I hope more men start doing this.

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Other urls found in this thread:

What kind of gay name is Soave?
Also, good.

That kid should be given a medal just for being a /madlad/ who actually did it.

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When you hookup with a slut, pop some spanishfly.

When you wakeup, you’ll feel refeshed and ready to file a report with urine test.


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>she can't rat me out if I rat her out first
the absolute state of fornicators

>implying women can sexually assault men

Equality is a meme.


The idea of inability to give consent while drunk is retarded.
You are responsible for literally everything else you do drunk, including driving, assault, spending money but sex is apparently too complicated and nuanced an endeavour to engage in, despite it being one of the baser functions of humankind.

This rule was clearly put in place out of spite for men, good job turning it against the roasties.

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The female gender needs to be replaced.

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tbqh he probably did just want revenge
But it's okay when women do it.

If a roastie tries to get you in trouble come out as a tranny. Beat them at their own game.

>sowing the seeds of mistrust

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In this modern jewified society we live in they absolutely can :^)

Had she been a male getting accused by a female she would've been expelled.

That man is a hero and legend!

Who could be behind this ...

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Sounds like the French revolution with the giloutines

Man bites dog.

Pure win


This whole thing is so gay desu.

You should be held responsible for what you do when drunk. Just as you can't drive drunk and run people over and then say "not my fault, I was drunk", if you consent to sex while drunk it is your own fault.

And put in prison for rape

no because wammin

At this point it makes more sense to just outlaw fornication. Who ever is in charge clearly wants to. Why not state issued spouses?

So you think that the native Americans finally get their revenge?

>Why not state issued spouses?
Because the valuable room is needed for "refugees"

Am I the only one not reading this with glee? This is fucking scary. Who the fuck wants witchhunts after hooksups just to land people in jail?

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My buddy said he was raped in HS by a chick. She didn’t drink any and he was wasted. She literally took off his pants during a party and got on top of him. Everyone at the party just laughed.

You are not alone.

That's the point. When this starts happening to women, they'll rethink their stances

Maybe it will kill the hookup culture and we can bring back even a single shred of normality into dating

Have you been on any dates recently?
It's fucked
No morals
Literally 20 minutes of smooth talking and she goes for my dick

Call me a fag or whatever but I'd like some hand holding or had pats first, fucking a smooch on the cheek on the 3 or 4th date

Fucking never should have tried 3d

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>Am I the only one not reading this with glee? This is fucking scary. Who the fuck wants witchhunts after hooksups just to land people in jail?
he only did it because it was his only way to protect himself

He should've taken his sentence like a man.

>t. Incel
Woman always double down. They're control freaks who will never be wrong.

It only serves to widen the gap between men and women. Something we should be trying to bridge instead. Are there any realistic solutions?
Government issued spouses, the robot waifu etc. clearly isn't the way to go.

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So the roasty had already done it to a different guy

He certainly had cause to be concerned

A society where consensual sex is quickly followed up by who can file the first criminal charge on the other and extort them for all their worth, ruin their employment capability and force them to suicide? It's called progress, you bigot.

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>He should've taken his sentence like a man.
Kind of like how you take dicks?

We need more of this

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Got involuntarily fondled by a fat skank at a house party. I was 17 and didnt know what to do. Should've reported her.

fuck that bitch. lets go my man. fuck women. theyre like dealing with mideast politics. complicated and unneccesary and if youre with one of them, the rest hate you. fags

Fuck Yes, UC. I knew there was a reason I wanted to teach there beyond your media psychology lab.

>the tribes have gathered together teams of skinwalkers
>infiltrated the US government
>the president, VP, all major government and military positions are skinwalkers

all to get the roasties

if a bitch got drunk at my place and needed to crash id kick her to the curb. rather she gets pnemonia and illness than I get landed for sex assault cause she felt i kidnapped her or some bullshit

Happened to me at a pool party

>all to trash male-female relations of invaders

Ride the Tiger user, you'll be happier for it.

At long last

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Its the best way to hedge your bets. Go in tell them you think you were drugged.

Although not banging random sluts is still the best defense.

