This is so fucking stupid

Just more "INSTITUTIONAL RACISM" and "GIVE ME YOUR GIBS AND YOUR GUNS" bullshit. >gets praised by the media as some sort of heroic icon
Are we really just going to let this shit slide Jow Forums?

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Other urls found in this thread:

The video was made by Jews. You're a shill. It's just that simple.

Black man
>shoots up fellow blacks
>smokes weed
>runs from the cops
>vandalizes property
>all while he shucks and jives for your entertainment and shekels
>implying Glover is redilling the masses

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I actually enjoyed the video. Dude looks funny as fuck and it is pretty interesting. As far as meaning, I haven't figured it out and it doesn't stand for shit for me since I'm Hispanic. It is intriguing though.

Really not sure what your beef is with it though. Doesn't seem to me like it's blaming white people for shit so not sure why you (assuming you're white) feel so attacked (like always). It's not even a drug slinging video or sex promoting video.

Blacks can't win. This video really is interesting and gets you thinking and you still can't appreciate it.

The last bit where the background singers were singing " Black man get yo munny" was fucking Hilarious.

That is pure vile. More like “This is Africa”

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white people hate when they arent a part of african_american culture

Basically just some (((blacks))) complaining "America is keepin' da black man down" shit along with some MarchForOurLives tier propaganda about gun control

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The clip is actually redpilled as fuck.
>black men kill black men
I see nothing wrong here.

This is why we should bring back Jim Crow laws.

The song was shit, pretty much like pic related. Repeating the same line over and over. Don't know how it became an instant hit. If someone listens to it without video it would be just another lil pump song.

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Rap music is garbage as a whole.

> We're oppressed
> But I'm rich and famous
> But we oppressed still
> We are killing each other
> But we still oppressed

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>police are obviously at fault
Nigger logic

It was a black guy saying that black people are keeping themselves down. That the (((media))) will only accept black caricatures. That they are doing it to distract us all from real problems.

When did Jow Forums get THIS fucking retarded?

I genuinely don't get it. He's clearly glamourising guns like they all do, yet he's being called a hero. His stage name is 'Gambino' for fuck's sake.

>african_american culture
There's no such thing. Shouting about guns and sex all day doesn't constitute a culture.

That’s Donald Glover and his alter ego is Chikdish Gambino. Glover himself is redpilled as fuck and is really good friends with Kanye West.

If you can’t see the clear message in this video, you’re an idiot like the rest of bluepilled nation praising him for speaking up to the white man.

The video is about black culture dying because of the new age of music being followed by school children and distracting them of violence. He’s shown as a rapper repeating the same shit over and killing musicians. Also doing stupid faces and dances like current rappers. When he finally calms down and takes a hit after talking about getting capped, he goes into an empty warehouse that only has two people, the guitar player and a some lady I can’t make out. Fellow musicians. He then follows it up by imitating James Brown with the dancing and the 1-2-3 get down.

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Jews have to antagonise minorities against majority, so they get influence and some balance

>Jow Forums hates this video
I honestly can't tell if Jow Forums has finally gone full retard.

I think it's pretty obvious the only consistent way to interpret that video is as a serious, almost grotesque critique on black culture.
To see it as anything else requires you to be pretty much symbolically illiterate or blinded by political ideology.

Let's take away everything from the video but the end so we can keep it simple.
>all that shit has gone down, people have died, you've been to prison, all hell has broken loose
>the moment the protagonist is alone, he lights up and dances on the roof of a car with its hazards on (you know, like in a state of emergency)
>camera pans back, all the cars have hazards on
>this reflects the reality of the black man's outward stance amidst chaos: he's high on drugs and distracting himself by dancing (not unlike the guy in the documentary Art Of Killing, where the guy who killed hundreds of people kept distracting himself by dancing IRL)
>camera pans into darkness
>protagonist running, panicked in the dark - this is what's going inside the man's head who's dancing himself through hell that is reality

But apparently Jow Forums is above all else a contrarian, fuck truth and principles, so we hate the video.

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While I understand the sentiment, your premise is incorrect. There is a nigger subculture that includes "shouting about guns and sex all day", as well as glorifying crime and violence while abrogating any sense of personal responsibility.

