Electricians? please..........its so fucking hot

You guys can have your "trade thread" but i just have one question..

I see these threads every day so surely some of you are actual tradesmen, i need a little help with my shitty apartment. I know this is one of those "call your landlord/get a real electrician out there type of things" but my lardlord is the fucking worst and has been no help. so here we go:

I live in a tiny maybe 450sft studio apartment, probably built in the 60-70's but its a pretty run down place. when it got hot last week i plugged my window unit back in and it was working like shit, it would blow cold for 2-3 minutes and then just go on fan for like 15 minutes and it is hot as shit. so i bitched my landlord out until she got me a new window unit, that one did the same thing, and thats when i noticed my lights started dimming every time the A/C unit's compressor kicked on. i still figured my landlord got me a shitty A/c unit since she told me it was used. so i borrowed one from a friend (we tested it and ran it at his house for over 30 min, worked great) and as soon as i brought it home it did the exact same shit. runs cold for 3 minutes then fan only for 15 minutes. and the lights are still dimming like every 4 minutes now. Pretty sure this is an electric problem at this point, so i got a big industrial ext cord and tried the a/c unit from each outlet in my apartment and every single outlet wont run it and it dims all the time. ive ran a 6,000btu unit, 8,000 btu unit, and finally a 10,000 btu a/c unit and all of them do exactly the same thing, its no better or worse with any of them really. i tried running the 10,000 one with literally every single thing but my refrigerator unplugged and still the same problem.

what the fuck is wrong with my outlets/walls/wiring/apartment? should i call power company out if landlord is being a bitch?

Ive also talked to my nextdoor neighbor and he isnt having any power problems and his A/C runs continuously (and he has WAY more shit plugged in 24/7 thn me)

Attached: air-conditioners-window-ac.jpg (579x425, 52K)

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>landlord is a woman
You knew what you were getting into

Check the amp ratings on your breaker box.

How many kW does it use and get a n electric tester thingy that tests voltage and shit

check how much voltage is coming out of your plugs.

Is it 110v or 220v?

nice blog post faggot

i have one of those, the a/c unit i currently have is taking 7 amps.

i cant get to my own breaker box, landlord has a key. they should be atleast 15 i think, and i know i have a separate breaker for my heater/a/c because one of them is 220 and they are right next to each other.

I do have a multimeter but are you saying test the a/c, my outlets or the breakers themselves?


thanks senpai, its hot as shit out here.

You probably have a loose neutral somewhere