Just explain to me why you think you need an assault rifle like this. And don't give me any of that "tyrannical government" tinfoil hatter bullshit.
Because from where I'm standing I see no reason that anyone outside of the military or police should be able to own such weapons. They are highly trained to be able to handle them appropriately while the average gun owner knows nowhere near as much about the proper handling of a gun. Not to mention the fact that the second amendment was written way before we had assault rifles. So there's no way that it should cover them too.
I need many assault and battle rifles. Also light, medium and heavy machine guns too. Old skool bolt guns and M1 Garands. Just in case America, just in case.
Tyler Martinez
Yes I do, yes they should. Swallow a bullet and save us the ammo you nigger Jew.
What is it psychologically that makes 2+2 the go to? Why not 1+1=2? Everyone myself included uses 2+2 it’s kind of interesting, certainly more than mr. future former marine over here
Ethan Gomez
It can shoot multiple magazines per minute, smartass.
Christian Cook
>And don't give me any of that "tyrannical government" tinfoil hatter bullshit. It's a perfectly valid reason. In fact, it's why the 2nd amendment was created in the first place.
>while the average gun owner knows nowhere near as much about the proper handling of a gun The average gun owner knows plenty, and it's not as if the information is hard to obtain.
>Not to mention the fact that the second amendment was written way before we had assault rifles The founding fathers were not so much drawn to the exact means by which their weapons were operated, as they were to the fact that they could be used to kill a human being, and that they were what the military was using at the time. The second amendment gives people the power to kill another human being if the need arises.
Asher Anderson
Levi Morales
Guaranteed replies
William King
multiple as in two?
oh fuck
Gavin Rodriguez
so the solution is to just let gun owners have one massive magazine that they can't shoot through in a minute.
Fuck off, shill. At least do your gun research properly.
James Ward
An assault rifle is defined as a select fire rifle that shoots an intermediate cartridge. While I cannot tell from just the image whether or not the rifle is select fire (it probably isn't), from the shape of the magazine it would appear it is not firing an intermediate cartridge. 5.56x45mm NATO and 7.62x39mm are intermediate cartridges. 22 LR is commonly used in low power rifles and pistols for fuck's sake.
Thomas Mitchell
you can do that with every rifle.
You can go through at least 3 enfield mags in a minute
Gavin Parker
Obviously bait. Points for the 10/22, but still it goes in all fields.
My main reason for wanting one at the moment would be the possibility of EU army becoming a reality
Tyler Collins
Shit thread shit bait
Robert Johnson
>Just explain to me why you think you need an assault rifle like this. To be able to fight people if I ever have to.
It's just an option.
In decisionmaking, greater optionality is associated with better outcomes.
Explain to me how you justify not maximizing your options for if the worst should ever happen. Especially if you live with family / gf who might get hurt because you didn't give yourself options.
Brandon Johnson
>explain why you NEED > bill of RIGHTS Sage
Brayden Martinez
Guys just stop with all of your petty little arguments. I don't care. The FACT is that children are dying EVERY DAY because the NRA is refusing to allow people to take action.
If you insecure gun freaks could provide a valid reason for owning a gun then maybe you'd stand a chance of getting to keep them in the coming years, but you won't. And for that when Trump loses in 2020 your guns won't be sticking around for too much longer.
If the second amendment doesn't cover assault rifles because they didn't exist get the fuck off the internet and either yell loudly in the nearest public square or write me a letter with a feather pen and have some guy on a horse come deliver it to me
Logan Price
>citation needed
Luke Adams
Fuck off you dumb nigger
Dylan Baker
The first amendment is different from the second amendment in case you haven't realized. I'm sure the founders would be fine with the way that the first amendment has advanced.
I don't understand, why would you silence a 22? so you dont wake grandma?
Ryder Torres
They are fun, sometimes you need to shoot people to release some stress
Anthony Hall
Bill of RIGHTS Americans have the absolute right to bear arms and to free speech. Look at the First ammendment, written before the internet and the massive political media machine - does free speech apply still? Yes, as it should.
Nicholas Watson
Select fire capabilities, detachable box magazine, chambered in an intermediate caliber, and typically designed for military purposes.
Anthony Martin
to shoot faggots & commies who try to take it away
In the land of liberty the onus or burden is on those proposing new laws to justify their existence.
Jack Morris
That's a fucking .22
We should be able to own guns because it's our constitutional right as Americans and always has been. The founders made it so that if the government ever became tyrannical, the people would have the means to overthrow it. Which we do.
The "muh tanks" and "muh airplanes" amounted to fuck all in Afghanistan, and there would likely be a split in the military anyway, with probably most of it being on our side.
Julian Green
Because it's my MOTHER FUCKING RIGHT!!!!! You know there are alot more rifles with more fire power that are far more deadlier than the AR-15. Do your fucking research!!!! Lazy ass millenials!
Ethan Sullivan
That's a sweet looking 22 long. Looks fun as shit. I would explode many gophers with it.
Noah Carter
Boomers inbound
Ethan Evans
Angel Rivera
That's actually a .22 lr, which is different from .22 long.. It will shoot .22 long but not cycle it.
