I’m a Christian, I go to church, but I’m not entirely sure what denomination I am. I go to an Independent Fundamental Churches of America church, and I think I’m a Lutheran, but I never put much thought into it. Nothing contrary to my belief has ever come up in church, so there’s no real rush to leave my church.
Redpill Me On Orthodox Christianity
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I want to go to Orthodox Church but my wife refuses to give up her pagan beliefs and rolls her eyes at anything Christian. But she doesn't even know what she believes.
I hope Christ opens her eyes, but I don't see it happening. I wish she could see what I see.
In America you might not find much, and it might be difficult to integrate into an orthodox church since rites are ethnic and every orthodox nation has its church. But some folks did convert anyway, listen to the lectures of Mathew Raphael Johnson for example
Orthodox Christianity is the perfect mix of Christianity and Traditional pagan beliefs. It actually feels like a European Religion.
Still better than kissing nigger feet, son
A pagan wife? Seriously?
I considered myself a pagan before I felt the call. It's been life changing for me, but she doesn't see what I see.
Paul says we shouldn't divorce a wife simply for being a pagan, and she and I work well together and can build a good life. I just pray one day maybe god will shine a light for her like he did for me.
What paganism does she follow? If she's American, what's her excuse?
What made you converted to Christianity?
pic unrelated
I'm currently in the process of converting to Coptic Orthodox from Catholicism. It's very close to Catholicism, with the exception that you actually need to read the bible and discuss the meanings of the teachings with the priest. It's pretty awesome. Pope Francis can go fuck himself with his little commie club.
She had witchy types all through her maternal side, she doesn't larp hard about it, she just believes in past lives, immortality of the soul, soul fragments, and basically a loose grab-bag of northern paganism
Gnosticism is the one true religion.
Orthodox "Christians" teach a hardcore works salvation like Catholics do and burn in hell when they die.
So she's a Wiccan, but also a bit of Asatru?
Tell me, what are her arguments against Christianity? Were you both pagan when you married?
Orthodox Christianity is the Original Christian Church.
>t. Greek Orthodox
>burn in hell when they die.
Not your judgement to condemn people to hell. Never understood how a Christian could speak like this.
i hope the priest teaches bible astrology
I just wanted to follow what my forefathers believed. Hence why I got into pagan history and belief. Then I read some very convincing arguments for Europeans being descended from the lost tribes of Israel. It was a long rabbit hole and no one except my father believes me, but I couldn't unconvince myself if I tried.
Maybe I'll learn something new and change my mind, but I doubt it. Before this I had researched almost every other branch of thought regarding Christianity that is out there. Everyone here on both sides would call me a fool though. Oh well
I think the Orthodox believe that hell is a place in the absence of God, not flames and suffering like Catholics. Someone correct me if I'm wrong
Well yes, but now the catholics don't believe that either apparently
If you want the authentic faith and have a community thats hyper intellectual find a Traditional Catholic parish that celebrates the Latin Mass. I've been to a handful of different of these parishes and have always been surprised how genius everyone is
Yes, Wiccan/Asatru. Her main argument against Christianity is very weak. It boils down to, "I don't trust holy books written by people. They were written in a historical and political context, and they were only trying to control people and maintain a culture"
I used to feel the same way she did in a way, but I have a different view on ancient texts and their veracity. It's hard to explain.
Its like any other cuckstian religion but for it has a better preserved shell to showcase so that it can hide the cucked rotten essence away plain sight.
user if the Pope is the reason you are leaving the church than you are a shit Catholic. Yes not every Pope is good but we have had several amazing Popes. Also just a small bit of info, Constantinople, the great city of Orthodox Christianity is mostly Muslim and Turkish. Meanwhile Rome is still very Italian and very Catholic.
Also we do believe in a fiery hell, but it's also separation from God
The fact that we're descended from the original Israelites has nothing whatsoever to do with the question of whether or not modern religions that claim to come from the Israelites are accurate. The (((unlost tribes))) have had control of the Abrahamic faiths for a couple thousand years now - more than enough time to thoroughly pervert them and their texts.
What arguments?
I remember that in the book of Maccabees it is pointed out that the Spartans are descendants of the ancient Hebrews.
