>mfw the EMPIRE of Brazil is going to happen in my life time
mfw the EMPIRE of Brazil is going to happen in my life time
>mfw the EMPIRE of Brazil is going to happen in my life time
mfw the EMPIRE of Brazil is going to happen in my life time
>mfw the EMPIRE of Brazil is going to happen in my life time
mfw the EMPIRE of Brazil is going to happen in my life time
>mfw the EMPIRE of Brazil is going to happen in my life time
mfw the EMPIRE of Brazil is going to happen in my life time

Attached: kuruminha.jpg (651x531, 54K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Oh hell yeah! hope you guys get the government you deserve finally

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Agora vai

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Socialism doesnt work

Great news. Keep me posted.

Bump for Imperium Brasilorum

look at the shilling for this new jew puppet in brasil

lul everyone in Brazil is a nigger.
Anyhow, what an awesome empire to reign over.

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>Jew puppet
Explain why; memeflaggot.

Sez the faggot flag nigger

Everyone in america is a nigger hue hue hue hue; really the greatest country in the world

Attached: googlestreet1.jpg (664x374, 41K)

He is at top of the charts now that socialist rat lula got arrested.

What candidate will become King if shit gets real?

Ain't gonna happen meme flag, there is a stipulation in the Brazilian constitution which states that a Monarchy cannot return into power.

Last referendum was a ruling on that question, it did not pass.

Good news. You guys like anime, have a lot of Nips, and maybe a right wing government will kill your niggers and mestizos.


Damn, the dumbassery in here is strong. Anyway, I hope Brazil does bring the monarchy back, it would be nice to see.

*communicates in brasilian*

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America becomes brazil
Brazil becomes america
wtf is this timeline

Can't happen, a referendum was held on the question of monarchy. The people chose .

Fake news

this one sucks, try "lança do morrao".

nobody but degenerate niggers like this kind of "music" here.

>final referendum
Nothing is final if people decide they really want it.

is this the huwhite mans choice of song?

wrong, 90% of the middle/upper class teens listen brazilian funk regularly. leave your room.

it's a national treasure

That is the point.
It happened during the establishment of the new brazilian constitution, created to amend issues like monarchy in Brazil. There were a number of topics set as referendums to sort out topics .

The return of a monarchy was one of these votes and it did not pass. It can't happen. The right wing dude is using this to get votes from the Brazilian youth who have no fucking idea about Brazilian politics.

>It happened during the establishment of the new brazilian constitution
When was this?

In 1988

How can you guys be so gullible

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Good luck huemonkeys

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EU memeflags are the worst, its not even ironic shilling

198WHAT? Fuck that then, most of those people are probably dead by now anyway.

He is unironically a jew lover

White guy who studied Portuguese in college here. I want to visit but don't wanna get killed. Recommendations?

bumping for the Hue Empire

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kys pathetic (((shill))))

Integralist/ARENA party making a comeback WHEN

Well the accelerationism didn’t work for you, it only led to Bunda porn, funny music, trannies and millionaire politicians, maybe you could try the good goy conservatism. Some American founding fathers were masons


>extreme right
lmao do you even politics?

Did you study Brazilian Portuguese or Portuguese...cause most people won't understand what the fuck you are saying if you studied the latter.

Stay out of large cities and you will be fine.

Your language is exactly what down syndrome people sound like when they speak Spanish, it sounds pathetically disgusting and dumb, as soon as you teach portuguese to a child you make it impossible for his IQ to rise above 90, it is disgusting and you all sound like the fucking monkeys that you are, but even worst than portuguese from Portugal, is your retarded faggot accent, you Brazilian sub-human, people who haven't heard you chimpanzees won't understand, but your accent makes it sound like you're in complete shock and awe at everything you see, it makes any human being who is not a mulatto favela dwelling monkey like you want to rip their ears off, and let's not even talk about historical significance
Actually let's do it, there is no language more despicable than portuguese not only because it is an ugly and deformed version of Spanish, but also because it is completely fucking dull and nothing is respectable about it, NOBODY has ever written anything important or interesting in your insignificant language, if anyone wants to learn portuguese i only have 3 possible reasons i can come up with that would justify their decision:
1)They are mentally retarded
2)They want to be able to understand the half-breed Brazilians who will rape them and kill them when they go to any Brazilian shithole of a city
3)Or they want to read fucking 15th century maps,nothing else of significance was created in this ugly collection of guttural sounds
That's all that there is to your ugly stupid language, and just know, that you will live your entire life, speaking in that disgusting mistake of a tongue, and you should kill yourself because of it.

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Absolute meme. UK has a monarch is just as cucked as anyone else. Call me back when it's an absolute monarchy

>we suffer under autocratic megalomaniac psychopath politicians
>yea dude let's reinstate monarchy dood!
why? whats so delicious about inbred auristocraty dick?

Daily reminder that literally all Brazilians have Negroid DNA, much like Mexicans


What good will a constitutional monarchy do? Is the monarch aware of the demographic problem, do they have the authority to supersede parliament or the will for decisive action? Also, why would you want an empire given how undeveloped Brazil is?

Portuguese and Brazilian Portuguese sound nothing alike.

