"incel" runs over people with van

>"incel" runs over people with van
>talks for weeks after about how we need to solve this problem

>Muslim does the same
>#NotAllMuslims, Prayers for the victims, don't attack all Muslims for the actions of a few

Why is this?

Attached: 1489905473841.jpg (1357x2048, 228K)

I wonder what the objective could be...

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Why were the Arabs lumped into the white category?

The van attack was a false flag

>Muslim runs over people with van
>Jow Forums talks for weeks after about how we need to gas this problem

>Incel does the same
>#NotAllIncels, Prayers for the virgins, don't attack all NEETs for the actions of a few

Why is this?

The government counts spics and akbars as white

Attached: le56percentface.jpg (1029x487, 160K)

you forgot
>state provided gfs
>plastic sex dolls

It starts with J and rhymes with “Lose”

There literally has been multiple threads daily about "the incel problem".

>sex dolls
also op you forgot the anti-hate speech legislation passed almost anywhere, to crack down on angry white males having hateful opinions on the internet (like stating islam is violent/dangerous)

Attached: sexrobot.webm (852x480, 2.81M)


Incels don't have a inter-dimensional space tyrant demanding that they kill people to get 72 tradhots and a ticket out of hell.

Attached: no fun allowed.gif (400x239, 938K)

Does it matter if the death toll is the same?

nice feets

Attached: 1524267120828.webm (498x206, 545K)

Yes, but most census data differentiate between Hispanics and non-Hispanic Whites. The real trap is all the mudscum from the Middle-East. They are still in the White category for the most part and there's often no way of gleaning this from the data.

The death toll isn't the same, and it also isn't the point.

There's a big difference between a group of people venting about their (largely self-imposed) failures with women, and a centuries old Ideology that demands it's adherents commit acts of subjugation and murder in order to please an all powerful being. Trying to draw a line between Radical Islam and Incels is ignorant at best and deliberately manipulative at worst.

That's probably because incels don't have an incel holy book and incel prophet that tell them to kill infidels

reminds me of that mexican torture video

The Jewish Masters need Cheap Brown Labor from poor brown countries. They also want to create a mixed race underclass of slave laborers. Masters have always protected their slaves from harm (unless the slave was disobedient or displeasing in some way.) In the modern era that means whites must be demonized so that their will to resist Mass Immigration/Cheap Labor is broken and they begin to race mix with the new Cheap Laborers.

This process will take a long time but you have to remember how much control the Jews have. They own All Money, News, Education and Entertainemnt. When you have all that control, you can afford to wait a very long time to acheive your goal of Brown Skinned Goyim serving you for all time.

AKA: It's the Jews, stupid!

It’s almost like the media has an agenda hmmmmmm