Six years prison for criticizing Islam

Welcome to the United Islamic Kingdom. Sharia rules apply.
Blasphemy will not be tolerated.

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Just. Nuke it. Do it now.

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Fucking bullshit
Please tell me this is not real

Nothing wrong with that, really.

Is the Sweden stuff I see on Jow Forums real?

Its real

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Okay, where can I go to raise hell about this and point out all the fucking screaming anti white hypocrisies going on?

It's a law against criticising religion. Here is the link from the tweet:

Now ask (((Robert Spencer))) what happened when you criticizing the jews

Council of foreign relations

It's not like you would ever have the balls to publicly critisize Islam anyway, you fucking loser.

Most of it



Man it's almost like the (((conservative))) party doesn't conserve anything.

The British rulers wanted oil so Bad, they sold out their nation to muslim rulers.

As result islam is now the most powerful religion in Europe, and in the world.

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Islam was sent by God to remove liberal degeneracies.

Why do the British Migrationists have such a hard-on for mass immigration, and the legislating into law the inability to criticize it and Islam, with exceedingly harsh penalties? Where does this form of authoritarianism come from, what kind of understanding are they trying to reach with the average Briton? Do the Secular Migrationists really support Islamic principles, or are they willing to see the native British populations gradually replaced, so that they could keep getting elected? What's going to end up happening, though, could be an unelected position, like Caliph, emerging in Britain.

Only Hannah marches on. Mother Mary protect her.

I wish I could still be around to watch England get nuked when all the leadership is Pisslamic and God Emperor Baron Trump pulls the trigger on that cuck nation once and for all.

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Neither have you
So shut the fuck up

Ty mr Soros, just let snooker intact

It's not like the Rothschild ever gave a shit about anything but their wealth anyway. They'll toss the shitskins into the ocean in a minute if the Chinese promise them great fortunes for catering to them.

Sweden does have a feminist gouvernment, and it does have big problems with rape migrants.
The idea that not a single Swede cares about it, or that most Swedes want this to continue, is a Jow Forums tactic designed to mobilise Swedes who lurk and post, to piss them off into action and to shitpost.

Thanks Allah you can still make fun from christianity

Danish people criticize islam out in the open.

Actually their politicians stand in line and eager for the TV time opportunity to criticize islam.

The backlash from this kind of shit is what gets politicians hanged. Criticising the government is their end game.

Truly ahead of its time

>tfw you realise people are too stupid to understand your country

You do know it's to stop Muslims from going on killing sprees, do you? It's much easier
to stop a few willing to criticise them than to pick up dead bodies. We treat Muslims like
special needs children here.

Is that why they have so many Islamic refugees?

Kilo yourself you absolute cuck

It's strange from the country where philosophers developed the liberal rights to be free from the clashes of the wars of religion within cristianity.


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So every madrass will be closed? Every imam incarcerated?
>okay with that

It applies to trannies too I think. So if a Muslim called a tranny an infidel and the tranny called the Muslim a bigot who goes to jail?


yo anglo can you stop it please? we can go back to fighting each other if you want but stop the self harm

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>Spread those cheeks and let your mom's boyfriend ream you so he doesn't punch you
>He punches you after anyway

>waaaah now i can't openly be a hateful fucking bigot and spread my literal hate speech :(
Good. Absolutely nothing wrong with this

It's bullshit-ish, it's only one council seeking a consultation. This is nowhere near being passed as an actual law

The For Britain Movement is a positive, pro-British, pro-democracy party, which believes in preserving the culture and values of the decent British majority, and passing these on to future generations.

We believe in the democratic mandate of the people, and therefore demand the UK’s complete withdrawal from the European Union without further delay.

We believe in truth, justice, and freedom. We seek to create a Britain where the rule of law is upheld, and justice prevails over political convenience.

We will restore freedom of speech as the backbone of the democratic system.

We sit neither on the Left nor the Right, we are the decent, fair, common sense majority whose voice has been ignored for too long.

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backwards...UK now has their pet minority that you can't criticize unless it hurts their feels and explode.

