Question for antisemites

hey /pol, question for you guys who always post the hands-rubbing-jew cartoon, call people "Schlomo" or "Rabbi", and give the answer "the jews did it!" to any and all questions posted to /pol:

do you guys actually know any jewish people, in the flesh? do you have any IRL jewish friends?

i have had plenty of jewish friends over the years (i'm a white northeastern catholic btw), and i've found them to be generally wealthy and spoiled but otherwise pretty unremarkable. so i don't buy all the antisemitism here. i wonder if the antisemitism you see here is due to the fact that most americans never meet a real life jew in their lives, much less make friends with them...?

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I'm married and then divorced one so I think I know what the fuck I'm talking about.

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>most americans never met a jew
well it's unlikeley they ever saw a jew since most americans are too poor for mirrors

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>i have had plenty of jewish friends

confirmed for dry dick. go spread your cult somewhere else

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You should lurk more.

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Your run-of-the-mill jew may be harmless, but it is the ones pulling strings in the upper echelons that are fucking things up.

Jews, even the guys next door, don't vote for freedom, they vote for socialism because the tribe told them to.

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guys want to answer the question?

do any of you know any jewish people IRL? are any of them your friends?

True. They run things... we have figure heads who are the front man and they take the blame but they follow the orders the powerful Jews give them.

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Every single one I know fits the stereotypes. Greedy, cheap, scamming fuckbags.


>doh!! I didn't expect answers! Pretend they didn't answer.
Yeah.... who would be so "dense"?

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every kike that i have ever met in the flesh was a conniving, duplicitous son of a bitch

they were smart, but they acted like leeches and would always be lying about shit

I knew several jews and met their extended friends and families. They tend to be crass, have a superiority complex, and see physical labor as beneath them.

Two younger gals were also dykes, cohencidence?

Look mr Double Down you need to consult the manual of arguments it's pinned as the second thread on this board.


just look toward Hollywood and banking industries. They are morally bankrupt kills me the repuglicants are the ones "with israel"

The Jewish COLLECTIVE is a problem. You are thinking individual and that is not the correct way of viewing things. On a individual level many niggers, spics, moslems, etc are not problematic but on the collective level they are.

There is also the issue that the Jewish Conspiracy is not just the little Jew but the top Jews (Illuminatis) and a network of secret societies that contain both gentiles and little Jews.

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>do you guys actually know any jewish people, in the flesh? do you have any IRL jewish friends?
Yes and yes.
>so i don't buy all the antisemitism here.
Being an anti-semite is a choice you faggot. You don't have to buy into opinions posted by other faggots on Jow Forums. Learn to think for yourself.
>hey /pol, question for you guys who always post the hands-rubbing-jew cartoon, call people "Schlomo" or "Rabbi", and give the answer "the jews did it!" to any and all questions posted to /pol:
I don't do that, and I think Jews are ok. They're just like any other race - some are good and some are bad.

well fine, yes most of my jewish friends were like "nah, fucking panera is too expensive, let's get dominos"

>greedy, scamming
plenty of my jewish friends were total stoners who were happy to smoke everybody out. and most of them had pretty high ethical standards business-wise. at least one of them works fighting for the rights of native americans. on average less "evil" than the average american guy

What would meeting an individual jew matter at all in regard to our criticisms to jews a whole?

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Every jew I've ever met acted like subversive swine, and I've met a good dozen on a personal acquaintance basis. If anything, I wasn't born hating jews, it's my experiences with jews that taught me to hate them.

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Stop this. I’m ashamed of this thread. Do your homework on these filthy kikes and don’t bring your apologetics here again.

Jews are fine outside of work, but they are nepotistic as fuck and will never promote a gentile to a higher position if there is a fellow jew in the prospect pool. How do you think they came to control nearly every fortune 100 company and elite university?

>pretends to not understand.
Yep. That's the tactic...
I've known many Jews.
Some were average joes who just happened to hate all Arabs (having met many Arabs and the way they treated Americans, I can sort of see that).
Some were very bright and good people, but not loyal to the US at all. Israel first. Jews first.
Some were out and out believers in "Goys are filthy animals". (brother of the good guy Jew, actually)
One I met in High School became a high priced drug dealer for the elite. He was a total degenerate.
But they're not even the problem, the problem is that they all answer to the Jews who ARE the problem.

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Well I guess your experience totally invalidates everyone else's. Pack it up guys!

all the posters i linked in my post -- they gave a response but did not answer the questions:
"do you know any jews IRL? are any your friends IRL?"

just making a post doesn't mean you answered the question. or is this getting too deep into "reason" and "logic" and "reading comprehension" for the antisemites to follow?

