>France: Europe isn’t US ‘vassal,’ should trade with Iran
>Germany ready to help its firms keep doing business in Iran
>China’s new train line to Iran sends message to Trump: We’ll keep trading anyway
>Ankara vows to help resist US sanctions on Iran
>The Latest: Russia and allies to sign trade pact with Iran
>Iran nuclear deal: UK won't walk away, says Boris Johnson
>Italy's PM says Iran nuclear deal should be maintained
What will Trump do?
Is Trump going to sanction France,Germany, UK, Italy, China, Russia and Turkey for standing by Iran?
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America is going to fight everyone else at the same time. If they win, Earth is renamed 'America'. If they lose, they have to give the Indians their land back, and live in a tee-pee.
Sounds good to me.
why don't you show your flag now buddy.
Well we can't very well fight against the hole world, no shame in backing down, if Israel wants war with Iran they should fight it themselves.
>Gregor fucking Gysi standing in front of my flag
Fuck this mongoloid pig, time to ally up against the mutts for real.
We should bring all troops home, self destruct our bases overseas and watch the euro trash and mudslimes rip each other apart. Then go over and execute the remaining weakened forces.
who is that?
Based, Israel#1
Your troops aren't really doing much over here, waste of money to be honest.
I'm afraid this may be the only option left
we'll be fine, we have too many shared interests, and I doubt May will be around all that longer
That's our president and not gysi you dumb faggot
>tfw ISIS and Al Qaeda cease to exist in a matter of weeks and the refugee crisis ends
You’re on bong niggar.
>German education
Kill yourself. No irony.
what the fuck is going on
>jews control USA
>jews control EU
>jews won't support jews
>jews are going to sanction jews for not shilling against Iran
They might act tough but everyone understands that U.S. is an unparalleled global superpower, and yes, Europe is essentially their vassal. These guys think they have Trump figured out because they met with him a couple of times. They're calling his bluff with their own, so Trump should just go on and slap tariffs and sanctions on them as he promised he would. Let's see who caves in first. Protip: it will be E.U.
>Let's see who caves in first. Protip: it will be E.U.
Like in 2002?
Was Trump the president in 2002?
Will the economic effects be any different now?
Europe proving once again that they're all fucking idiots.
Really the only thing we have to do is tell Europe that we no longer want to be a part of NATO and that will cause a freak out like you’ve never seen before
> just Trump mentioning that he doesn’t want to be a part of NATO would make them Bal down
> not to mention the huge economic power we hold over the EU
They are just trying to save face but we will bend them to our Will
>John Kerry
>middle of a fake war in the middle east at the time
Not France. Macron is his buddy. The rest however...
>Europe betraying us once again for Muslims
Imagine my shock
This is literally salty family members who you never heard of before you were rich, get it? They are mad because they were taking billions in wealth outside the American system, using fucking Dollars and Global banking but with an opposing oil producing nation.
They want to fucking stand up? Use Yuans or Euros on Iran, or the BRICS banking and lets see how well they do.
>Europe isn’t US ‘vassal,’
>US government betraying it's citizens for Israel
Imagine my shock
What if I told you, Israelis are practically American?
Hey dutch jew, biz is biz.
The useless nato has no value for business.
The EU won't be free until they ink an arms deal with Iran for Dolphin submarines.
While Trump sucks kike dick, Iran will become the launch customer for Russia's answer to the 737.
So much losing disguised as winning. Typical American fraud.
Nigger Trump is making America win again. Are you all retards who follow the headlines? You need to read in between lines.
Politician rats are prone to side with an well known terrorist sponsors who leaders hate the west, and who are Assad-esque of the Kremlin Oligarchy.
He just exposed them to the entire, specially Merkel. This is pure 4d chess. And trust me he is going to him this time too.
dude I really do hope he just sanctions everyone like holy f uck how amazing would that be.
We should honestly leave Syria to piss off our (((European allies))) as a result. I don't believe that Iran should be sanctioned and I like Iran a million times more than the kikes... but on paper we should say we're leaving Syria because the other countries are "undermining efforts against Iranian terrorism." It's the perfect excuse to leave the middle east and let Iran, Arabs and the Turks take control of their own region, like it should be.
>trump sanctions everyone
>no one really cares because no one buys anything from US anyway
bring it! We'll kick your asses again. And take that commie John Oliver with you!
Oooh, look at the 56% tough little jewish orc bending everyone else's will to serve their kike master, so tough.
>white guy with an amerikike flag
Kek, when mutts have to dream about being white in Hollyjew movies by using non-american actors in said roles.
did fat tissue finally destroyed any remnannts of your intelligence or any capability to analize situation objectively? because your solution will mean only one thing - world peace and prosperity for all human kind?
get it to your think skull - YOU are the bad guys
YOU and (((them))) are the reason of all wars during last 70 years
so yeah, please get the fuck out of our faces
top fucking kek. this. Europe has fallen to islam. Let them bleed out. Once they have slaughtered each other, we'll come over, annex Europe and turn it into USA 2.0
Bases aren’t useful until they are
It’s certainly a waste of money for American interests though. Everyone should pay for their own defense.
don't you guys get it? this is it. he's cutting the world loose to go back to doing what they always do -- kill each other en masse every 25 years. we give up. fuck you guys, work it out yourselves.
I have blue eyes and brown hair....non American actor... being this retarded.
It is true. Finland is the latest victim of Cuckistan
You bet your dick he is, and it’s going to be glorious.
Jews are very much about self interest. They sold out their neighbors to the nazis. Stole and sold shit at crazy prices in the ghettos. Literally trying to make bank on the way to the gas chambers.
Globalist fags posturing. You little shit countries need to understand that every single one of you are on the U.S. titty. China is what it is now because we allowed it. Truth is we were far better off on our own before ZOG made us give away our utopia to prop up your shitholes. Trump knows this, and your weak leaders just gave him the perfect excuse to take it all back. Go ahead, side with Iran or whatever other dogshit cast off country that needs a handout.
>Globalist fags posturing. You little shit countries need to understand that every single one of you are on the U.S. titty. China is what it is now because we allowed it. Truth is we were far better off on our own before ZOG made us give away our utopia to prop up your shitholes. Trump knows this, and your weak leaders just gave him the perfect excuse to take it all back. Go ahead, side with Iran or whatever other dogshit cast off country that needs a handout.
This is terrible. We all need to come together to help our greatest ally. Israel needs those Iran sanctions
sad truth, I wish the UK wasnt sold out, we'd be happy to be by your side
Being this much of a retard
Amerimutts only like Trump because they’re too retarded to realize he’s actually the biggest ZOG puppet imaginable.
> less then 5% muslim in EU
>USA is 56% white
Mutt logic everyone
You do realize that would actually solve all the problems in europe / middle east. So yeah. Do it.
(Its not like we asked you to do that since decades)
Implying that France, Germany and the UK won't cave in like 1-2 weeks tops and go back to being obedient little puppies under the US.
>These guys think they have Trump figured out
Like, you can figure out a stupid moron like Trump.
I think UK definitely will, France maybe, but Germs probably won't. The sole reason they push that "EU army" shit so much is that they want to be rid of US troops in europe. This is a golden opportunity for them.