Same as Spanish from spain sounds retarded when compared to Mexican Spanish speakers.

Same with French, English, etc.
The colonies of Euro countries always sound less retarded as they were not involved in the politics of Europe.

I mean, I suppose a nation of downy spanish speakers would know what they sound like.

>salty spic posting

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>literalmente patrocinado por maçons

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>murican education

I am a third generation Japanese Brazilian.


After 1988 there was a referendum on the monarchy question, a once and for all decision on the topic of monarchy. It was shot down, ain't gonna happen. These are fake threads created to get the vote.

>t. Hue-Sama

>literally all
>in a country with a shitton of second generation immigrants
Nice job showing your negroid DNA.

sorry buddy, my family lineage is not Amerimutt.

lmao you monkeys are gonna get fucked even harder now

how do you always manage to make it worse

>once and for all decision
Setting something as "once and for all" on paper doesn't mean jack shit in the real world. Constitutions are only ever as important as the people believe them to be. If enough people want monarchy, they'll get monarchy, no matter what the legality of such a change would be.

Just look at how worthless our so highly lauded Constitution is in terms of what the reality of the nation has become.

You’re not a Brazilian

>mfw 30% white country restores monarchy quicker than 70% white Europe

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>The Huempire Strikes back
Kek, I hope this timeline will be comfy



All ethnic Brazilians, like Mexicans, have Negroid DNA. What’s uncontroversial about this

Congrats Brazilbro

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Brasileiro, claro.
Is it worth a trip if I stick to the white south? Are the cities safe there?

Burritobuddy bringin the heat

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The issue can't be brought up.
If you studied Brazilian politics you would understand what I mean. Our original constitution was a mish mash of other constitutions, when it was ratified they made sure it would remain in effect.

They can protest until they are blue in the face, it won't change shit. The topic of Monarchy in Brazil is a done deal, never gonna happen.

Brazil can only be a democratic republic

Only really far to the south. Like Rio Grande, for example

We had a referendum about gun control where the majority of the people was against further restrictions. We still got those restrictions.

Brasilian democracy in a nutshell.

Born and raised in Brazil.

Are you not an American because your ancestors came from Poland and Germany and Lithuania and Spain and Italy and Ireland and British and Africa?

A nation led or guided by an absolute monarch of Portuguese descent would be preferable to a social democracy of mongrels with a mean IQ of 80. It's clear that social democracy in Brazil has failed, and it could be argued that it's failed in Europe too. This experiment of mass democracy only started in the 20th century, and that's when Europe began destroying itself.

good luck with that

Sure, you can visit places like Gramado, Floripa, etc. Stay out of Rio, Sao Paulo, Recife...

Germany was the only right one. Try again, Miguel Tojo.

The "Brazil that can only be a democratic republic" will cease to exist and be replaced with a new nation, Imperial Brazilia or some shit. Constitutions only matter as long as there are guns willing to enforce their provisions. If the military decides that there should be a new form of governance, the constitution cannot enforce itself.

The gun issue and the status of the country as a republic are two very different things.

Fucking Brazilian education...I bemoan the state of the young people in this country

>Muh piece of paper cannot be overturned
The people who determine what a country is or is not is determined by who has all the weapons and the willingness to use them.

Mexico has less than 1% niggers dump amerimutt

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It's actually 0.5% but let's leave it that way, that user is a butthurt island nigger.

You really don't get it...we already had a military dictatorship.

Unless you topple the entire government, scrap the Constitution and get every single politician to resign then maybe....but I don't see that happening.

The youth of Brazil = fucking pussies

You have my prayers Huebros. Make Brazil great again and cleanse it.

Mexico next!

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please liberate us

again, unless you have a complete take down of the government it will not happen.

So much political infighting in Brazil and so many parties that they will never get them all out of the door for the constitution to be reversed.

Proud of you Brazil

That's my only point. Saying something can't happen because a scrap of paper says it can't happen is the most naive thing imaginable in politics.

Yeah, 1 percent Negroid DNA in the average Mexican.

Even the castizos have nigger blood HAHAHAHAHA

>EU flag
>accuses others of being kike shills

Oh Jew!

It's called an analogy, faggot. I was talking about the fact that our "democracy" will bend its own rules in order to fit the agenda of the status quo, regardless of what the law says.

> Le spic

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There is no such a thing as "ethnic Brazilian".

São Paulo and Santa Catarina have the lowest murder rates per capita, so at least you won't get murdered there.
Don't complain if go back to America without your phone though.

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I trust him now

Freemasons are committed to service of God and country. They founded fucking America for fucks sake, how are all you retard niggers so fucking blindly distrustful of the only organization in the world with a track record of creating free and strong nations? can never say impossible, however, Brazil is not a two party country like the USA.
There is even a communist party in Brazil, I don't see them agreeing to a monarchy.

All parties would have to be on board to scrap the constitution or you would need all out civil war.

Brazilians don't have the balls for that. Too busy getting drunk and watching football. The young people in Brazil are complete wimps.

The fuck is bunda porn

one spic with Negroid DNA calling out another spic with Negroid DNA

True you’re all fucking mutts

get your saboteur monarch out of office before ever speaking to anyone ever again for any reason