Also in another thread I am saying this:
How Welsh is related to Hebrew
> "It was seen above that Irish and colloquial Welsh definitely have some type of underlying linguistic base that must only derive from Middle Eastern (Semitic) and / or North African Hamitic sources." This conclusion was derived from the quoted opinions of linguistic scientists still active in their field today.
It so happened that in the past there were others who held similar opinions but went further than their present-day continuers care to. They expressly related Celtic tongues to Hebrew !!!
A writer who signed his name "Glas" submitted to a list of Welsh words with Hebrew origins in 1832. The writer remarked that, "But the best proof of the Eastern descent of the ancient British is the close resemblance and connection between the Welsh and Hebrew languages, even at this day. in both tongues, so closely resembling each other in sound and sense as to leave no doubt whatever on the subject.
Many of these words, it will be found, have been transmitted from the Welsh, through the Anglo-Saxon into our modern English. It would be easy to swell their number "
> "Some of the examples adduced by the above writer were:
Aeth: He went, he is gone; hence = Athah
Aml: Plentiful, ample = Hamale
Ydom: the earth = Adamah
Awye: air, sky = auor, or
bu: it came to pass = bo boten, or potten: belly = beten.
brith: bright = barud
cas: hatred = caas (anger).
dafnu: to drop, or distill by drops = nataph, taph. 1'
>my wife refuses to give up her pagan beliefs and rolls her eyes at anything Christian.
what does your wife's son think about it?
>Also just a small bit of info, Constantinople, the great city of Orthodox Christianity is mostly Muslim and Turkish. Meanwhile Rome is still very Italian and very Catholic.
>earthly glory is any indication of god's will
nice meme. Also why don't you remind me how Constantinople fell to the muslims? Oh thats right, Catholics sacked it during the 4th crusade.
You deserve your satanic trips
How did she even get the knowledge of Wicca then? That's an extremely weak argument in her side, unless it's a family thing...
Is it?
If a God has no glory on Earth he has no Glory in Heaven. And they deserved it. Heretics should burn.
I basically read a few things on pic related. Then I read everything on the site. Then I listened to all the audio commentaries. I couldn't stop. I thought I had heard it all but this just blew everything out of the water.
Like I said, this gets shouted down by pagans and Christians regularly here. But if you're interested, it's all very well sourced and written. Very compelling arguments and years of research.
>They were written in a historical and political context, and they were only trying to control people and maintain a culture
your wife is completely correct. You should admit that she's right and tell her that you're a Christian because you've had an experience that has revealed God to you, so the book is irrelevant.
>And they deserved it. Heretics should burn.
I'll remember that as Western Europe gets overrun by Muslims, while Eastern Europe remains 99% white and christian
It is a family thing. Her mother and grandmother were like that, and more beyond them.
>Implying you aren't next
Exactly, we should sack Christian cities and put them to the torch, let's burn them on crosses too. Is that what the pope preaches?
Satan loves the Vatican
>when your civilization is so hopelessly fucked that you have to resort to hoping another one collapses like yours
My gf is pagan and I take her to the Greek Orthodox Liturgy in my town. It can be a bit uncomfortable for her, but I find Orthodox priests to be more friendly and less judgmental than average priests, so that helps her perception of the faith. Now she frequently wants me to do grace at dinner time.
You have to draw from the faith that your pagan wife has. Ask her what she thinks about Angels and tell her about how Orthodox Christianity recognizes that every individual has a personal guardian angel. My gf personally likes the incense as well (pagans use a lot of incense). Pagans oftentimes desire a mystical faith, and there is more heavenly mystery surrounding our faith than any other.
>Not your judgement to condemn people to hell. Never understood how a Christian could speak like this.
Jude 1:22-23
>And of some have compassion, making a difference:
>And others save with fear, pulling them out of the fire; hating even the garment spotted by the flesh.
Yes, telling people that they're going to burn in hell if they don't come to the knowledge of the truth is a Biblical tactic for winning people over. You're of course not taught this because "Hippy Jesus" who was never harsh with anyone is what is taught in like 99% of churches.
If you actually, you know, care about following what the Bible actually teaches and it's not all some big social club or LARPfest for you so that you can feel special, you need to drop your false religion and get saved.
Mark 7:7
>Howbeit in vain do they worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.
I don't think she's completely wrong on that point, but I also believe that God meant for the written word to come to us as it has, and that it bears a true message.
