Okay children, I don't know what it is with you guys when I drive in the left lane, but you need to get off my back...

Okay children, I don't know what it is with you guys when I drive in the left lane, but you need to get off my back. I'm going the speed limit and there is literally no reason for you to ride my ass. If you're in a rush to get somewhere, why don't you try "adulting" and leave earlier, it's called time management you millennial virgin. I know you guys think everything should be handed to you, but sorry bud, I'm not moving out of the way because you're irresponsible. I hope your insurance is good, because my brakes are.

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go away

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I find that the worst are middle aged women in expensive German sedans. They are fucking crazy.

This is b8 pasta. I've seen this posted many times.
Op is and always will be a faggot.

Left lane is fast lane and I'll just pass you on the right if you're being a faggot I don't care. Those passing laws are to protect dickwads that can't drive from themselves like you.

>speed limit
There you go faggot quit holding up traffic cunt

Fuck off with this Thread dumb ass OP AI

>in the left lane

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Dog in the manger.
Look it up.

A couple of weeks ago, I had somebody doing this shit to me. I was driving 150 km/h, and the cocksucker was literally 20~ cm behind me and flashing his lights. It was during day time, and it was just us two within 5 km. Why couldn't he just switch the lane and overtake me? Who fucking knows. I was really tempted to follow him, get his car number, look him up and call his boss with a video of the whole thing happening.

Seriously, FUCKING RETARDS, learn how to keep a distance. I swear to fucking God it should be legal to shoot you fucking people for tail gating.

i'm probably older than you so get the fuck out of the passing lane you piece of retarded shit, kid

why are /b/ posts invading Jow Forums?

because people like you and me keep replying in the threads

The passing lane is for FUCKING PASSING. If you aren't going 100mph get the fuck out of my way.

At one point in New Jersey you’d get a ticket for sowing down traffic in the left lane.
I personally will tail gate you so hard you’d swear I was in the passenger seat breathing down your estrogen oozing neck
If you refuse to still move. I’ll actually follow you home.

My mom used to say my grandpa would push his brakes when someone was riding his ass. I asked wouldnt he get introuble for hitting the other car she told me the other car would be at fault. Moral of the story just be courteous on the road jesus its not that hard.

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>i'll follow you home

Oh God I used to do this. kek

Irt is against the law to pass on the right.

This. We have some dickwad that lives near me who insists on going 20 k under the limit everywhere, he’s easily recognisable because he has a massive ‘tailgating is dangerous’ sticker on the back of his fucking hatchback.
The fucking idiocy of the guy to go get a massive sticker made up and plaster it on his car, instead of just doing the speed limit or getting out of everyone’s way.

I tail gate that fuck for fun whenever I see him.

>drives around you
>break checks
What now faggot? Better not hit me or I'll sue

I hate when people drive slow in the left lane and won't change lanes for you.

When that happens, I get in front of the person, either by passing them at the right time or they finally decide to change lanes, then I drive up to a semitruck and match its speed for a good 15-20 minutes.

It's fun to see a line of cars backed up behind me. Then I yell, "HOW DO YOU LIKE IT YOU FUCKING ANTS?!" and put the pedal to the metal.

the worst thing is when im accelerationg to go 80mph and people get inpatient. FFS it takes like 6 seconds fags

>not enjoying the journey

Oh shit that's right, we live in the modern age of machines, efficiency, and speed. Hope you all have efficient deaths!

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You guys are fucking idiots who literally cannot drive. The fast lane is the fast lane, if someone is riding your ass in the fast lane that means you need to fucking move over cunt

/b/ has turned into too much of a regulated shit hole. Nothing worth while pops up there since moot left. Might as well come up pol

>going the speed limit
>in the adult lane
Get in the kid lane, kiddo. Nothing personal.

I see this shit happen on one lanes too

Speed limit is the limit for a reason asshole. The right lane is for below the speed limit

This happens on the freeway and interstate too. Fuck off, I'm doing the 65. I've only seen one person lose control after passing me at 65 (Hyundai Elantra) and that's not nearly enough.

>Doing 65 on an interstate/freeway
That's not how you drive, user. Legally, you're supposed to match the speed of traffic.