>Two cyclists – one German, one Polish – feared murdered in Mexico
>Two European cyclists who were found dead at the bottom of a ravine in southern Mexico were murdered, investigators have said, discarding their earlier theory that the men plunged off a cliff. The cyclists – Holger Hagenbusch of Germany and Krzysztof Chmielewski of Poland – had been travelling the world by bicycle...
>The motive appears to have been robbery, he said. Chmielewski sustained a head injury that may be a gunshot wound, he added. Hagenbusch’s brother Rainer, who flew to Mexico to identify him, wrote on his Facebook page that both bodies had been mutilated. “The Polish cyclist was decapitated and had a foot missing,” he said. The Chiapas state government vowed to “intensify the investigation” to solve the case.
>Investigators said the two cyclists met in the town of San Cristobal de las Casas on 20 April and decided to travel together to the ancient Mayan ruins at Palenque, some 200km (130 miles) away. Chmielewski’s body was found on 26 April, and Hagenbusch’s on 4 May. Mexico is struggling to deal with a wave of violent crime that left a record 25,000 murder victims last year.
I don't understand why Europeans (and it usually seems to be Europeans, even though the US is much closer) think it's safe to go CYCLING through rural Mexico. Who told them that? How did they develop such a bizarre and incorrect belief about the world?
Ryan Price
Propaganda through MSM traveling shows
Isaiah Perez
Of course you are gonna get murdered in Mexico It’s just when
Evan Cruz
This. they think some travel guide who has a ton of cameras and probably security behind the scenes is the reality of these places. They don't call them third world countries for no reason
Jackson Thomas
but muh based hard working Mexican dreamers
Isaiah Brown
"Americans are just racist. They lie about how dangerous things are, and we are European and tolerance is our game they won't hurt us"
Joseph Green
dude no way Mexicans are hard working family people. Good Catholics and natural conservatives.
Nicholas Long
This isn't new, dumbass whitebois that want to fulfill the MUH CYCLING/MORTOBIKE ACROSS THE 3RD WORLD virtue signalling fantasy get rekt in Mexico all the time.
europeons can't comprehend how huge mexico and the US are compared to where they come from.
and mexico has huge swaths of nearly lawless areas.
Luis Ortiz
Wyatt Price
>cycling in expensive gear in fucking Chiapas Why do white people do this? Even Mexicans aren't retarded enough to do it.
Jace Ortiz
they are force fed egalitarian bullshit and as a result do shit like this
Nathaniel Clark
People who vacation in 3rd world countries deserve to die.
That is all.
Jason Ortiz
>southern Mexico
Theres the problem, hope they learnt lesson, only good part of Mexico is the North to the wall. Stay away from everything below Mexico City.
Robert Hill
Europeans are lucky to have lived for this long. Had Battle of Tours gone differently whitey would have gotten raped already a long time ago. And if the Mongols hadn't turned their back suddenly, it would have happened a second time.
A lucky race of small dicked low testosterone cucks.
Angel Butler
This. Is like the roasties that of all places to visit here, they chose the most poor regions to go. >muh spiritual lands and shit They get robbed or killed by cave dwellers from the north west valleys.
Charles Carter
Serves them right, they vacationed in Mexico.
Aiden King
Voluntarily going to a place dominated by shitskins. Don't do this.
They thought that they could relax.
Eli Anderson
Arent border cities filled with cartel thugs? I thought border region is the most dangerous in mexico.
David Young
Isnt everything besides mexico city basically fallout
Tyler Anderson
Anyone taking bets that they hated Trump and thought the wall was racist?
They could have asked ANY Mexican if their route was safe and they would have gotten a hard no.
Sebastian Myers
filled with cartel thugs yes, but here you dont see normal civillians being decapitated, you only hear an ocassional shooting really late at night once every 2 weeks like in CAlifornia or maybe Houston or Dallas.
The actual indigenous subhumans live down below in the Southerns states, stay away.
