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LINK: twitter.com/thehill/status/994945734402363392 TRUMP IS DESTROYING OUR DEMOCRACY

I have a theory on this. A part of NESARA says that new congressional AND Presidential elections must occur within 120 days or something. What if that means his first term will be cut short to implement NESARA? If that were to happen it would mean he would only get 5 years basically, so maybe he's talking about some way to get it back up to 8 with a mini term.

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Why does he keep hinting at this? He's brought this up at literally every rally for the last year just to see people's reactions. I'm surprised Jow Forums hasn't talked about this

He'll serve a 10 year term as payback for the 2 years he lost due to the Russia bs

Trump has mentioned that he admired Xi's power grab and this is the 2nd time he's "joked" about being a dictator. This is serious shit folks

They wet themselves when Obama entertained the idea. And unlike Trump it wasn't just bantz.

>when Obama entertained the idea.
I don't remember him doing that

I mean it would just be removing term limits.

Trump stands with israel 100%

Trump has actually told Netanyahu to his face to stop bombing palestein

And turning into the Kim Jong Un of the United States

The media and Obama were pushing the narrative that the people loved him so much that he would be “forced” to be king for life.

Of course it's possible.
Repeal the 22nd, run for a third term.

Likely? No.
Possible? Yes. Very much so.

All hail the magic pumpkin!

I'm ok with this.

>Obama implied he might serve past 8
>I don't remember that ever happening
Its because it didn't.

He's 4D convincing these idiots to impose more term limits


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absolutely based. he must become the first emperor.

If you watched the speech you could tell it was a joke. Hey I could go and find an obama speech and take it out of context to say he wanted to run a 3rd term. From the 2016 corespondents dinner Obama said, and I quote, "We could get a third Obama term after all." What an evil dictator.

>beyond 8 years
fucking kek, this mong isn't going to last 4

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I didn't hear you faggots complain when FDR was in power for 16 years.

john fk got assassinated ya daft cunt

Lol but I thought the blue wave was going to impeach him, what’s there to worry about? Surely he won’t get elected again in 2020... and 2024... and 2028... and

Go home and catch a rocket, Shlomo

fucking captcha. also fuck you etcetera etcetera

Franklin D. Roosevelt, you blathering retard. You know, the bleeding heart liberal who wanted to go to war against the Reich so badly he allowed the Pearl Harbor attack to happen?

Nice. Fuck democracy.

you mean like how your girl merkel doesnt have a term limit.

Roosevelt had 3 terms. Go DRUMPF!

Who wouldn't want him to be president forever?

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relax Paco he's just getting started we still have 6 more glorious years left

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He's gonna have the prime real estate by his third term.

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Come 2018 when all of the retiring or resigning Republican congressmen are replaced by fresh faces, he will have a chance. Assuming the Democrats do not gain seats.

also this is false under the constitution. the only president that served three terms was franklin rossevelt, which was during the crisis of ww2.

aside; Washington was offered to be a suedo-emporer by giving him life in office as the first president.

not to compare trump to GW, just saying

jfk=/= fdr

you worthless redneck cumskin

Term limits for congressmen

IE anti corruption

good way to get JFK'd, be careful Trump.

It sure did

He does it to please his fans; what it does is show he has no respect for democracy. If you didn't see that until now.


This is a call out to Plus Ultra.

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If he will be the saviour of European Americans, and make America back to being white, then I wouldn’t care if he’s a dictator. But from the looks of it, he’s being just being another neocon shabbos goy.

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What kind of braindead shill are you? He wasn't called king nigger for nothing. The propaganda during its the nigger's last years were blatant.


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All hail our lord emperor!!!!


this thicc man wont last 10 years anyway

Why is everyone so fuckin stupid about this? ITS NOT POSSIBLE YOU FUCKING MONG. Construction was originally stopped due to the damage the mountain sustained from the retarded faggots using TNT to carve the rock. It cannot be built upon any farther than it already is. I fucking hate uneducated fucksticks like you.

He just said things would be easier if he was a dictator, amd like every president i have witnessed made jokes about a 3rd term towards the end.

Hillarys domestic policy would have been Obamas 3rd term while she raped amd pillaged the globe for donations to her foundation.


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>Of course it's possible.
>Repeal the 22nd, run for a third term.
>Likely? No.
>Possible? Yes. Very much so.
Just like amending the 2nd Amendment out of existence. (Which would instantly cause a huge portion of the Citizenry to conclude that the government had lost legitimacy.)

OTOH, shooting and hanging are likely the only way that wer're going to be able to effectively deal with enemies foreign and domestic.