I believe that we all fulfill the will of God in one way or another, even if we believe we are following our own wills. Scripture authors/editors included
Well that's how Christianity used to be too, but to avoid the bastardization of the gospel there had to be a written record. Else everyone and his mother could claim something different
Ever played broken telephone as a kid? The ancients knew of this and wrote them down
Is that her only argument?
Don't be caught in a dead church.
>When you dont even realize your church will die in a few years
Father Barnabas has a good series on Orthodox Christianity. I watched his series as a Catechumen.
I think you're right. She is only loosely pagan and mostly drawn to the mystical, which is a hallmark of the orthodox faith.
We got some pagan gals here tonight apparently, first time I've heard of split Christian/pagan couples where the woman is the pagan
Is she a Wiccan too?
Basically her only argument that she's put forth. We try not to bring up the topic too much to avoid causing unnecessary friction.
Its wrong
>When Western Europe has completely abandoned Christian morals, but its OK because we prostylezied some blacks in Africa
wew. Also what do sheer numbers have to do with the true faith. Last I checked, Christianity was once 12 disciples
>breaks with Christ's Vicar over politics as if the political inclinations of the Papacy have ever been consistent
user apostasy is a sin of the gravest order, do you even know the danger you are running here???
Something already read on this topic. As Jesus referred to Europe when it spoke of the lost sheep or how the lost tribes expanded, they expanded throughout Europe after the Babylonian captivity.
I'll take a look at the website, thanks m8
>implying your denomination is "orthodox" for slavs and greeks
Ivan, please go.
God bless, always nice to have someone actually consider the viewpoint
And it outgrew the false religion. Just like it will again.
That's alright honestly, your goal should be making sure your kids become Christians, your wife will follow suit
Try to be uncompromising in your beliefs and rule the house properly, humans are flawed beings and make decisions based on emotions all the time. By improving your bond with your wife, you also improve her perception of your beliefs. Do as the old Christians did and be on your best behavior, that could inspire her to switch too
Sort of, she self-describes as a "solitary witch". I haven't been agressively hostile to her beliefs, because she doesn't really practice it anyways. It's best not to make fun of it, because she becomes more stubborn about being pagan when I do. I oftentimes bring up how there are pagans at my uni and they are all SJWs (she hates libtards). It's a good way of distancing her from that community of people.
>Just like it will again.
Keep dreaming. Meanwhile Russia keeps Christians safe in Syria, while the West arms ISIS
Thanks, this was what I've subconsciously decided to try to do, but good for me to see it confirmed by someone else
Orthodox Church funded an army that killed shit tons of Christian peasants during the Russian civil war. Their traditions are a result of being overrun by Muslims during the Crusades.
Russia is an empire of Evil. Hell almost all Orthodox nations are evil mate.
>Hell almost all Orthodox nations are evil mate.
America is literally arming ISIS and Jabat al-Nusra (Al Qaeda). Holy fucking projection
Literally every Orthodox nation has been conquered by Muslims at one point.
America is Protestant Dumbass
>Russia is an empire of Evil
NeoCon detected.
explain what faithful old women have to do with atheistic commie leaders. This world is ruled by Lucifer for now anyways.
>Conquered by Muslims
You're making our education look bad
I'm talking about Constantinople, of course anyone should have recognized I was discussing two different events if you had a clue.
>Citation needed
Bringing up a belief she supports even a little subconsciously will cause her to be protective and zealous for it, and she will think it's more valuable and will seek it further then.
If she is already of little faith, try not to spark it back up. Make your movements towards converting her subtle. Try to slowly move her outside of pagan self-confirming circles. The path afterwards will be of a detoxification where the Pavlovian conditioning of associating Christianity with bad thoughts will slowly break and you'll have to contribute by making sure you're in good terms with her.
Afterwards pull her towards your circles, do not outright preach to her, let her embrace it slowly and steadily, a part of her will be skeptical at the start. Do NOT try to insult her Wiccan beliefs during that period but just make her more accepting of Christianity
Eventually she'll budge and with some luck, join you in faith
Gladly. Ivan the Terrible tore out the eyes of the architect of the Basilica of St. Peter. Countless slaughter of innocent peasants. Catherine the Great was a massive whore who converted from Lutheranism to Orthodoxy, Peter III idolized the Protestant Prussians and threw his own people under the bus, while hunting them for sport. Want some more?