Jonathan Campbell
this is what the filthy dirty Chilangos try to meme but its not true, Mexico city is so huge, only %15 of it is actually nice and obviously are the nices neihbourhoods were politicians and rich people live, the other 85 is a literal Rio De Janeiro rat infested filthy city, people get robbed at noon at any random traffic stop.
Monterrey Nuevo Leon, moved here for working reasons about 3 years ago.
Owen Perry
Is Monterrey considered safe?
Kayden Adams
the actual urban area yes its pretty safe, night life is what you would expect from any modern city, however city is surrounded by rural areas were cartel cells hide, so travelling through these areas at night is a mandatory NO NO.
If you stay inside the urban spot, youll be fine.
Thomas Long
I just saw a video the other day on liveleak (can't find it) It was based in Mexico, and it was 5 niggers torturing what appeared to be white person. I was confused so I did some research, It wasn't a white person and was just a Beaner but the quality was bad. I also found out that niggers targeting light skin hispanics is a thing there.
My point is everyone forgets Mexico and Latin America are both having MASSIVE nigger problems. Being flooded in. So I never know who the fuck to blame.
It was probably just a beaner but i feel someone needs to point this out
Jayden Anderson
no niggers here unless you count the actual ones that come from the US to get their dentists or medicine degree for cheap LOL.
Maybe you got confused an it was in Brazil? for some resason most English speaking people cant tell the difference btw Spanish and Portuguese.
Austin Flores
Is southern mexico really that bad?
Wyatt Wilson
Ill never go to mexico
Benjamin Nguyen
Because Mexico is too fucking big most of the police force stays in the most populated areas. It's fucking beautiful but it's total anarchy.
Kevin Howard
that's true in every major city in Mexico, so the answer is no, it's not safe for tourists nor mexicans.
some parts of the south, the locals usually warn you when you plan crossing those areas.
Christian Nguyen
dude mexico is crazy here is a couple videos from liveleak
I been to Mexico, but probably won't risk going again. I stayed inside a pretty nice resort and tourist area with beautiful nature. I didn't leave the area, but much of the country seems pretty lawless with high murder rates.
Adrian Perry
Mayans were artisans you imbecile
Brayden Mitchell
>Be white >Go to third world shithole >Travel off resort >get killed Play stupid games, win stupid prizes
Evan Taylor
>traveling the world Surprise, most of the world is shit. I bet they mentioned how tolerant they were as they begged for their lives.
Jeremiah Jones
>kikes >human pick 1, schlomo
Matthew Thompson
>Mayan ruins at Palenque, >Want to visit ancient place of savagery in country still inhabited and controlled by savages, get treated savagely. Who could have possibly seen this coming?
>going to Mexico >going far from the touristic destinations >exploring on your own
Jordan Lewis
>Chiapas Really, nigger? I live in Sinaloa and it's way more peaceful than southern México
Alexander Davis
reported click on the little arrow at the top of the thread to report this retarded faggot's lame ass shitpost slidethread
Justin Bell
Mex used to be cool back in the day. After the Cartels got armed to the teeth and started trying to rule the world it went to shit.
While the wall would be nice, the place needs to be turned to glass. The fucking Cartels have howitzers.
Jonathan Robinson
there are also tons of EUropeans who travel with bike through Iraq or with camper on the silk road via Pakistan to India. People do things
Jose Torres
Gee, what a surprise. Why would anyone go to that shithole
Christian Powell
>How did they develop such a bizarre and incorrect belief about the world? It's our education, there is zero criticism of other peoples/cultures/countries. Geography mostly resembles a social democratic travel brochure.
Jace Jenkins
yeah but tourists usually don't get killed there because the cartels also have clubs and restaurants there and want to make money. Border towns are full with tourists and party students. If they get killed there all the time they won't come there eventually so the cartels make sure not to live out too many conflicts there at least not with foreigners
Caleb Myers
Do cartels fuck with you for no reason or you need to have some sort of deal with them to end up in liveleak?
