. You will not have to worry about this anymore anyways.

Against a regime change in Syiria.

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Is marrying a Italian woman worth it?

My cousin is engaged to an Italian woman. They're pretty high maintenance and they expect you to be an alpha male and give them stuff and pay 100% of the bill at restaurant. Also, her dad is against their marriage because she is not marrying a Italian man and thus 'sullying the bloodline'.

show flag

That's an interesting jab at Trump

A bunch of niggrs taken back to Lybia just sue Italy bevause of its agreement with Lybian coast guard.
Who could be behind this?
Jews, of course.

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rip thread

I do not know if the mentality of women is much different from your country, however I think that as far as alpha males are concerned, in theory it is enough to be normal

however I do not know if it is appropriate to ask questions of this type, in / pol /.

fuck off with your pasta

>all non-catacucks are castilian

>FULL Italian citizens
Which isn't based on race by the way so have fun subsidizing niggers and mudslimes shitty lifestyles. Your descent into communistic hell will be amusing

comunque forse ha ragione sul fatto che le ragazze italiane sono più altezzose rispetto a molte altre ragazze di altre nazioni e questa cosa e dovuta al fatto che vi impegnate troppo a provarci, perchè non smettete così comunque dopo sono loro ad essere costrette a provarci con noi e facciamo meno fatica? :DDDDDDD

Hey...If the M5Cucks agree to limit considerably the influx of niggers that's good. Frankly i stopped giving a fuck about economics long time ago.

he is a bot/shitposter
don't take him seriously

Italian citizenship is based on blood, burger
We're not like you that let people that birth over your border become citizens

but I was not serious, my last answer ... :P

they are all eating pasta and drinking coffee