Thoughts on Freeman Fly?

He is one of the thoughtfathers of alternative thinking. He's been covering the topics that Q is getting people primed to deal with. Things he was talking about a decade ago are now common truths.

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It is odd that the old skool tinfoilers don't get any credit.
>That zeitgeist faggot
>That Indian Irish cunt who did 5 hour monologues
>Dave Icke is around, like furniture
>Jordan Maxwell lacks traction too
>Judy 'great tits' Wood
One ought go back & watch some 2000's video lectures see how they held up. I remember the destruction of Syria was always high on the to do list of NWO fags

tsarion holds up. he still does podcasts and stuff.

This faggot said Obama was the clone of a We Wuz. He also admitted his dad was a high ranking freemason

Yeah I was a big fan of Tsarion at one time. I think there might be some merit to his entirely bonkers theory that civilisation began in Ireland too. But leaving his conclusions aside, the breadth & depth of his research & his ability to express what he has learned is pretty impressive.
My current favourite escape from reality is the Thunderbolts Project. I suspect they're right about everything. The movies do a fine job of pulling in the ancient aliens crowd too.

>My current favourite escape from reality is the Thunderbolts Project. I suspect they're right about everything.

literally the only thing stopping them from becoming a dominant theory is the lack of data. I think that the sun's activity is driven by more than nuclear forces. even asteroids show evidence of having been electrically ablated.

Neocons specifically laid out a plan for regime change in Iraq, Syria, Iran, etc. back in 1996
anybody could have predicted this

i think you are oversimplifying in order to negate something. you are arguing against your own bs

That's a funny way to spell jews

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I like the old Freeman shows, his new shows feel more sterile and joyless. You used to get a vibe he enjoyed sharing the info he'd learned, now it sounds like anyone else at their job. He's been off the mark at times, but he does have some interesting information. The talk about esoteric symbolism in corporate logos was good.

when will these boomer larpers drop this already?

"Yeah na yeah fack off cunt I'll use your data then"
- Wal Thornhill

I'm a pretty intelligent bloke on the main, but holy fuck I cannot get my head around electricity. That said I've been a welder/plater since 2000 & I've seen lots of spooky shit in the arc. Gravity defying molten Iron & 'fractal excavation' of a surface under extreme arc force, like they reckon for the Grand Canyon/Mars. The main thrust of EU theory is clearly superior to the (((Standard Model))). I mean, you read about it for a couple of months & hit a wall, further understanding requires a Math PHD & access to a billion dollar apparatus ffs.
Natural science has already won m8.

of course it's jews, they admit it themselves:

you "think"?

used to listen to his show on Oracle broadcasting on Saturday nights, was a bunch of stupid bullshit about nephilim and nibiru. he was hardly influential or original enough to be considered a "thoughtfather" but i liked his voice he seems like a friendly dude.

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man wait until you hit quantum tunnelling, phase conjugating mirrors and gravity waves...

they just recently discovered gravity is an external imposition. That's the higgs boson thing. turns out it (gravity)just strongly correlates with mass.

Checked, just thinking about that I feel cold and slimy inside. I need to go eat some bacon and loan a friend some money interest free.

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Remember learning at school how African Elephants are about as big as they can possibly go & those daft ears work to dissipate the excessive heat being so big generates?
Also look at these dinosaurs goy
Really though, how much torque on the first neck vertebrae of a Brontosaur? Gravity is likely variable depending on how moody the Suns charging cable is. Pretty far out video below but worth a watch if you reckon Hawking was a god tier troll.

The jew despises pity as much as he loves to be hated I guess

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>i liked his voice he seems like a friendly dude.

he's relaxing to listen to. he's possibly the most chill resercher ive heard. i struggle to find someone more relaxing who also causes thoughts but not sleep.

Can you recommend any EU videos, books?


Chris White pretty much exposed a few of those guys as Luciferians and most of their audience tuned out.

one out of many who appeared on ytbz to make a $ via conspirateinment, have not seen any memorable interviews on his chan maybe 1 interesting and forgot who it was.
>old skool tinfoilers
he just interviews ppl and not oldskl, people around the guy in id are:

and they say guy in vid was planted when they noticed people are paying attention to what is being talked about

Their youtube channel is quite active, full lectures every now n then & short 'space news' replies to current events on the regular. They have a website but I'm happy to be clickbaited from the youtube homepage.

Here's a good start
Thunderbolts of the Gods | Official Movie

Or here
Symbols of an Alien Sky (Full Documentary)

Good primers for where they're coming from. The various guest speakers you'll see on their page tend to be specialists in their field & can be a bit dense at times, but still really enjoyable.

they have really fascinating material.

i get that feel like this stuff will be common knowledge one day. we'll wonder how we missed it

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the main point of the video is just a couple of minutes starting at 15:30 and i agree with him if you look even for just a little at our history it is plague with "evil doings" and "complot" no matter who or where even ben franklin is guilty as he points out, America as a whole is tainted nothing christian there.

I’m not seeing any pics of great tits on Judy Wood. Pics, or it didn’t happen

>He's been covering the topics that Q is getting people primed to deal with.

No even remotely

he obviously cant have covered things that occurred after he made his videos.