Seattle introduces 'head-tax' for each person a corporation hires

>SEATTLE - The Seattle City Council voted 5-4 Friday to approve a controversial $500-per-employee 'head tax' on the city's largest businesses.

>The current head tax proposal OK'd by the council would require large corporations operating in Seattle to pay $500 per employee each year to finance homeless programs. The measure would raise an estimated $75 million.

>About $20 million of the total would come from Amazon, the city's largest employer, which opposes the tax and has halted construction on a 17-story office tower as it awaits a tax vote. The company is also rethinking filling office space in another leased building. On Tuesday, Alaska Airlines, Expedia and others also came out against the $500-per-head tax.



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does Seattle want to lose jobs and business? what's stopping amazon from moving to another state? it's Detroit all over again

Seattle YES!!!!!

Pacific Technocracy when?

Amazon has halted construction on their new office building because of this tax

they're willing to leave the state over this, leftists care more about drug addicted bums


>About $20 million of the total would come from Amazon, the city's largest employer, which opposes the tax and has halted construction on a 17-story office tower as it awaits a tax vote

More hours cut and more work load per employee incoming.

I don't understand. are all these liberal states wanting their people and businesses to move out? I can see them wanting to spread Democrat votes and influence to red states but I would think it would do them more harm than good

Holy shit Seattle is fucking stupid

Looks like the homeless is just going to increase when big hirers go to a business friendly place.

Big businesses want more immigration they should be taxed more to help the problems they've caused

Isn't Seattle a Sanctuary city? Seems like they agree on more immigrants.

Didn't Utah get rid of their homeless problem by giving free housing to the homeless?

reading the OP for fucks sake

Yup replace all the whites with browns. That’s exactlh the plan

the coast line of USA should be totally destroyed all living things there should die.

Several more people will become homeless because of this policy. If i were a business owner i would only hire the most qualified candidates, which means no no-experience hires.

Doesn't this just further incentive automating all job roles?
How the fuck can the city council be this stupid?

>haha let’s target a business without a physical retail presence
>haha a mail order company can’t move haha

if u live in seattle and vote red, start making plans to move the fuck out. come on down to the east coast. atlanta needs u.

you amzn anons can come write aws shit here in the A

My company is already planning on moving out of seattle. Fuck Sawant.