Will the traditionalists ever regain control of the Catholic Church?
Will the traditionalists ever regain control of the Catholic Church?
Who cares?
Depends on your eschatology.
Can someone tell me where the Pope derives authority from according to the Bible?
Jesus gives Peter authority over the keys of heaven and he is the rock Jesus wad to build his Church on. Peter is traditionally the first pope.
Any God that requires you to kneel is not a God.
Isnt traditionalism condemned heresy?
Any god that is so small and weak that you don't feel an automatic urge to kneel in their presence is not one worth worshiping.
First of all, when we look at the Greek of Matthew 16:18, we see something that is not obvious in the English. "...you are Peter (πέτρος, petros) and upon this rock (πέτρα, petra) I will build My church..." In Greek nouns have gender. It is similar to the English words actor and actress. The first is masculine, and the second is feminine. Likewise, the Greek word "petros" is masculine; "petra" is feminine. Peter, the man, is appropriately referred to as Petros. But Jesus said that the rock he would build his church on was not the masculine "petros" but the feminine "petra." Let me illustrate by using the words "actor" and "actress:" "You are the actor; and with this actress, I will make my movie." Do see that the gender influences how a sentence is understood? Jesus was not saying that the church will be built upon Peter but upon something else.