I met one today on campus and tried to discuss the Palestinian issue. He deflected, obfuscated, and out right lied. It was the most frustrating conversation of my life. Fugggg

>Two younger gals were also dykes, cohencidence?

Imagine being that sort of wealthy and spoiled, and society mandates that you have to kowtow to them anyway, and lets them get away with blatant nepotism, because of something that not only didn't happen to them, didn't even happen to their parents!

literally around a hundred
most ruskies

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>Asks for anecdotal evidence.
Gets it.
>Moves goal post - that's anecdotal evidence based on your own experience!
Damn it, did you just unironically jew us in a thread about why we see a Jewish problem?

>do you guys actually know any jewish people, in the flesh? do you have any IRL jewish friends?
Yes, and they agree, the Jews did it.

In fact, I am a Jew. How about that goyboy.

>The Jewish COLLECTIVE is a problem.
Opinions of sheep incoming.
>On a individual level many niggers, spics, moslems, etc are not problematic but on the collective level they are.
Sheep status confirmed.

Faggot, minorities are just like any other vulnerable tribe. They are pawns in a bigger game. If spics, blacks, moslems, etc. are making your life hell then it's because of your politicians, and not because spics, blacks, and moslems find you interesting enough to ruin your life.
>There is also the issue that the Jewish Conspiracy is not just the little Jew but the top Jews (Illuminatis) and a network of secret societies that contain both gentiles and little Jews.
True Jewish people just want to rebuild their temple on Temple Mound in Israel and atone for their sins, like they did 2 millennia ago. Anyone who doesn't subscribe to that philosophy is a fake Jew - including the Illuminati.

>Whhaaa!! I'm going to ignore your post about Jews you know.
Oh yeah... bat shit crazy Jewish girl friend for about a year... how could I forget her!
Did I mention she was bat shit crazy? Always ranting how she's gonna kill herself. I found her on facebook - she's still doing it.

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The jews I've met are a bunch of shisters there's nothing more to it, They're manipulative, selfish stingy little rats and if you ever get close to one you'll realize pretty quick they truly have no soul

I knew one Jew from school and he was a ginger about 6'3" and retarded as fuck. (Literally mentally retarded) Rumors said he was inbred.

hitler was right.

unironically born to jew

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The problem is more of a macro socio-economic one. Jews are smart, they get up to prominent places and control information and the narrative, and they have a good deal of Leftist views. That's the issue; I think the caricature of the Jews manipulating everything isn't really true, it's just that they would end up this way.

"mmyess goy, keep defending us as we continue to collect you're shekels and eat fried foreskins for our amusement, and as we watch you get outbred by our melanin enriched golems."

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>I met one today on campus and tried to discuss the Palestinian issue.
user confirmed faggot.
>He deflected, obfuscated, and out right lied.
You deserve it for being a degenerate filthy commie fag who wants to discuss Palestine.
>It was the most frustrating conversation of my life.
Second only to your non-existent sex life.

BTW, I'm not one of these Stormfront refugees who post the "gas the kikes" thread.
I'm a National Socialist after years of being a Ron Paul libertarian. Liberty is just another meme like democracy that can be used to lead people like sheep. 95% of all elections are won by the candidate with the most money, and the Rothschild''s print the money and it trickles down to the jews - the fund the Jewish media and they bribe and buy our government through operatives like Soros or Bezos.
We need our own ethnostates. We have Israel, and We should have ethnostates in Europe and America. Now who's handing Europe over the the Muslims? Jews.

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Oh and one other Jew... He was a skin doctor. He was a stereotypical Jew, 5'5" tanner skin blad and big nose..

alright, nice, thanks for some real answers /pol

most of the answers i find believable, but there are a bunch which are similar to one another and i think they're probably just made up:
those just sound like shillery. i bet you guys probably know 0 jews. how about any of you guys actually tell us about your IRL jewish acquaintances/friends, beyond just saying "they're all ."

>Did I mention she was bat shit crazy? Always ranting how she's gonna kill herself. I found her on facebook - she's still doing it.

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>at least one of them works fighting for the rights of native americans

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I got tons of jew friends

jew broads HATE giving head though

I do and they fit every stereotype here.

This kid flips precious metals for profit, refused to sign up for bone marrow donation because he said it'd hurt (only concerned about himself) and actively boycotts and spreads ill will about Chik fil-A because "they're anti LGBT".