Just because it's not cultured doesn't mean it's not a culture.


Also, notice he doesn’t fall into this black lady’s trapped to speak up for black Americans? He’s not revealing the true meaning because he’s being praised for something else.


No it wasn't about that. Some people claim that he was based and talked shit about black culture and shined light on black on black violence. That's bullshit too. The truth is the song is about absolutely fucking nothing. It's a bunch of incomprehensible gibberish with ''this is america'' said randomly throughout. The video is just random shit he thought would look cool.

>It is just random shit he thought would look cool
This is exactly what an illiterate person would say about a book.

>american education

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One of the millions of videos advocating for left beliefs. Who cares?

Im getting tired of seeing pictures of that ugly ape homosexual on Jow Forums...fuck that's one ugly ape.

>jelous he can’t lover the Glover

No. Intelligent non blacks, especially whites, hate that black culture is pushed so heavily in media and music, despite being the absolutely most degenerate, brain mushing animal babble, all the while, no one listens to classical music, music with larger concepts and truth/emotion. Mostly because people do not possess the attention span, emotional/creative depth or wonder anymore and need sex and killing to spur the reptilian, lower brain.

The song is horribel, and the video is inconsistent junk.

The type of material decadent westerners would applaud out of fear of «not geting it»

waste of perfectly good trips, KYS

Well that’s just like, your opinion man

That’s the point, idiot.

Seriously, has the average IQ on Jow Forums dropped, or has the average age gone down significantly?

Oh, right, it's summer.



Well good job then

It's a completely obvious critique of bling gangster culture that even youtube retards spotted within ten minutes, but the 15 yrs neopol shitheads like OP didn't see that and keep posting these dumb threads.

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It's a good video. Your "culture" is shit.

>because an illiterate person reads a book instead of looking at it
What's it like being "special"?




Your culture is dead.

illiterate people don't open books period.
So I ask YOU, what it is like to be ''special''?

you guys are legitimately autistic if you can't recognize satire
the video is a piss-take of typical black people's attitude(obsession with dancing, rap, shooting people, drug trade, "get yo money black man")

show me, where in the video does he allude to "institutional raycism"

Fuck off with your advertisement Shylock

This, right here.

You people are fucking sad.

THANK YOU! Jesus fucking Christ, Jow Forums is infested with idiots tonight.

>niggers are smart enough to draw that conclusion and instead don't immediately blame whitey for their problems
you faggots need to kill yourselves

Those are some ugly pecs.

stupid finn fag

Ha, "dead", you wish. Joke's on you with your people killing each other all the time.


fuck off you glow-in-the-dark Jew

>your people = niggers
kys Mohammed

Even if there was a message it would be lost by the average person. If you need a visual representation to tell you something that's a blatant truth of reality then you're already a lost cause.

Yeah all your people, you nation of immigrants who deemed it proper to enslave black people and import them as cattle

>I think it's pretty obvious the only consistent way to interpret that video is as a serious, almost grotesque critique on black culture.
Glover opens fire on the choir, a seeming reference to the Charleston church mass shooting of 2015.
"It feels to me like it's a black man running from a lynch mob," Carmichael says. Some have also taken the scene to depict him trying to escape "The Sunken Place," a reference to Jordan Peele's 2017 racial horror film, Get Out. "Either way, it is representative of this history of violent white supremacy."
"I think with Glover, he wants to be putting out the concerns of black folk, of folks who are voiceless in this world. And I think he wants to present it in a way where it's as challenging to his audience as it is to those outside on a mass scale."

Donald Glover is a retarded nigger.

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My dude, it's not just the intelligent whites that hate this constant push of the BBC. I'm Hispanic or mestizo, and I hate how hard it's being pushed in the US. I have been living next to then for years and it's always the same shit. Not only that, their mentality is spreading. So that's why you see pretty much non-blacks acting like niggers more and more.

That's pretty much the whole video.
It's like that one image of the guy sticking a stick into his bicycle spokes. Just a black guy on a stolen bike shooting the wheels while blaming white people and the police.

Notice how I said
>the only _consistent_ way
libtards are hardly known for that.

