Why do millennials insist on using the word "literally" in every sentence...

Why do millennials insist on using the word "literally" in every sentence? Do they think this makes them appear more intelligent or are they so poorly educated that they don't understand how to express themselves better? It is one of the most cringey things I hear on a daily basis.

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gen x-ers do it too

Probably a combination of unwarranted self-importance and overall ignorance towards how the world works.

Nice numerals.

>Why do millennials insist on using the word "cringe" in every sentence? Do they think this makes them appear more intelligent or are they so poorly educated that they don't understand how to express themselves better? It is one of the most cringey things I hear on a daily basis.

I literally don't do that. What are you talking about?

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They often don't even use it to mean "literally" either.

OP must be one of those 20 years old boomers who literally can't stop blaming millennials for everything.

You're right, they are truly ruining this planet....along with you, leaf.

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the world will use synonyms of literally just for you for now on.

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I've literally been doing this since the 70's.

So it’s complete ignorance about the English language.

literally kys

>Someone gets asked binary yes/no question
>They answer "Absolutely"

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that user ID

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JUST fabulous

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It is literally easier to type and spell than is 'indubitably'.

Don't reveal their shibboleths, they might catch on that they're outting themselves as retards

Literally disgusting monkey

I figuratively hate everyone who overuses literally.

that feel 2 be with fag

I literally do it because it unironically, non-satirically, non-sardonically triggers people.

That is literally the stupidest thing anyone has ever said to me.

Why do faggots like op literally make stupid Fucking threads?

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Drives you literally crazy doesn't it? you literal faggot.

>t. oldfag

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Nobody I know does that, maybe shitlib girls. That must be an American thing.

sorry man, i cant continue with this thread wtihout calling you a FAG

this post is literally everything that is wrong with Jow Forums. Not politics, fuck off

Literally is almost as bad as "it is what it is," that saying is an absolute crutch for the inarticulate.

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It's literally necessary to convey a literal concept.

digits confirm OP is literally a literal satanic turbofaggot

I literally started doing it because it makes autists like you angry.

wow you're so observant, cool story. now why don't you go fuck yourself low iq nigger faggot


oh wow are you seriously like literally going there wow i cant even just

but really you already know the answer to this question and are just looking for affirmation that you are above the normie masses you weak-minded pleb

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>tfw you can never log in to Jow Forums ever again

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>Why do millennials insist on using the word "literally" in every sentence?

Because they are a bunch of nihilistic twats that rely on sarcasm so heavily that they need a qualifier to let other people know when they aren't being reflexively cynical.

Do millennials literally use the world literally in like every sentence, really?

Personally I only use the word literally when trying to teach boomers how to use technology.

>Why do millennials insist on using the word "literally" in every sentence
Millennials prove they're retarded every time they express ideas
They use ineffective and effeminate language unconsciously to not offend or be challenged. Its a language of fear and insecurity

Eliminate the following phrases and you may not be such a fucking faggot
> basically
> unironically
> literally
> totally
> honestly
> absolutely
> pretty much
> it's like I said... (when you haven't first stated your premise)
> optics
>Kind of
>I guess
>I mean
>I don't know, it's just that...
>Make no mistake
>let me be clear

These phrases are more about posturing and manipulation than communicating truthfully
Everyone spent so much time a snarky detached edgelord postmodern too cool for the room irony is considered default. Stop being ironic faggots, be sincere in your word queers

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It's just another shitty language habit I'll probably never be able to shake that's gonna make me sound like a teenager forever. Kind of like the word "like". Fuck.

How can you forget say "like" after everything?

Quite literally.

>tfw you're old enough to remember a few years before valley girl stereotypes became popular and "like" infested the vernacular

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> optics

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20 is too old, 19 years is the cutoff for being a boomer.

They grow up in fictional ironic worlds and use the word "literally" to signify something serious.