Are you jewish? Why is the Palestinian issue not important? This is exactly what the guy basically implied earlier

literally every jew I've met was an arrogant selfish entitled peace of shit. So yeah.

There are way less jews in france than in the USA but I've met 4 jewish people they were actually normal. I don't think the everyday jew is the problem

This is now a merchant thread.

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>sage in all fields

Every jew I've ever met has been a neurotic hypocrite desperate to argue about anything and everything who will say all sorts of things they don't believe in and contradict themselves over and over to feel like they've won one over you

Fuck the jews

When we talk about jews we don't mean that jew down the block that owns the bagel shop. We're talking abotu the people who run the banks, the lobbyists, the CEOs, etc.

I'm a jew. Grew up Catholic, but surrounded by Jews.

Jews are the reason I hate Jews.

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well, knowing just _one_ jew who you dislike, and then deciding to become an antisemite based on that (plus the super-reliable info on /pol, amirite?) is kinda naiive right?

it's like if i only knew one australian person, and it was julian assange, should i be saying "all australians are trying to subvert the US and promote hacking and are rapists"?

>"do you know any jews IRL? are any your friends IRL?"

yes, no. also that's not a political question. how we should get rid of them, THAT is a political question. a man who cuts the penis of a newborn child deserves to be tortured by nazis and so does his family. nobody should have to tolerate that kind of behaviour and I know as an american you will pooh-pooh my argument, but it's fact and figure that what your country does (circumcision) is tantamount to torture. I would consider it war crime and punish israel for the whole thing.

just to be clear, I know jewish people, they have treated me well. but you can treat me well and torture your child I still think you a shit person.

Data mining thread?
Data mining thread.

Post your happy merchants my guys.

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Can you fuck off back to tumblr or whatever shithole you came from, faggot? You're probably a paid shill, or some retard from bumblr.

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They are some of the most arrogant people I have ever met. They are also terrible self loathing liars.

Not only do I have the kike friends, I apprise them constantly of their tribe’s wiles. They know.

I mean the jew down the block who owns a bagel shop, I would murder him twice if I could.

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This. The arrogance and self-righteousness is the first thing that made me realize I'm different from most Jews, because I don't believe I'm righteous and sincerely care about "goyim", enough that it makes me uncomfortable calling non-Jews goyim.

Lurk moar faggot. "Every time" isn't a meme for nothing

t. Mischlinge

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>Are you jewish?
>Why is the Palestinian issue not important?
It's a made up conflict between the Israelis and Palestinians so that Israel and Hamas can use it for their PR propaganda. Only Israel and Hamas win in the Palestinian conflict, the world loses.
>This is exactly what the guy basically implied earlier
Turns out your dumber than the Jew you argued with.

I’m an ethnic Jew and I hate Jews. Pretty sure I can say, without biasses, that kikes are everything Jow Forums ,generally, makes them out to be.

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Respect man.

then why don't you guys join the berniebros? berniebros' enemies are:
>kleptocrat billionaires

you don't have to make it about race and religion, that just means you're lumping a bunch of innocent people along with your enemies

>Jews are the reason I hate Jews.

never give a single fuck about nationality of people around, only about their deeds.
nigger, jew etc - is not about nationality or race it is about the way person think and act, about their values.

Yes, I know plenty of Jews. Berkeley is lousy with them. They're mentally ill, perverted, argue for no reason, dishonest, and greedy. There are a few good ones but you've always got to watch your back. My bookkeeper is an old jewish lady who voted for Trump, she's okay.
>but your father never trusted hyman roth!

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One of my profs was a jew, he was alright but kinda weird. Anyway it's like this, not every Jew is pure evil, but most of the people fucking the world over are jews. There's a group of Jewish elite trying to destroy the goy.

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I have known hundreds of Jews over the years. Believe me when I say they know who you are and they do not consider you a friend in return, only a resource to be used (if you really are a Catholic and not a LARPing Jew). They talk about each of us and plot our fates behind our backs. Their tribalism exists on a monumental scale and scope.

Their paranoia is their genetic weakness. If you want to see them reveal themselves, start talking to them with race realist points and communicate judgment of the open borders position with vehemence. Use violent imagery concerning invaders. This causes total panic in them, and that is when they become indiscreet and reveal themselves. You will be shocked not only at the revealed scale of their tribalism, connections between people you would not even suspect, but at how shabby they really are.

I am not kidding. Try this if you dare.