Gabriel Rogers
>Boomer parents plan to buy a Caravan and treck down to Marocco OR Sweden.
This. You can take a train from Germany to France within a few hours, but taking that same distance won't get you a quarter across the US or Mexico.
It's kind of like crime rates, of fucking course ours are higher than the UK, because we have a fuckton more people spread out across an ever larger fuckton of land. Mexico may not entirely a hellhole, but very large swaths of it are.
Noah Bailey
Why not just stop in Spain or Portugal? Why Morocco of all places?
Matthew Sullivan
to be diverse and embrace other cultures
Jonathan Howard
I would never step a foot in Mexico
Cooper Jones
Isn't it only airhead liberals that think the world is a safe place?. Kill every one that goes to shitholes
Julian Brooks
Nobody should be going to beanerville outside of Americans exploiting them.
Colton Flores
Liam Watson
>It's kind of like crime rates, of fucking course ours are higher than the UK, because we have a fuckton more people spread out across an ever larger fuckton of land Even for a burger this is pushing it..
Robert Adams
They are animals. Animals don't need reasons.
Noah Fisher
There is no road crossing between Panama and Colombia. Yuppie millenials should do proper research before "muh wanderlust"
Benjamin Rivera
>70 murders a day jesus christ mexico. And we're the bad guys for wanting a wall?
Mexico is entirely a shithole, why do you think so many illegals come here? There is nothing redeeming in mexico, even the tourist areas are dangerous despite cucks claiming otherwise because they can't afford to vacation anywhere nicer. The police are as likely to kill you as the people.
Jaxson Price
No. if they discover that you are in an opposite cartel, they would chop your head off. If you are not in drug problems , they would not kill you.
Aaron Cook
>If you are not in drug problems , they would not kill you.
Try to talk them into only going to the countryside in Sweden, and stay away from big cities and sandnigger populated areas. They should be fine there.
Mason Wilson
Don't be angry, Mexico is full of dreamers!!!!
Michael Foster
>Even for a burger this is pushing it.. He must be some kind of leftie. THIS is why our crime rates are higher.
Because they know nothing will fix mexico, it's a waste of time to even try
Evan Walker
I'm a saucier or """chef""" to your average retard. I work with a shit ton of Mexicans and sub-Central Americans. Mexico is about as region specific as anywhere else. (BTW in my experience a shit ton of kitchen Mexicans come from Michoacan) Thinking this is cartel or drug dealer related is like thinking someone shot in Chicago was killed by a white person. Those southerners are savage as shit. Tiny, dark, angry. I've seen them pick fights with 6'2 niggers and win. It's hard to describe how different they are from actual Mexicans or smelly Guatemalans but it's weird.
I'm drunkposting so to make a long story short, I don't think these guys were just up and attacked from a bush. They probably thought some ivory toothed savage would be their friend and got their asses handed to them. These faggot liberals think people will respect you simply for your words. Now these dumbasses know better
>and conquered No it isn't, it's being given away for free out of foolish pity. If you'd speak of conquering those doing it would be in Brussels and Strasbourg.
People might make the mistake of thinking the third world is equally shit to everyone but for those with wealth/in power it's actually pretty splendid. Far easier to enrich yourself and deal with any opposition than it is in the civilized world.
Brody Long
you realize that story is a cover up, right? the mom of one of those "mistaken identity" guys is a pimp, one of the biggest on that city and she is KNOWN to have dealings with cartels
James Bell
the north its just as bad only in pol you hear that south mexico its the violent part
where is cd juarez, tijuana, matalipas or monterrey? you know, the cities with sicarios and stuff
see, only mexipoltards can develop this upisdown view of the world
>South Mexico But why? North Mexico is where all the human Mexicans live. South of Mexico City is Favela Mud Monkey Land. Why the fuck would go to South Mexico, of all places? >ancient Mayan ruins at Palenque, some 200km (130 miles) away I think they were sex tourists, to be honest