Abortion is not only a human right, but is also a privilege

Abortion is not only a human right, but is also a privilege.

This is not a matter of libertarians or conservatives. There are women under any of those ideologies that had a miscarriage in their lives, and i don't want to highlight some sort of hypocrisy here, but miscarriages are inevitable, and we all are exposed to consequences.
Like my country, they have banned abortion since 1998 under any circumstance and we have lots of children risking their lives to give birth at a very young age, woman dying in hospitals because they cannot get a therapeutic abortion, or in jail because they had a miscarriage (even if there is not any evidence from the mother trying to kill their baby). I'm not trying to convince anybody here but you may wanna keep abortion legal and safe if you don't want to become a real, degenerate country while we try to show off how we are the greatest snowflake in the entire world.

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How about this, legalize it but forbid the promotion of it, remove planned parent hood and put it under the domain of hospitals. Instead of these NGOs and political advocacy groups.

I'm fine with abortion as long it has something to do with incest, young pregnancy, danger to mental heath, rape, and birth defects.

What I'm concerned is if abortion go against the right of life, which is stated in the declaration of independence.

We only want to legalize it under 4 circumstances (rape of a woman or a child, when the mother's life is on risk or if the fetus it is not compatible with life) but conservatives here doesn't even want to legalize it even if the fetus dies inside the mother's womb.

That's also my point of view.

>Abortion is not only a human right, but is also a privilege.

mutually exclusive terms. OP, it's been said before, but you're a faggot.

I dislike conservatives, abortion should sometimes be mandatory, in cases of race mixing, genetic defects, mental retardation etc. The problem you describe is fundamentally a catholic or religious conservative issue. Religitards refuse to bend on certain things.

How is not a provolege to exercise a human right in a country that let's you do that? private hospitals here never had any case of miscarriage so i'm pretty sure rich people here goes to another countries to get an abortion.

Yeah, here abortion was going to be debated until conservative groups started to collect firms at churches and bring lots of rich students against abortion in the congress. They are the worst.

But is it against right of life in the declaration of independence?

The fact of the matter is if you abolish abortions people will still seek them out and people will offer them and it may be more dangerous.

Most cultures abort.

I'm not gonna start a fight about when human life begins but i only can say that we should understand that life is more complex than just bring it for the sake of it and a few exceptions should be made.

That's what fundamentalists here doesn't want to understand. They believe nobody had an abortion and every pregnancy is perfect. And if we legalize it, it would be a mass killing of children. Fundamentalism is toxic and dangerous.

>people will commit crimes even if they're illegal so just make the crime legal haha
>enforcement isn't perfect so let's just not enforce laws lmao

I'm against legalizing it when rape occurs because women will then lie about rape to get one, ruining the lives of innocent men in the process.

Endorsing the murder of the unborn should be a crime.

Anyone who wants to have sex and regrets the consequences should be charged with negligence

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>Abortion is a right
Ah yes I remember when civilizations since time immemorial would huddle their masses over to the Planned Parenthood anytime someone forgot to cloak it or choke it.

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i’m not gonna change your mind but we need to admit that everything shouldn’t be viewed in black or white only.

i always see people posting pictures of abortions without knowing why they got one in the first place. i don’t really think making someone feel guilty makes them change their minds.

Keep them illegal and unsafe, so the roasties go down with their attempts of murder.

Start your anti-abortion movement by aborting yourself in solidarity.

If a woman can't handle giving birth to a child, she should fucking die with it. Natural selection at work. If we let her live, we go against nature. This means we stop evolving. Our genes become weaker.

How about dumb broads stop using it as a form of birth control

> we stop evolving
she can always have another, healthy baby if she gets the abortion you fucking retard

You have the right to use a condom, if you can't support a baby you should use one

>be mother nature
>your ultimate goal is to produce super strong perfect beings
>see that an individual is weak
>don't want that individual to reproduce as that goes against your plan
>arrange that this individual has a baby which will kill the individual
>your plans are stopped by the beings you are trying to make perfect. They remove the baby which was made to kill the weak individual. They don't want to be perfect
Please reconsider what you wrote

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Japan has so many vending machines because all Japs are antisocial and afraid of talking to other people so they'd rather use a machine to buy things.

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>it's killing a human fetus

I'm not trying to change your minds or asking for a pro-abortion support but to keep you aware of this problem, since i've seen a rise of pro-lifers trying to abolish it, at least in the US. You can see the consequences of the ban just looking at some articles of the new york times. They recently have done some investigations on my country about it:


Have a good day gentlemen.