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Except he has to keep getting elected, which is super unlikely. He'll almost certainly get a second term, but at some point, he's just gonna be old and stop.

The Great White will be crowned the Forever President.

President Donald J Trump is the Emperor of Mankind.


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Honestly, I think it would be good to have a political system that is usually a representative republic like ours, but if an overwhelming number of people want to give all power to a leader, let’s say 2/3 to 70%, then that leader becomes dictator. Once that dictator dies or leaves office the system reverts to the old one.

It’s a way to eliminate political roadblocks and issue sweeping reform but only very rarely when a large part of the population is unsatisfied with the current system. Kind of like the process we have with changing our constitution, it allows for change but only rarely and under particular circumstances.

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See? That's far more appropriate than that piece of shit mountain, anyway.

Who cares?
Blow the whole mountain and erect a monument to Trump made of solid gold.

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>He'll almost certainly get a second term

ahahahahahahahah trumpcucks are truly delusional.

he barely squeaked out a win over the worst opponent in history (as in the difference was a few hundred thousand votes in a handful of swing states), he's fucked in 2018. the tears ought to be delicious though

>he has no respect for democracy.
>jew puppets have spent the last two years trying to reverse an election
You need to try harder, Plebjew. Now show your flag, kike.

>electing a bipolar billionaire
you americans went to far this time

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haha, wanna bet?

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>This is serious shit folks
I agree. People like you have already killed democracies worldwide and replaced them with an illusion that you perpetuate by claiming anyone you don't like is killing what is already dead.
It's pretty fucking serious.

>So brave goyim

>people like you
that's your argument?

We destroyed you once don't make us put you back in your place...

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>barely squeaked out a win
Literally took the entire Country in an unprecedented landslide victory that will be remembered for eternity.

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Say it with me....King Trump

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>that's your argument?
What's yours?

>ywn fight the communist resistance under the banner of the first American Emperor.

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Oh wait never mind I see it now
>Electing a bipolar billionaire
What hope do I have arguing with such a germ.

>tfw Trump knows about the secret ayyyy lmao life extension tech and intends to use it soon.

>tfw 30 year old Trump shows up at a rally announcing he will be president for the next 50 years.

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If we're going that far, lets limit it in the way the Roman Republic did and make the dictatorship a temporary position that expires after a year or until the dictators specific purpose has come to fruition.


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the fuck outta the way........

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What are you talking about you retard, an election doesn't get reversed? Is that what he tells you to get you to nfluence people on a mongolese chopping board?

When Trump becomes Emperor, what should the flag of the new American Empire look like?

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Maybe he'll do his 8 years and be nominated VP by the next president after which the president elect would resign. Like what Putin did.


please im nofap

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>When it wasn't against the law
>Later they changed it because of him

It would so funny if Donald Trump started wearing some sort of military uniform with the purple heart medal that was given to him by a veteran. Lol, shitlibs would die in screaming fits.

After that, he should seize power, declare himself dictator for life, and proceed to create a semi-Fascist state.

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That would be the greatest

>land should matter more than people
>government representation should be based on land area instead of population

Unconstitutional, see the 12th amendment

I wish modern politicians had the balls to do overt power grabs, even the ones I don’t like. It would spice up life a bit.

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>mfw all larps all come to a bait thread

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Trump won't even be reelected in 2020. He has betrayed his base numerous times to appease the left. Nobody I know even supports him anymore. Only the most braindead personality cultists from The_Zognald or Q-tards support him anymore.

You should probably just move to a 3rd world shithole where your little nigger utopia works the way you describe.

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Democracy is a shit system. It woks well at municipal level, and for smallish,homogeneous nations, but for something like the US, it soon turns into the mess that it is. Or maybe democracy only works if there are no Jews to hamper it.

I don't know if he even gets re-elected once. He barely beat Hillary, he lost in votes but won because of the system.

But if Democrats don't come up with anyone voteable he will get the second term.

Amendment XV, Section 1. In case of the removal of the President from office or of his death or resignation, the Vice President shall become President.

Amendment XXII, Section 1. No person shall be elected to the office of the President more than twice, and no person who has held the office of President, or acted as President, for more than two years of a term to which some other person was elected President shall be elected to the office of the President more than once...

Amendment XII: ...But no person constitutionally ineligible to the office of President shall be eligible to that of Vice-President of the United States.

One could get around this argument by saying that the guy is only ineligible to be "elected" President.

>Trump stays in power for longer than 8 years
And this is bad how exactly? There's nobody else after Trump that just wont be a complete jew shill

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