Welcome:Intelligence Femanon posters

No allowed:"""""""""""MEN""""""""""""""""

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Tits or gtfo

bump ;^;

femanon are asleep or working now?


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Are you assuming my gender?

Intelligent femanon do not such perv posting.

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back to the kitchen sweetie

Did you just assume my gender?

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>japanese>thinks she knows what real men are
kys whale killer

Is that true?

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Yes, because that's healthy, rational and sane.

Bad user, no tits with time stamp.

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So then why don't you show me your tits?

Did you get the attention you were seeking ?

>no femanon posting

Apparently it seems I made a thread at the wrong time...


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When was your last rape fantasy?

oof. Much gay.


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>Asian rape dreams

Do you think they squeal like pigs in their sleep too?

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But what when you need a cock?

Who gases the men? Women? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

>Once upon a time in the west

You done well lads, you done well.

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Bet you won’t hahaha


these do not compute, David-san
>in all fields

Remove yourself from here, Suziki Kazimoto-san.

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okay ill bait. Seriously tho, what do you have against men and what do we do thats deserving hate?

Fuck you jap whore


Femanon here, I love and cherish all of the men in my life: father, husband and sons. Fuck you bitter roastie, you will die alone and barren and your cats will not mourn you. If bait, fuck off doubly.

man make trouble of 99% in this world.

95% of crimes committed by """"""""men"""""""".

gas the men.This world would be peaceful.
like this pic.

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cock suckers are no allowed too.

go away.

also I'm a virgin unlike you.

Seppuku would look delightful on you

This is mental illness or a larp. You do realize how baby's are born, right?

Women are literally nothing without men you need us we don't need you
So you don't actually hate men you hate bad men and male who pretend to be men

how does your world make baby with no men?
how does your world build buildings and bridges with no men?
how does your world have strong leaders with no men?

your world seems pretty shitty

suck a dick like nature designed you to and shut the fuck up.

u whore

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Why are women so disgustingly stupid?

I agree, but still tits or gtfo.

>I'm a virgin

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you must be having the time of your life slut
now get on your knees whore

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Can you imagine a gender war.

When all these women who have got so used to barging shoulders with a man and genuinely believing he is scared of her, when in reality he just doesn't know how to handle an aggressive human who society would ban him for fighting back against.
Imagine the moment those same women started getting boxed in their faces, jaws snapped and heads stamped on. Literally being thrown to the floor like rag dolls and their heads kicked until they are unconscious.
This war would last 5 minutes.

>complaining about men
>while using electricity maintained by men
>on a computer / phone invented and built by men
>on a website.. done by men

Slap the jap

Last, night, Trump signed the deal to release the classified info that Nunes and Gowdy requested of the DOJ, effectively putting Mueller and Rosenstein in a "bind" to have congress review it and release to the public today.

And then shootings happen at schools. AGAIN.


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Meanwhile the men are working every day

>lolis and waifus and missingno all living in harmony
sign me up lad!

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why are all men these days video game playing manchildren, gals? There's nothing to chose from. The stable ones with stable financial situation are either taken or mansluts and what's left are obese losers with no prospects

What do?

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Welcome to the world of men.
But we chose from cock hungry sluts or a 'shy/devoid of all personality' weirdo.
Men have always been able to live without women, that's why women reel men in and make them family men, because we have so many other hobbies and options in life we don't need a family or to settle down. It's women who need to settle down and are now mad that men have taken the better option of following their hobbies and not getting tied to some militant feminist lunatic.

I'll make this thread at another time...

oyasumi femanons.

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>men have taken the better option of following their hobbies
real men climb mountains, learn martial arts, lift, hunt... It doesn't stop them from starting a family.
Not play video games all day and watch porn.

are there any gfs in here?

>Intelligence Femanon posters

Who told you 'real men' do those things?
A woman's magazine no doubt written by some bitter old woman who has been through 2 divorces.
What if I was to tell you what you needed to live up to to be a 'real woman'? Do you think you would give me any of your time?
Well all women are telling men what it is to be a 'real' man. And men are doing whatever the fuck they want now, that's what men do.

Feminism and Meninism is moot, So is racial issues. There are two genders and that allows us to procreate, but I don’t see why these days success is granted by gender race and belief rather than pure skill or strength.

Basically, man, woman, white, black. Doesn’t fucking matter. We are all computers programmed by god or chemicals.

And to be going at eachother’s throats like this will end our system.

YES! BRING IT ON, YOU CUNTS! Men are the superior sex! It was men who built civilization and it ismen who will take it back! All hail the Homotopia!

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>And men are doing whatever the fuck they want now, that's what men do.
by being manchildren? So we come back to my original point. You can't support a family while living in your parents basement. Mainly because no woman will look at you seriously.

What are you arguing even? Do you disagree that someone unstable financially/physically unfit, is not a husband material?

>Brainlet reporting in

me too!wanta fuk ?

post vulva

I’m a blonde German femanon. Are you a Japanese femanon?