>pretending niggers didn't enslave themselves

>We're oppressed
>no white people are present

Jow Forums still doesn't get the message the video is saying

they are afflicted with terminal aspergers syndrome

Gas yerself

>ablooblooobloo we're niggers we're a shit race feel bad for us we're so dumb
loud and clear niggerlover

remain, complain, obtain


fuck niggers

i hate niggers

Explain this to a liberal:

>Black Genocide is racist
>Abortion is liberal
>Abortion is the cause of Black Genocide while noting the 300+ Million Black babies killed due to abortion
>post yfw they learn abortion is racist

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the video has nothing to do with race. your racist notions make it about race because that's all you think about. because you're racist.

anyways, the video is about the fact that violent shit happens regularly in the US, and people get all shocked and horrified about it, then forget about it a week later and so it happens again and again because the underlying systemic issues are never dealt with.

badda bing, badda boom.

The kike media just praises anything that's nigger.


clearly it's the european Jow Forums autists who don't understand it

>the video has nothing to do with race
>no whites in the video except the few last seconds
Do you have medically diagnosed brain damage by any chance?

>Poe's law
>Poe's law
>Poe's law
>Poe's law
>Poe's law

>rather than pointing out inconsistencies, resort to memeing
This is how you recognize low IQ individuals.

>Jow Forums actually thinks he's "redpilling" blacks
>meanwhile this is how blacks interpret it and most likely what he intended

With all these references, the video is definitely against racist whites

We shouldn’t, this illuminigger loser should be made to be humilated and shamed for his trite ((art)) ((protest)) video sucking the status quo’s dick.

the video is by a black guy. kinda like how white people usually use white people in their videos, he used blacks. and i recall whites being in the background.

its like watch any fucking rock video and count the number of blacks. its not racist, but a black man will know black culture and will probably use imagery from what he grew up with and is comfortable with. doesn't automatically make it a political statement.

Donald Glover is the worse kind of nigger. The educated kind.

>finnish retard explaining a video some dumb nigger made on an anonymous politics board
speak for yourself faggot

That's the point. The song and everything he's doing in the video don't have any meaning. It's filmed in a way that everyone who watches it sees something different. People start debating about it's true meaning online thus giving Childish Gambino free publicity for his album. It's marketing genius.

>inconsistencies of an inconsistent culture

Feel free to point out another non-political music video from this decade with that many people of a single race in the complete exclusion of others. You won't find one.

>and i recall whites being in the background.
Go ahead, point them out.

I'll wait.

Do you expect them to be logical? Ask the nigger donald who's at fault, I GUARANTEE you he says whites.

What does it say about you people that none of you have gotten anywhere from the base of this pyramid?

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nobody gives a fuck you shitposting finn fuck

>balck man playing blues
>gets a bag on his head
>executed by a black man
>shows up later in the video but still with the bag over his head

>church choir of black people
>but what theyre singing is "black man get yo money"
>get shot up by a black man

>being chased by white cops through a dark warehouse
>but also a few black people

>this is america

>Are we really just going to let this shit slide Jow Forums?

Yes, the left will be their own undoing. Honestly, i talk to these people everyday, they are the most hypocritical, retarded, and weakest people. Let evolution and natural selection take it's course and let them die out. Only the strongest and most adaptive will survive my friend - survival of the fittest.

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>what is rap

>a black man executed other black people in his music video

I think this video says way more about black culture than he intended to say. It's obvious it's all about racism and gun violence but all it shows is the common theme of niggers killing niggers

20th thread and we keep going.
Aren't you tired of shilling?

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>hasn't seen a rap video

>You won't find one.
are you kidding me? i grew up watching mtv. rock videos = no blacks. maybe, maybe once in every 100 videos there is an asian.

and it doesn't matter anyways. because ultimately you're attaching your own bias to donald glover's casting choices. you have no fucking idea why there are x amount of blacks and x amount of (other race). you will probably never know. you only have your biased racist notions to guide you, and so thats why you see it as such.

No one thinks this, though, they just have reddit tier “git yo munny xD we wuz kangz” interpretations

Trying to have conversations about this video just makes me sad because everyone keeps claiming it’s deep. It their interpretations are so shallow and based on media not on reality

>I'll wait.

do that. im not rewatching a video to point some obvious shit out to some finnish clown.

Well I have to say, if that was the true intent, then that’s a job well done.