This is fucked up medieval social engineering.

I don't know. But the criticism is so big the muslims cry on Danish TV multiple times they wish Denmark had a softer tone and Sweden-like conditions.

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and after they will demand beheading , because thats how the prophet did it

please dont be mean to people who worship bullshit with holy books calling for the death of people like you.


Islam is a false satanic backward pile of shit.


You honestly deserve to be taken over by Muslims you weak fucking idiots.

Probably me, since I'm straight and white

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Why specifically Islam?

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Fucking based!

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> when even sweden can't believe you can be this cucked
Terrible times we are living in ...


you mean United Sultanat

same you are not allowed to talk shit about niggers. they pick the best driving force of destruction and give them special privileges

No free speech. No right to self-defense. No credible political opposition to the forces in power. No hope.

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There's nothing wrong with the Maple Leaf. That meme is stupid.

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Never seen anybody get 6 years in prison for talking shit about niggers, meme flaggot

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I saw on french TV 2 days ago a document about professors who are paid 8 K € just for coming in eastern london

It was full of 8-10 years old girls with hijab

How are the British people ok with this sort of stuff going on?

>Never seen anybody get 6 years in prison for talking shit about niggers, meme flaggot

yeah only lose their job, potential scholarship and social status

Bunch a Goat fuckers cant take a joke

>move to england
>claim you're a muslim
>free gibs

Political correctness is the jewish version of sharia.

The good news is the suicide rate is increasing in UK youth.

"Student suicide increase warning"

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Brits should bombard their police forces with submissions for approval. Every post you intend to make, anywhere. Send it to the cops and ask them to ensure that it is compliant is acceptable. Bury the fuckers.
>mfw police divert anti-terrorist funds and make this mandatory

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Leaf, i am not surprised.

That pic in the bottom right is some WeWuz shit.



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No, suck my dick nigger baguette

we need to retrieve all our nukes from bongland first, then nuke it.

This fucking shit pisses me off so much. Is everyone low IQ these days? Has no one read any political theory at all? It's possible to disagree with something and yet still stand for classic liberal values. I loathe Islam but I wouldn't advocate violence against Muslims. I believe in freedom of religion, mosques shouldn't be bombed or banned and we shouldn't pass things like burqa bans, that's dumb. Everyone is free to practise their own religion and people shouldn't be denied jobs/apartments because they're Muslim.

So I defend the rights of Muslims to participate equally in society, equal under the law. BUT, that doesn't mean I need to sit in a fucking mosque and take a hijabi picture. As much as I defend their rights as citizens, I still think Islam is fucking retarded and would gladly criticize it, as I should be able to. All ideas should be open to criticism. Why do modern politicians not understand this?

>for criticizing Islam
As if

We can't tell you lest we get nicked.

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>social status
You must not know where you are

It's Richard Spencer, of course it's not real, it's one of his weird fantasies. I'm really surprised he is able to continually fleece suckers for his bullshit.

Because they are scum
Apparently NOTH8NG could possibly make them mad enough to actually remove kebab and the traitor guv


Can't you nuke the nukes for extra nukey fun?

But this is a good thing since we must not allow people who are hateful to hurt the relationship between communities.

>UK: Criticism of Islam is a hate crime.
>UK: Islamic extremist get a escort around town by the police.

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>It's strange from the country where philosophers developed the liberal rights to be free from the clashes of the wars of religion within cristianity.
Not really that strange when you think about it, all this liberal egalitarian bullshit created a pacified domesticated population which allows governments to do whatever the fuck they want with zero consequences. Add in a bunch of cucks and post-menopausal women as politicians and this is what you get.

Freedom of religion works for everything except Islam. Just look at a map of the Islamic world. basically everywhere it borders with a non-Islamic nation, there is conflict and war. It is not a coincidence. They do not belong in the West.

i'm gonna report each britbong on Jow Forums once this passes, you all deserve it

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>the absolute height of Cuckoldry of britbongs



>They do not belong in the West.
That don't belong on our planet.

Honestly, this is a great idea.

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