Ryan Turner
1) it's a right to have one, not a need to have one 2) if your brain is not able to fathom 1st point, consider it a market solution; providing both hunting & self-defense abilities by one weapon. What have you learned you useless faggot?
Daniel Powell
Isn't Finland one of the few euro countries that allows people to have guns?
Dylan Lopez
Cuz niggers
Ryder Flores
You right OP, assault weapon such as your image shows its totally inadequate for you to kill your self with due to your weak finger strength.
Justin Reyes
Our rights have nothing to do with needs. Why do you need a lawyer? Just don't break the law and you'll never need one, so why even allow them? Why do you need freedom of assembly, the internet exists marches do nothing anyways? Why do you need freedom to vote? The electoral college decides who wins anyways, why even vote? You are asking needs based questions, and the answers have nothing to do with needs it's a right and I shouldn't have to explain that.
Because my penis is VERY tiny and I feel this compensates for it. Also I'm very scared that negores lurk behind every bush and will steal my white women away. And I'm totally not gay, but I just love polishing that long, hard, black barrel in a way that's not at all homoerotic.
Dominic Rivera
White burgers going to need them when the "managed race war" of the Jews start. And it's not just related to the race war, it is also related to how society will completely brake down and all the negative consequences of it.
They do need to start organizing...security is in packs, individualism/atomization will mean big big trouble.
Juan Scott
I hope you get shot
Kevin Ramirez
Only cops like this one should only cary one to protect your sorry ass
Alright Faggots. Lets see if anyone can break my arguments against gun control.
1. The right to bear arms isnt granted by the Bill of Rights, it is merely recognized and enumerated by it, as a human right. The right to bear arms exists in the same fashion now as it did then regardless of any law, bill, statute or code.
2. This human right has nothing to do with hunting, sport, or target shooting. It has to do with being able to use force on par with the government(which is coincidentally just OTHER PEOPLE. They dont know any more than you or I do about why we exist, and what lies beyond death) Why should the government decide how I defend myself and my family?
3. We need to deregulate automatic weapons, and supressors. Both have niche uses and dont make a weapon particularly more deadly. The current status of "allowed" weapons is disastrous, and absolutely counts as an infringement.
4. Force is the gold standard for humans all over the world. Anyone who tells you otherwise is either lying or ignorant. They ability to exercise force is a HUMAN RIGHT. And should not be held in the hands of the powers that be in the government.
Prove me wrong bitchlibs.
Cooper Bell
Can you define an assault rifle or will you just repeat what you hear in conditioning?
Can you imagine the outrage and how the media would go crazy if this happened in similar circumstances today ? >Let them loot >RAZISTS!
Kayden Nguyen
And who is coming to take them? Are you goimg to do it? Or send someone else with a gun to do it for you?
Limp wrist fairy faggot fuck.
Justin King
>It can shoot multiple magazines per minute, smartass.
6 gorillion magazines is about right
Brayden Myers
Because this is America, because I can and because of people like you. That's also a 10/22 faggot. Go to Bongistan if you don't like guns. They'll just stab and throw acid at you instead.
Ryder Powell
You are faggot.
Prove me wrong burgershit.
Jason Cook
To fight armed white supremacists! Although shot placement is key, I'd rather have an AR-15 instead of a 10/22.
Nathan Perez
I know you're a shitposter, but do people really believe Huffington Post is a real news site? Do people not know that it's literally a blog for women's opinion articles?
Asher Carter
And just where are you standing? A reality in which governments never act against their people? One where crime doesn't exist? Well and good for you, but from where I'm standing I do need weapons. If you want to come get them you are welcome to try.
Austin Cook
I fucked ur mom
Jonathan Evans
Is that an Assault rifle? Hmm, I'm guessing that's wrong, gonna read the replies obviously.
Angel Lee
THIS. These white supremacist nutjobs who are always jerking off to the idea of "day of the rope" are few in number, but all you need is one to ruin your day, like that mushroom-headed sumbitch Dylan Roof.
Caleb Taylor
+ Aye, Thanks for the clarification.
Samuel Allen
>This study shows that gun exposure results in PTSD in kids. It shows that seeing and hearing people get gunned down results in PTSD, not seeing a gun.
John Kelly
poor bait,more subtle
Michael Miller
>Don't give the that tyrannical government bullshit obligatory
1) Because I'll do what I damn well please so long as it doesn't harm another.
2) To protect me and my family from corrupt Government and Politicians. Also whenever the ANTIFA crowd doesn't get their way and starts burning down neighborhoods.
3) If modern guns don't apply for the second amendment, then the same is also true for the first amendment. Therefore, the following items are not protected under "free speech" >TV News >Radio >Social Media (Includes Twitter, Facebook, etc) >Night Clubs >I can keep going...
All in all, fuck off cunt. It's an inanimate object that I enjoy shooting.
Gabriel Murphy
Sweetest looking 22 I have ever seen!!
Thomas Morales
I lost my assault weapons in a boating accident, so I have no idea what you're talking about
Gavin Russell
To kill as many leftist as possible in the shortest amount of time.