Kamala Harris

1) is she the candidate in 2020?

2) is she the next president?

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1. No
2. Fuck no



Why hasn't the nigger died like Scalia did yet?

This is the ultimate 2020 ticket right here!

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>1) is she the candidate in 2020?
God I hope so
>2) is she the next president?

Attached: giphy.gif (400x267, 445K)

1. Maybe
2. Roast beef

Fuck you you Wayne Gretzky cuck. Worry about your faggot ass grand poobah and let the adults speak.

LOL, nice.

I can't listen to Warren's shrill nagging voice for more than 1 minute. Bernie is a kike that lost all cred when he said "Black lives matta" and then got cucked. You can still find the cuck videos on pornhub FYI.


1. God I hope so
2. no


democrats think a mutt female will hit all the right demographics. let that bitch run and watch trump destroy her.

Does she have nudes?

she has some skeletons

I don't pretend to understand how dems/libs think, but I would guess that over 50% of them are like, "We did it with Obama, we can do it with this one."

I'd also assume that 50% has absolutely no idea how much has unfavorably changed for them since 2008.

wrong pick user
this is her

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dems are the party of mutts and losers. the white male has been completely pushed aside in their party. this mongoloid mixed race thing has a good chance of being nominated as the democratic runner.

Did you see her on the Senate Intelligence hearings? The other Senators shut her down repeatedly, including Democrats.
Enforcing their pecking order and reminding her she ain't barak obama.
No, she's not going anywhere except maybe back to CA jobless.

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1) Hopefully
2) kek

She slept her way to the top, wait until Trump publicly points out how much of a slut she is

She posts a lot of batshit things on twitter, cali will love her and Trump will sweep the Midwest again

I doubt it, especially if Warren/Sanders/Biden are running.
she is prime VP material though, especially for Sanders and Biden

She got her start in politics being Willie Brown's whore. Literally.

She’s gonna go to jail soon user. She did some really nasty stuff in California while AG. Hammer gonna come down hard

America will never elect a neocommie

She's a middle aged roastie who rode the cock carousel for like 30-40 years. She's never been in a tough political race.

She comes from an insulated political climate in California.

Her nudes, sex tape, and all the dirt she has hidden will come out.