Google it
Yes they were. The Golden Horde.
>implying there's a difference.
God bless you too, you are right but when you understand the migratory flows this may be very likely to be so. I also believe that I read that Europes have fulfilled a large number of prophecies described in the bible.
I was responding to And so what if the Byzantines were conquered? Christ didn't come to bring an Earthly empire. It was literally backstabbing Roman Catholics fault the Byzatines had it so rough, but even so, the Byzantine empire was the longest lasting empire in history and it's scholars fleed to Italy and sparked the Renaissance.
Protestants are even worse.
>Mongols were muslim
>Catherine the Great was a massive whore who converted from Lutheranism to Orthodoxy
Oh the fucking irony
>Sergius III was Pope from 897 to 911, and has been the only pope known to have ordered the murder of another pope and the only known to have fathered an illegitimate son who later became pope; his pontificate has been described as “dismal and disgraceful.”The pontificate of Sergius III was remarkable for the rise of what papal historians call a “pornocracy,” or rule of the harlots, a reversal of the natural order as they saw it, according to Liber pontificalis and a later chronicler who was also biased against Sergius III. This “pornocracy” was an age with women in power: Theodora, whom Liutprand characterized as a “shameless whore… [who] exercised power on the Roman citizenry like a man” and her daughter Marozia, the mother of Pope John XI (931–935) and reputed to be the mistress of Sergius III.
He's talking about the post-temujin Mongols, they did convert to the local faiths, but Temujin was a Tengri worshipper so it really doesn't count
So what? Well it's like QANON so what if it's a psy op now? Once your Christian Church gets crushed by muzzies it's no longer a church
Asshole tyrants have nothing to do with normal people of good faith. They were corrupted by power, wealth, and debauchery. It won't be long before the reign of the anti-Christ begins, and it will not be the fault of Christian sin for this to occur. Your argument is akin to blaming the early Roman Martyrs for the sins of Nero and Caligula.
Please, friend. If you don't have a point put a sock in your flapper.
What will happen when Christ's early empire falls? There will be no future salvation, only the eternal inferno that awaits Earth as Jews and Muslims rule the world. And Catholics tried time and timr again to reconcile but the Byzantines were just too busy destroying precious artifacts and works of art and getting the living shit kicked out of them by the Muslims. They simply refused to be helped.
The "demiurge" is satan .
The Balkans were never majority Muslim, they could never conquer the Christian faith. Muslims will never conquer heaven.
Salvation by grace only, peasant.
Don't pretend you believe in the invisible body when you think the Orthodox Church is the one true body
>fellow Greeks
>in 6 am
Truly a nation of early birds
Are you albanian or underage, everything our saints told us is happening, get a grip already.
>I remember that in the book of Maccabees it is pointed out that the Spartans are descendants of the ancient Hebrews.
Are you sure you're not remembering this wrong? Only Josephus claimed this and it's factually wrong since Spartans are Dorian Northerners who descended in the iron age.
>There will be no future salvation, only the eternal inferno that awaits Earth as Jews and Muslims rule the world.
According to Revelations that's not how it will occur. Does Father Kiddy-Diddler still not let you read the Bible?
Piss off. Despite being completely scheming, manipulative, and Unchristian we never let fell to the Satanic Papacy. Christ is the head of the Church, not the heretic ass-kisser P*pe
t. satan
>very kikish thought btw
That doesn't matter, there's no physical kingdom on earth, Christ preached explicitly against that.
Yeah, no
Chapter 12 verse 20-23 of the Book of Maccabees I
"Arius, king of the Spartans, sends greetings to Onias, the chief priest. It has been found in a writing concerning the Spartans and Jews, that they are a kinsmen, and that they are descended from Abraham. Now since we have learned this, please write us about your welfare. We for our part write you that your cattle and property are ours and ours are yours. So we command them to report to you to this effect."
It is an apocryphal text that is in doubt whether it is real or not. Although, as you say, it is more likely that it is not.
If that's true why is the Orthodox Church so closely tied with the government they even funded an army
Thanks Greco-bro, thats good advice and mostly what I'm doing. Her parents were harsh lutherans that made her hate Christianity. I gain strength from Christ to save her soul though.
Apostacy is Francis, hm?
Yep, though I'll qualify that by pointing out that satan is title not a name, and his name is Yahweh.