Devs May 11 >Peskov; The refusal to supply S-300 system to Syria is not linked with Bibi's visit to Moscow >SAA raises Syrian flag in Babila, Yalda, and Beit Sahm after final rebels departed >Pro-govt fighters defending Kafraya and Fouaa towns repel attempted rebel attack >France, Germany want to stick to Iran deal, vow pushback against U.S. sanctions >Israeli MoD to Assad: "Throw Iranians out of your country...They are not acting in your interest, they are only hurting you" >Turkey detained, deported wanted ISIS leader to Iraq who was responsible for security in the “Euphrates Vilayte.” >SDF opened fire on an unidentified “aggressor” near Deir Ezzor yesterday after it was fired upon by artillery, which was destroyed >IDF posts images of alleged Iranian positions hit in Syria >Idlib; HTS arrests a sleeper cell of 3 women they claim have ties to Syrian/RF intelligence and had performed assassinations >SAA continue slow advance against ISIS, have not entered Yarmouk proper, are expecting heaviest casualties once inside >Iranian minister; 'Iran will ‘level Tel Aviv and Haifa if Israel acts foolishly’
Shamelessly bumping my information summary on events in northeastern Libya
On the brink of the LNA offensive, the Mujahideen Shura Council of Derna changed name today to Derna Protection Force
I see some Libyans on Twitter who seem to be saying that theyre only doing this because the LNA offensive is putting international focus on Derna, and the name change is a PR move to appear moderate and non-extremist
>Trump's Wall is a big waste of money because most immigrants come from Asia. Those illegal immigrants are the ones that actually contribute to the economy (and by extension distort the total illegal immigration statistics to make it seem like the problem is not as severe). The ones from mexico are drains, so the wall would save money in the long run
The Media Center of People's Protection Units (#YPG) disclosed the record of 3 fighters fell martyr while fighting #ISIS and Turkish backed radical Islamists in al-Shaddadi, Deir ez-Zor and #Afrin. -Anha
>Dekret 10 erlaubt es der Regierung, Stadtentwicklungsgebiete auszuschreiben, in denen die Besitzer enteignet werden können. Im Gegenzug erhalten sie Anteile an dem neuen Immobilienprojekt. Derartige Regelungen sind weltweit üblich zur Entwicklung vernachlässigter oder zerstörter Gebiete,
>Decree 10 allows the Government to announce city development deals in which the owners(of the property) can be disowned. In return they recieve shares of the new Housing project. These kind of Rulesets are common around the world to develop neglected or destroyed areas jesus christ this fucking propaganda is poor, just read this in a german online news outlet and in the very artice they claim evil Assad disowns displaced people, he admits that the owners of the property are given shares of the new projects. Also who the fuck cares if Asylum seekers are disowned at home, they literally fled their country to live a few cozy years in the west, and for years the media claims most of those poor refugees sold everything they owned to flee to urop. They can all suck a fat one, Assad should disown all of them, and those who return should be organized into work crews to rebuild the country. And if they don‘t return on their own, we should round them up and ship them to syria for reconstruction anyway, rent them out as labour force to assad, and with the money repay the costs they produced here.
First F-35 jet delivery to Turkey slated for June 21
Delivery of the first F-35 fighter jets to Turkey will take place in spite of a number of US congressmen urging the Trump administration to suspend the procurement because of the latter’s decision to buy Russian S-400 advanced air defence systems.
what kind of weird place is that even? looks like something out of Evangelion
Cooper Bailey
>The World Health Organization is preparing for the "worst case scenario" as it continues to respond to the Ebola outbreak in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
while that is a low blow simplilying the matter and mutts will handwave it as whataboutism anyway, I still agree that americans seem to be very concerned about other nations judicial matters, especially countries other than their close allies like Israel and Saudi Arabia
>americans seem to be very concerned about other nations judicial matters Positioning other countries as primitive so they will supposedly benefit from zogification.
>Israel's military says an assailant has rammed his vehicle into a soldier in the West Bank, causing light injuries.
>It says in a statement that forces are searching for the driver who fled the scene. Palestinians have used cars as weapons in recent years, and the incident came amid heightened tensions between the two groups driven by protests in Gaza where Israeli troops have killed dozens of Palestinians.
Looks like things are set to calm down a bit. Israel got it's brownie points for bombing Syria and claiming total victory against Iran for the next few months. Unless there is movement from Hezbollah, there doesn't appear to be much else in terms of happenings, aside from the ongoing winding down of the Syrian Civil War.
Anyone ever encounter this type of person . . . I see them all the time here and IRL. >despises Trump >believes in "human rights" for Americans and cute pictures of victim, torture and indiscriminate bombings are fine tho >Highly racist against Russians and Arabs, but Jews, nigs, and beans are A-OK >loves ZOG and one world government
I call it the leftist racist. They're fucking everywhere in my town
Mad at what?.. that they're burning their own gas lines? lmao. no wonder the entire Arab world hates them.
Xavier Cook
Is there any point in following /sg/ anymore? It's been taken over by kikes for several days now.
John Evans
your tax money will pay for it whether you like it or not
Evan Mitchell
we are finally down to kikecon 4, apparently this means only 2 shifts of single JIDF coverage with 8 hours for every kike, as opposed to 24 hour double kike coverage in Kikecon 3. Also the Reddit Shill Auxilliaries seem to have largely returned to their cucksheds and ceased most shitposting(in a literal sense, not the humouros sense it is known for) except for a few stragglers and the handful ever present r/ptg/ observation cucks.
overall this raid is expected to continue under reduced intensity for about another week should no major incidents occur. I expect kikecon 5 to trigger around tuesday bext week, which should see JIDF kike coverage reduced to a single 8 hour shift kike presence a day.