The irish are the niggers of Europe, there is no debating that. But why are they so shit...

The irish are the niggers of Europe, there is no debating that. But why are they so shit? What could they have done differently?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>What could they have done differently?
Farm potato's properly.

Stayed in the United Kingdom, instead of just being a irrelevant bitter country they are now for american tourists to visit there roots

They're the niggers of Western Europe. There are Eastern European countries that have a lower per capita GDB than some Sub-Saharan African countries like Botswana.

Maybe you guys could stop responding to silly Jewish "divide the goy" threads, eh?

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>there roots
Didn't your country invent the language that we are speaking?

I'd say Romanians are the nigs of yurop

That jew doesn't even look irish.
Pic related, an actual irish jew, would have been more appropriate casting choice.

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The guy in pic is not irish, he's a guy who hates the irish. He called them motherwhoring irish niggers.

No there aren't

Bill the Butcher did nothing wrong

No, that would be Nordics aka snowniggers.

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Less Indo-European DNA and having a dysgenic communal life style.

Ireland pretty much has no history. They're always been there but they've done nothing at all their entire history. Some potato will say it's because they've always been held down because they've been right next to England.

Look at Balkan countries. They're squeezed in between Germanics, Slavs and Turks. And shit gets fucking real there. The history of Balkan countries is rivers of blood. They have rich histories.

The vikings were redhaired niggers like the irish, not the blonde aryan masterrace that we are today. So the irish are still the niggest

Shut the fuck up, you know nothing about our history. You can't even show your own flag you coward

Master race? Lmao

Name one significant thing that Ireland has done in its history that's not independence. Even Somalia achieved independence.

You show your flag first

Oh look white people eating themselves again. This is why a white ethnostate can't exist because you purity spiraling fags don't know when to stop.

Someone's forgotten about the Albanians

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Archiving western literature during a monastic golden age, while the rest of Europe languished in the dark ages for centuries
Oh look, it's another meme flag in a D&C thread.

--Don't pay any attention to these niggers--

Yes there are. And your country is only a few small steps ahead. Better hop to it before you get BTFO by Africa.

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Though it includes Northern Ireland for some reason.

Ireland was way more advanced culturally in the middle ages than their Bong savage neighbors

You know there's nothing.
Shut up, Turkroach.

I will report you for hate crime Bong
Say you are sorry or you are done for, 6 months in jail getting enriched by Pakis

Little they could do. Being on the furthest northwest fringe of what is defined as europe means that they had limited cultural exchange for a very long time. What few they did get was predominantly from the vikings and their fellow Scots-irish before the Norman-english invasions.

Further compounding the issue is the Irish sense of free spiritedness. Its a double edged sword. On one sense it made it easier for them to adapt to american style democracy when they emigrated, but in a traditional sense made them very clannish, catankerous, and indicisevely fracticious which hampered most attempts at unification of the island save for few examples such as Brian Boru

Nice try but I'm not a Bong.

Because just like literally every other European country, everyone worth a shit emigrated to America over a century ago.
All that's left are the dregs.

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Yes, a white ethnostate could work, because the redhaired niggers arent white and would therefor not be a part of the ethnostate

You're definitely a faggot

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Sure, lets let the police decide

You want to talk shit about someone else's nation but you don't have the balls to show your own fucking flag? What are you hiding?

Please don't call the Bong police on me.
You still haven't named one thing that Ireland has done in its history.

I mean its one of the wealthiest nations in the world now.

>Irish are Europe's niggers
No I think the niggers are Europe's niggers

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Nice thumbnail, potatonigger

It's already been pointed out in this thread but you ignored it. Ireland was an oasis of learning and pilgrimage while the rest of Europe was going through its darkest age. We helped to preserve classical texts, we helped spread Christianity across Europe. And far from being uncivilised savages, we had a legal system Brehon law which was more civilised and humane than British law at the time.

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I'm not even going to bother addressing any of that because it's so insignificant. It's not even worth my time. And I have important things to do now so I'm done discussing this with you.

Yes, like dying for Israel.

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I'm telling you, ignore these niggers. At least sage if you want to to post useful stuff

Anyone who doesn't report to link provided is a closet Irish lover.

They gave the world greats like James Joyce and W. B. Yeats. Also, the Irish have the largest ancestry group for white people in America so they're gonna be plenty of important things Irish Americans contributed if you looked that up.