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Sounds pretty fucking cool to me

send her to fucking prison...oh wait shes a girl just fine her $50 and some community service "he probably enjoyed it" she would say....fuck women srs

but that's illegal

>the turning of the tide

i see what you did there

kinda this! Bitches will have to learn to keep their beef in their pants, just like fags will have to learn what divorce court looks like.


Hooking up is for degenerates. You should find a good woman to marry and settle down and have many babies. Anything less is beta behavior.

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That girl needs a bowl of eggs.


you know, we joked that this would be a reasonable course of action. we were joking.

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Read it, accelerationsim doesn't work and spirituality is gone in Scandinavia, Evola is not where I would get my solution.
Aside from people not believing/ecperiencing the transcendental, Norway could be compared to this. Got in trouble with HR in the military because I reprimanded a female soldier.

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why are you doing this?????

>Hookup culture ends because everytime somebody partakes in it, one of the two goes to jail, until noone is left
I told you guys this is the most interesting timeline.

Damn, that's Chad as fuck.

Virgin here. Genuinely scared to have sex because of shit like this. By this I mean the girl going to the police and claiming I raped her and ruining my life. I want to so badly but it’s not worth it if I get to fuck once today and Tyrone is fucking me tomorrow. What do I do?

jesus user just get laid if you're losing your shit over it so much
treat em like dirt and they'll stick to you like mud

people think the operative word here is "drunken" or "hookup"

it's "student"

Well put

people shouldnt be having pre marital sex anyway.

Shit's gonna be like Demolition Man here soon.

I should ask you the same faggot

>the robot waifu etc. clearly isn't the way to go.
Give me one good reason, fleshbag

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It is fucked but you can't deny how interesting this shit is. Nobody would believe you if you travelled back in time 10 years and told them about it. News is a million times more interesting than any kind of dystopian fiction.

I miss it too user.
I miss flirtation without the overbearing lust in the atmosphere 24/7. I miss the will they/won't they mystery and butterflies. The coyness. The innocence of discovering someone day by day, and having just enough mystique to keep you coming back for more. I miss tenderness. I miss decorum. I miss WOMEN, and I'm surrounded by oversexed girls. I'm tired.

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> he doesnt have a form ready to be signed by the whore
> he doenst record every sexual encounter

git gud my dudes

b a m b o o z e l d

Mind twistingly stupid college administrators are the just desert of this society. Good job, boy.

maybe its time to stop searching for your soulmate in clubs or universities

>where are you going?

>record sexual encounters
>she files assault complaint
>video clearly shows consent
>get arrested for revenge porn instead

the women problem doesn't have a silver bullet, m8.

How about children quit having drunken promiscuous sex.

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Isn't the silver bullet celibacy?

I'm in LA. The entire city is a college nightclub.

Wahmen have been doing it for years now

MGTOW is the silver bullet

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who the fuck lives willingly in LA and then complains about the degeneracy?

>both get drunk
>fucks girl
>reports her and girl gets kicked out of college

Why aren't more men doing this?

They were sewn too long ago, they are just growing

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That's the whole point though. Look at Israel for example. Their women are out of control.


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Listen, bois,
THIS is how this game is played and won !
And we ALL know, Men are absolute superior in playing strategy games !

Take it as a game and DESTROY THE FEMSCUM ! Mercilessly !

Without either
>the state crumbling
>a major war
>a camel jockey coup d'état that strips women of their rights
There is no realistic solution to the problem afaik...

i dont get it
did he actually beat her and somehow that benefitted him, or was that just a manner of speaking? did he simply denounce her or something?
fucking anglos and their writing

hopefully this acceleration will bring back normal dating. i met my wife right before tinder/rampant hookup culture was a thing and i dont know how i would have survived in this day and age

Happened to me in high school, the chick was fucking gross. I passed out in the bathroom, chick went down on me in front of the party. Chicks held that against me actually haha. “How could you hook up with someone like that, user?” Kek, tit for tat, cunts.

>>t. Incel
>Woman always double down. They're control freaks who will never be wrong.

Pretty much this. Modern women [ie those indoctrinated to feminism] seem to be groomed to have little to no ability for the sort of self-reflection required to say "I was wrong."

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this. you can almost hear the sound of hand rubbing over the gleeful idiot white males cheering.