As someone applying for colleges, I have these thoughts because

>Be white male
>Have good grades and portfolio of projects
>Lose college slot to Mexican who has less skill than I do because of Mexican quota

This shit shouldn’t happen on any side. Skill and strength should decide who gets far in the world.

Do you not understand that men are not looking for the type of woman who is looking to tie him down with kids? Men have no rights in courts when it comes to child custody, and when you look at the stats it's unlikely any long term relationship/marriage is going to last.
Women have too much weight in relationships, legally and socially. When men weigh up the pro's and cons of getting into a serious relationship with a modern day woman, it doesn't ass up for him.
So you might call it a man child, it's actually a man who is bailing out of society. He isn't happy, don't get me wrong. The men you talk about are the ones who want to date women, they want families but they, as men, have weighed up the options and come to the rational conclusion that having children with a woman is a bad idea.

I'm a femanon and I love perv posting!

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Damn I wish I had a japanese feminazi gf who would beat the shit out of me on a regular basis for being a privileged white male
Go out with me Triggly-chan pls

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Ok so you're biased as fuck.

Most black people on the US are poor as fuck and hopeless. I'm not talking about the assholes you're competing against

I at least commend you for keeping it real. Good luck to you

You know them rules too.

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What is Q
>a man near trump
>a organization of hackers
>a psyopp
I havnt seen boomers this voracious and Virile in many years!!!
Check out this brand new video with info from Titus Frost, David Seaman and many others who have proof now (((allegedly))) that Q is a Glowing Nigger who loves to plant his cock inside your mind and breeds your mental psyche with WAIT!!! JUST WAIT FOR THE STAGE TO BE SET....
>WAIT FOR the VILE people to die off like Barbara Bush

Well I do agree that the waiting game IS OVER!!!!

Hate Q not the user

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Good bread! It would be a same if someone...saged it...

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are you speaking for all men or just yourself? You don't make any sense. A lot of guys are happy "tied down with kids". You live in an echo chamber of other losers.

don't sage my waifu you fucking toxic male
also pay debts

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I'll beat live out of you. Beta subs dont' deserve to live

unless you are a 10/10 slavic qt I'm not interested

I get into relationships, i have no kids as of yet but I wouldn't say no. I also understand though the less confident men deciding to totally bow out of society.
You talked about the pathetic men who you sound like you are begging to rejoin society so you can actually have a boyfriend, so it wasn't me who was questioning them, it was you. I am telling you why, that certain group of men have decided to not get married with kids, and I also agree with them to an extent.

>you sound like you are begging to rejoin society so you can actually have a boyfriend
what kind of shitty strawman is that?
So you don't disagree but you argue for the sake of arguing. You sound like a woman yourself to be honest.


They’re poor as fuck and hopeless, yes.

But what the fuck happened to working hard and grinding to success like their rap songs constantly say? Why the fuck should they be poor and hopeless and still get into good college for free when they didn’t work to overcome their situation?

I don’t care about races or genders, like I said, it’s moot. Hard work should be the currency of success.

You sound mad that men are not dating women are choosing to do other things. Why should men date women?

They're free to do anything. But the happiness is in a stable family. For most. Some people, but not many are happier pursuing career or research. I agree though, that overgrown socialist state is skewing everything for the worst tho. Being a single mother shouldn't be as beneficial as having a job. But so it shouldn't be playing videogames all day.

At least in Poland the state won't fully support your degenerate lifestyle, fortunately. We don't have money for that. Yet.

You just sound mad roastie, also post tits or gtfo.

So are you comparing in equals a woman who wants to have children so she can claim benefits from the government and also get child support from the man she had that child with for 18 years, and a man who isn't competing in life, or dating women because of those things?
Are they the same to you, and as detrimental to society as each other?

Adding to this. You have to see, one is cause and one is effect.


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Tits or GTFO

They're both leeches. Also, use commas.

Post those tits already, bloody hell this place has gone down hill when it comes to enforcing board culture.

You're assuming the men who aren't dating women are not working either. Where did you get this idea from? So men without women aren't working in jobs?
Women so massively over inflate themselves in society, you're actually sick in the head. Soft men have let women become narcissists, which is a personality disorder.

I won't show them to a shitskin, like you
I'm not assuming anything. I was talking specifically about the group of not working recluses playing videogames all day and masturbating to porn. Stop putting words in my mouth.

So you're talking about a tiny proportion of men?

>calls me a shitskin when I am paler than her
You are right I dont want to see them anyway, the chances of a normal looking woman browsing this website is very low.Now tell me how many Chongs did you had, since after all they are the 2nd region they visit in EE for sexpats after Ukraine.

Do you also hate heat, electricity, water or working sewage? Because women in no way contribute to those, just consume.
Reminder that while men pay overwhelming majority of all taxes, women comprise over 80% of all spendings.

This joke is cringy and outdated. What would a modern woman do in a kitchen?

Seriously, are you a single woman in Poland?

I see OP is a massive faggot and didn't post tits. SAGE.

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>implying men wouldn't enjoy and welcome that

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