What are your actual political beliefs?
>inb4 I'm actually a fascist/nazi
stop larping, nobody with an IQ above 3 would actually be a fascist
What are your actual political beliefs?
>inb4 I'm actually a fascist/nazi
stop larping, nobody with an IQ above 3 would actually be a fascist
I am a Himmlerist
>nobody with an IQ above 3 would actually be a fascist
Agnostic Centrist
>Haha look at this faggot and his Pepe
I dont believe anything
Mostly Libertarian
when will these wasteful threads stop appearing
Data mining thread.
>implying Jow Forums is good for actual political discussion
Puritanical Theocrat
kill yourself muttface
i believe i can fly
hear me out
i believe i can touch the skyyyyy
i dont trust people at all. i dont really understand how political structures actually function but my impression is that it is all sociopaths grabbing power and exploiting each other and us
fuck all of them
fuck off leaf I'm 1000% whiter than you
>fuck off leaf I'm 1000% whiter than you
personally im more capcom than anything
Still whiter than you wang
What the fuck is an agnostic centrist? How can you be centrist if you're politically agnostic you fucking faggot?
there is more than one centrist position, I'm agnostic towards them. Basically everything in the circle
Chaotic Neutral
I like watching things get fucked up and watching the fallout. It never affects me personally anyway. Shits cash.
unironically a minarchist
>what are your actual political beliefs
help the white family help themselves
Right leaning centrist.
There are valid arguments for things of old to still be in place. Radical changes like birth control should be pondered way nore than we have in the past before implementing them as emotional responses but we should not arbitrarily denounce things like thst because they "could" turn out badly.
Basically: We should follow rules. We should overturn rules if we can prove they're bad and what we gain is clearly a net benefit wherever possible. If a change results in a moderate benefit but has a reasonably high cost, then it probably isn't worth putting into place, pretty simple.
And if it's something that is a 50/50 split, then government should probably fuck off from it and let people decide.
ancap is the only way
My political believes are anything I find morally right.
Also ideology is a spook.