Based wonder why it took the rest if the world working together to take you lads down...

The "held down" bit doesn't fly with me. Irish tribe move to northern Britannia, BTFO the Picts and form Scotland. Scotland has a rich history and a lot of achievements historically. Why could the Scots do what Irish that remained in Ireland couldn't?

what the Irish*

Why wasn't Jesus born in Ireland?
God couldn't find a virgin or 3 wise men

Oh, and Gypsies are the true niggers of Europe

I have a lot of respect for the Irish and would gladly give my life for their country. They are the friendliest and most decent people I ever had the pleasure of interacting with

>The irish are the niggers of Europe, there is no debating that.

then how does superior nordmenn /pol theory apply since they're the northest?

At this point I don't even give a fuck about the term "white" anymore. Everybody on Jow Forums is starting to use as a synonym for their country and they're country only. I'm sick of these "divide the goyim" threads. If the consensus on Jow Forums is that Irish and Slavs are not white, then I don't give a fuck about being "white"anymore.

Preach German bro!
Rise up & lead the way!
This the time the rest won't be fooled again & are sure to follow!

I would rather live there. than allot of place in Europe or somewhere like chinkland. pleasant, kind decent folk and Irish beauties.

Real talk. How the fuck are we supposed to save the white race when a lot of our energy is wasted on squabbling about who is actually white or not. This is fucking bullshit. United we stand or divided we fall. And I actually never liked the term white to begin with. I have some friends who are 100% Germans but have black hair and brown eyes. For someone like Varg they wouldn't even be considered white. He can honestly fuck off. There are African albinos. Just because they have white skin and blue eyes doesn't mean they're more white than a dark haired German. I unironically think we should start using the term "ancestral European."

We all prefer our own kind. And the Irish are great, and probably one of the last white places if we do not reproduce with our white women.

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Well, to say it all the entire genetic argument is total bs: first the burgers convince us niggers are all the bad in teir country, then one find out in the southern states they're doing just fine and have manners.

go figure

Burgers don't even have the right to call other Europeans non-white considering that there's a chance they have at least some amount of non-white genes themselves.
It's always a memeflag or some Amerilard making these divide the goyim threads and I've fucking had enough of it.

> It's always a memeflag or some Amerilard making these divide the goyim threads

I have an idea who could be behind it

In any case from my understanding of /pol the white argument is more about following rules that allow a society to thrive, but that's goes deeper than north / south

The Irish have more balls than Scandinavians.

>Edgy faggot rangers fan in Norway
>Pathetic Scottish electrician in Norway

Which is it?

who cares about his flag. Irish are pretty nigger tier.

Leave the bar

preserving Greek and Roman civilization thus laying the foundation for western civilization

I have no idea!

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you might want to rethink that you limey fuck

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They lack the natural resources that Africa has. If Europeans had any part of Africa they would've turned it into a thriving and prosperous society. This fictional society would could be great and endure most anything, except for maybe an international cabal of anti-white communists. That's how I imagine it anyway. Wouldn't it be crazy if something like that happened irl?

Threads pop up like this from time to time, I think it's a way to divide and conquer, since we're all here are only identifiable by flags, if anyone from a specific country brings up something of significance you can guarantee a hate thread "insert specific country here"
as an example check these two threads out. real info, i can't find the specific thread but the one before it stated anyone with an Irish flag in this thread is a shill, I was the only Irish posting, therefore everything I have to say should be dismissed.
these thread a slides, dīvide et imperā

>*blocks your path*

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Ireland is doing better than almost everywhere else on earth right now. they are no longer the niggers of anything

I swear to god only a kike could possibly equate failed nations like Ireland with damn near the rest of Western Europe

Like a bloo bloo don't divide us, the division is natural you cocksuckers. The Irish are degenerate losers.

Scottish, Welsh, Irish, Bretons and Catalonians are related. This is concrete, objective, factual information.

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Irish gdp per capita is 61k, higher than yours.

What's your point, though?

wakanda would be real if we wuz whites in africa

Fine, here it is

the irish are the whitest of all people hence they are the white niggers

Why are mutts so quick to put aside the Irish?

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I wonder what it would look like, if it were an actual thing that existed, you know?

it does exist its called niger

Maybe something like this?

