>h-hey, um, user, I-I was wondering i-if, uh, you know, like, y-you wanted to go to the Socialist Party campaign launch rally t-tonight
H-hey, um, user, I-I was wondering i-if, uh, you know, like...
of course
I'd rather drink bleach, go die commie whore.
Sure, just let me get the chopper.
Fuck off kike I'm reading Rise and Kill First and every last one of you are monsters and deserve what you get
Jokes on you, I'd never find myself in a place where someone like this would be.
r*ddit memes aren't welcome here you triple faggot
Yeah, lets go!
Straight to the gulag with you amigo
No, sir.
if you show me your dick OK
we gona get you cuckboi , no commie escapes sammy gunz
“Sorry but the whole communism thing is a deal breaker for me. I really don’t want to be seen with you.”
I would eat dat ass
why do you memeflags like to post trannys?
Sorry I'm married and the wife has dinner ready when I get off work.
Do you think she looks like she might be politically active? She looks like a gaymer to me.
Nah. You're not hot enough for that.
ugh ugh ugh die SCUM!
>go to her gay commie party
>go back to her place
>fuck her brains out
>as I nut on her face I throw out a roman salute and reveal my power level
You say that now, but really you'd be too distracted just by the touch and attention of a girl to care
Is this what you faggots look like?
>muh white genes
How fucking pathetic
Jow Forums is way more Asian an Latino than that group
It's not a reddit meme you baguette
No thanks. I'm taken by a lovely Nazi gal, but congrats on the feminine penis, Jennifer.
>implying these aren't FBI plants
Your stutter is artificial. I think its likely you are the child of an alcoholic. You don't have to worry about saying the wrong thing around me.
ya sure, lemme grab my gobag, some bleach, a bunch of trashbags. Oh I gotta call my ..uh ...mom...and let her know where this is at. btw where is it again?
No, fuck off pinko.
You mean National Socialist, right?
your reddit tier insults have exposed you as the faggot you are
Is this the boy Sam throatfucked?
Nah i got work until 7, we can go for a drink at 9 though.
Yes, can I bring a gun?
>teleport behind her
>slip dick inside
>convert to National Socialism with MVP (Massive Vanilla Penis)
Sure, can I bring my friends?
Traps are gay
Next time you make a thread like this, use a picture of an attractive woman, not some blue-haired freak.
its one of the girls(male) in the harem shared between charles,sam and nick as they wage a global jihad on normiedom
um o-ok yeah sure, w-when do you want me to pick you up babydoll ?
He just has a weak chin.
Doesn't look that bad
>National socialist party campaign launch?
Sure thing. We can take my helicopter
>going to a party, ever.
Lol no, it's just loud annoying music, gossip and degenerates everywhere.
Well okay I guess it will be interresting to hear new points of view and after that we could share my mid-week shower
it has a penis.
Will it go something like this...
national socialist and make it a deal
>remain stoic
>square your shoulders to hers
>slide the bag off her shoulder and set it on the floor
>slowly back her towards the wall
>stop short of pressing against
I have no interest whatsoever in going to that.
>wait for the kiss/leg-lock
gg communist-chan
There's definitely a socialist rally I'd go to given the chance.
dick reaction roal
Sorry, but I've already got plans with Asuka.
>Something that hideous actually talking to me
they'll make a low pass first