Is this the King of the Boomers?

Is this the King of the Boomers?

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He's a kike shill.

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Sooo.... the king of the boomers?

Don’t say boomer OP, apparently it’s now a shill word according to newfags.

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Fuck up, faggot, you're done here.

Wictor blocked me two days ago for saying he looked like a Groyper in a post that wasn't even directed @ him. He's a paranoid freak who must be keeping tabs on all posts containing his name.

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Truth be told I don't like using the word because I think it's retarded but sometimes the really isnt any other way to describe someone. it's insane. This psychotic low iq alcoholic really fits the stereotype in all his insane rants.

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Did anyone see him going off a couple days ago about how the USS Liberty deserved to be blown up?

What a retarded tweet

Holy shit what?

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Relax faggots, I’m just joking. I fucking despise boomers as well.

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gas the kike

He might have deleted it but the other night he was totally saying the Israelis were in the right and anyone who didn't agree was probably an Iranian shill.

I know you were but I was making a point.

pic related is some boomer story from yesterday

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Fuck off. Wictor is Based as fuck
Lies. Post link or I won't believe it

he is hilarious

he trolled a lot of anime fags

This. Anime fags won't except that they are latent homosexuals who hate women.

he's a schizophrenic pill popper who has zero knowledge of the things he rants abouts

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> he trolled anime fans so that means his Talmudic worship is based, guys!

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>I-I’m not gay, I fap to women! (who have penises)

>Don’t say boomer OP, apparently it’s now a shill word

it's always been a shill word, brainlet. The jews started destroying families and manipulating the youth by causing generational strife in the fifties. If you're dividing the generations against each other you're either a kike shill or an asshole too stupid to resist their propaganda.

Drumph turned all his bois jewish recently

In Boomtor’s defense, most planes attack from at least 300 meters in the air. Regardless, they could still see that little red white and blue piece of cloth, and Liberia and Malaysia do not have any reason to be in the Middle East. If it was an accident, one of the pilots would have said “Oy vey, you see that flag? We’re attacking Americans!”

Wictor is right. Anime fans are a bunch of women-hating, Jew-hating, psychopathic, spiritually and sexually depraved degenerates.

>Is this the King of the Boomers?

He's a pathological liar. The guy will take one scrap of information and build elaborate narratives with it. He's also a Bush era conservative.

Kys kike

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>Liberia and Malaysia do not have any reason to be in the Middle East.
Lots of ships fly the Liberian flag user

They love Jews, or at the very least, they love (((their))) product.

Regardless, they should have noticed that there was not a single solid star, but rather a bunch of small stars, and stopped the attack.
Unless the Israelis wanted to attack Americans.

No, Hannity is.

he is a CIA nigger not even joking

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Nice rebuttal, and stop praising Japan, the country with the lowest birthrate on Earth. They are antisemitic for no reason, and they bask in a lifestyle (anime fandom) that leaves them finding women disgusting. Anyone with a "waifu" is a latent homosexual/pedophile.

Hannity is a dumbass

>inb4 he makes a thread about this thread.

t. boomer

Why is this guy semi famous on the internet?

Fuck w*men and fuck Jews

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He knows more about WW1 Flamethrowers than anyone else on this board.

>the most comprehensive swift SPRINTdecent of the Q phenom!!

What is Q
>a man near trump
>a organization of hackers
>a psyopp
I havnt seen boomers this voracious and Virile in many years!!!
Check out this brand new video with info from Titus Frost, David Seaman and many others who have proof now (((allegedly))) that Q is a Glowing Nigger who loves to plant his cock inside your mind and breeds your mental psyche with WAIT!!! JUST WAIT FOR THE STAGE TO BE SET....
>WAIT FOR the VILE people to die off like Barbara Bush

Well I do agree that the waiting game IS OVER!!!!

The NWO is adapting to THIS WEBSITE!!!!

Pic related

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He's definitely a zionist, if not a kike himself.

He also thinks that Saudis are currently the world's most brilliant military tacticians. Also that there are supersonic micro-drones that killed tanks during the Syrian conflict.
He showed a couple of videos for "proof", but didn't respond when I commented that the "flying black box" looked like the shadow of the anti-tank round since the camera angle was high and to one side, with the sun clearly being low on the horizon.

He's got an enormous ego, and kvetches about other people at the drop of a hat.

Yeah I seent it..he was saying fuck the soldiers/sailors who were bitching about it too. I lurk his Twitter threads, but he is the biggest kike shill you will find, worse than any loomer or Shapiro, because he isn't even a kike (I believe not anyway).

He’s half Arab, half Amerikaner.

> Is this the King of the Boomers?
He don't look like John Lennon to me, so no.

The better question is do we have a list of people who aren't kike shills?