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how are we a failed nation, our country has fought for 700, our Gaelic language is nearly lost, but we have a distinct culture, we're an Island on the farthest west of Europe they're only 5 million we were 8 million before the English genocided us with the"famine but there was plenty of food in the country" taken out by force, and we still persist, we've made a big contribution to western society, and such hardship has made us strong, you don't see my people pissing and moaning about a holocaust, we've a good sense of humor about it, a good thing have when half your people we're killed or forced to immigrate , I don't even hate English people

we were considered white niggers, we were even sold as slaves, but we could never be broken, we never gave in.

Don't you get bored of these same shit threads every week kike?

bump, looks like I killed the thread, you shill's are the niggers, so I'm posting some info,
Quick run down on the Allison mack stuff.
Media silent as Allison Mack's arrest exposes child trafficking for billionaire-backed sex slave
Allison Mack Case File
Excerpts from article

>Additionally, at least three high-ranking members of the organization, including Nancy Salzman and the Bronfman sisters, are members of Bill Clinton's foundation, the Clinton Global Initiative, which requires an annual $15,000 membership fee.

>Now that Raniere is in jail and Mack is on bail and ordered not to have any contact with other cult members, Clare Bronfman has taken on the role of leader within the organization.
>Frank Parlato, a former NXIVM publicist-turned-whistleblower told the New York Post that Bronfman is among the harshest leaders in the organization.

>"She's the enforcer-the brutal one. Clare's >running the [operation] now, and she's the most ruthless of them. I'm issuing an absolute warning now. Clare Bronfman is a true fanatic, and if there's a Jim Jones situation, everyone will commit suicide but her." Parlato said.
>Of Allison Mack, Parlato said that she was a troubled woman, who was both a victim and an abuser.
>"Mack was both a victim and a victimizer. She was both a mastermind and Raniere's useful idiot. She started as a slave and she became a slave master. Her nickname among defectors is 'Pimp Mack,'" Parlato said.
>It is highly possible that this is a position that Mack was groomed for since she was a child, as many childhood stars turn from victims to predators as a result of what they often experience behind the scenes in the industry. Oddly enough, one of Mack's very first roles was in a softcore porn movie called Night Eyes Three.

The NXIVM organization worked much like a pyramid scheme, collecting regular fees from its members. But the majority of the funding, over $150 million, came from the trust funds of Seagram heiresses, Sara and Clare Bronfman.

Their involvement with Raniere began in 2002 and has been very public and controversial, with other members of the Bronfman family distancing themselves from the sisters in the press. The Bronfman family has very close ties to the Rothschild banking dynasty, with members of both families belonging to many of the same companies, including their joint financial firm, Bronfman & Rothschild.
the controversial Nxivm group Keith Raniere has also created an educational programme for babies and children Rainbow Cutural Garden
Mack and Raniere are up for Child traficing charges. Sara and Claire Bronfman is are now running NXIVM and Rainbow Cutural Garden which has schools the UNITED STATES, MEXICO, GUATEMALA, SPAIN, UNITED KINGDOM

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>muh GDP

who gives a fuck

>The in-house doctor at the Nxivm 'sex cult' conducted human experiments that involved forcing women to watch videos of rapes and dismemberments, it has been alleged.

>Dr. Brandon Porter, 44, of Albany, New York was charged by state authorities with performing illegal experiments, the New York Post reported on Saturday.

>Porter has been accused of performing a 'fright study' on as many as 100 people at the Nxivm organization in upstate New York, according to a former member.

>He continued to film my reaction for at least 10 minutes as I just sat there, dry heaving like I was going to puke and crying very hard,' she said.

>She claims that Porter showed her the images without any warning.

>The OMPC alleges that Porter showed 'human subjects an actual video of the horrific and brutal murders and dismemberment of four women by machetes; and violent film clips, including a male African American being viciously stomped by a Nazi; a conscious male being forced to eat a portion of his own brain matter; and a graphic gang rape.'

>The state is also alleging that Porter conducted improper studies related to obsessive compulsive disorder, Toutette's syndrome, and brain wave exams on those who enrolled in the Nxivm programs.

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You're a fucking brit good gawd

It's said that God created whiskey so the Irish wouldn't rule the world.

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i never said you did brother

The irish are a great people, fuck off retard.

I'm the Irish user
Keep posting brother, I've been blocked from posting from, my pc I'm phone posting now.

What about the Poles?

>The irish are the niggers of Europe

That's not Scandinavians

They were.

Potato niggers mostly kept to themselves. The Nords were pillaging and raping far worst than the Arabs ever did.