How politically active are you outside of the internet?

How politically active are you outside of the internet?

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I’m a vandal

I don't think that counts. What do you do? Smash shit up?

I vote. Which is apparently more than what a lot of people do.

That's the most important thing. I don't understand how people refuse to vote then complain about the result.

Dont wanna toot my own horn, but I voted in some polls on Twitter

That doesn't count. As I said, outside of the internet

>HURR DURR why dont people just vote for jew one or jew two?!?!

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You can always vote for a third party. Besides, we only have two choices because people are complacent about it.

I share my political opinions with all my family members in the hope that they'll drop their cuckservative ways
Although I'm pretty sure they just think of me as a Nazi

>when you see it

I talk shit when someone brings up a shooting. I say so someone gets carjacked or shot and the answer is to take away your ability to defend yourself from it? Sounds pretty fucking ridiculous to me.
They agree.

I agree. I'm tired of seeing people trying to take away the second amendment. I'm not talking about those people though, they can eat a dick.

We only have two choices because third parties are fucking worthless to vote for.
>b-b-b-but if we all vote for them then the two party system is defeated
Good luck trying to convince most of America that any third party is worth voting for

Nah I grew out of that. Now I like to tag redpills

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i only ever leave the apartment to buy food or go for a run

I get the word out in creative ways.

>be exploring mine that closed in 1850's
>It's the year 2015
>I hear whispers all around me and freak out until I'm lost
>somehow fall into an unexplored cavern as the floor (ceiling) gave way
>tag anti Jew shit all over huge stalagmite
>blame the woes of the world from the fall of Rome and nuclear war to refusing technology because they are greedy kikes
>found an exit by roping into another cave system

One day a hundred years from now that cavern will be explored and one day those people will be redpilled as fuck


>How politically active are you outside of the internet?
Not at all, because as a civilian, devoting yourself to, talking and parading about politics most of your time, is a sign of a failed society.

This is pretty relatable for me. My cousins always call me a Nazi, they are like the normiest people I know. Same with my Dad. It might be my Nazi Instagram accounts?

>pic is what I look like at family events

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>How politically active are you outside of the internet?

holy SHIT!!! the internet has an outside?

how is this even possible?