>how we should get rid of them
Why do you want to get rid of them? Just like all other living things, Jews have a purpose. Just cause you're a fag who can't land pussy doesn't mean you have to take your frustrations out on Jews.
> a man who cuts the penis of a newborn child deserves to be tortured by nazis and so does his family.
Jews cutting the dicks of their baby boys is none of your business. When they force you to circumcise your children, THEN it becomes your problem. Stop being such a cunt.
>but you can treat me well and torture your child I still think you a shit person.
I doubt anyone thinks any better of you, you opinionated insufferable cunt.

Every So called "Jew" white skin ashkandi greatsword of the brotherhoof or whatever askanazi ur tribe is. Every single time I have delt with one of the Synagogue of Satans blood members, Or in groups I've had a bad time. Like legit every sort of snake like behavior ensues in all directions around them. They throw the shit at the fan every fucking damn day and it hits the fan and gets on every single sovereign soul in this world. This fucking trash goes around acting like its some kind of chosen by God bloodline when it is every respect the blood seed of satan referenced over and over again in the Bible as the Synagogue of Satan .. (see Revelation 3:9 King James Version (KJV)
9 Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie. )

The most ungrateful bug eyed flesh sacks on the face of this world.

Just look at that fucker to the left of the guy in the red plad in the picture. The guy in the blue plad diamond button down. Just look at that fucker and the guy in the red plad looks like hes doing the hand rub with his eyes.

> Pro-Tip Bomb israhell back to the pit where they came from. Hitler and America and Global government setting up a so called free state for them is not a fulfillment of the revelations prophecy of Rev. 7-11 4 And I heard the number of the sealed, 144,000, sealed from every tribe of the sons of Israel:

5 12,000 from the tribe of Judah were sealed,
12,000 from the tribe of Reuben,
12,000 from the tribe of Gad,
6 12,000 from the tribe of Asher,
12,000 from the tribe of Naphtali,
12,000 from the tribe of Manasseh,
7 12,000 from the tribe of Simeon,
12,000 from the tribe of Levi,
12,000 from the tribe of Issachar,
8 12,000 from the tribe of Zebulun,
12,000 from the tribe of Joseph,
12,000 from the tribe of Benjamin were sealed.

Not a single one of you blood suckers are apart of any of the 12 tribes and I give my blessing to each and everyone of you.

see you all in Hell

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Death to all jews fucko.

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-The Jews are the leadership and vanguard of a movement of literal Baby sacrificing Moloch worshippers who want to reduce the world's population drastically and rule over an unintelligent, brown slave class.
-Communism was invented by these people for the sole purpose of instituting a worldwide police state through which they can rule, and they plan to institute it universally through the UN.
-Manmade climate change is a hoax, just like the holocaust, designed to scare and guilt people into accepting new draconian rules and losing their way of life.
-They are perfectly willing to allow Islam to fester so long as they can control its leadership to ensure that it keeps the masses terrified and under control while not harming them.
-They created and control ISIS.
-9/11 was orchestrated by the Jews and their Saudi puppets with Bush's knowledge.
-They control literally every nation on earth that has a central bank.
-They propped the United States and Russia up as superpowers in order to use them both to transform the world. They are now propping China up as they head toward the next stage of their plan.
-The migrant crisis was carefully planned and orchestrated by them in order to flood white nations with low-IQ blacks and muslims.
-They are socially engineering us to believe that whiteness is evil and that racemixing is our duty in order to wipe out whites as they see us as their biggest threat.
-They hate Spirituality above all else and are doing everything in their power to eradicate it.
-95% of American pastors for the last century have been bought by Jews and spoonfed kike propaganda to lead their congregations into worshipping the kikes as "God's chosen people" even though the Bible calls them the Synagogue of Satan and Christ-killers.
-Faggotry, trannyism, feminism, and porn are all funded and pushed by them to reduce birthrates, especially amongst whites.
-They are behind every anti-white movement as they desperately want a race war.

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There was this cute Jewish girl that would talk comfortably about sex with me that I wanted to dick but she moved to Colorado. Still FB friends with her tho.

Thanks man.

It's fucking true. The only Jews I don't hate are my mother and my cousin, but he's kind of a degenerate (smokes weed all day and skateboards all night, no job, high school dropout...but he's the least Jewwy Jew I've ever met.)

>The only Jews I don't hate are my mother

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>The only Jews I don't hate are my mother and my cousin,
Makes no sense. You're a Jew, who was raised as a Catholic? How does that work? Your mom sent you to Church instead of Sunday school?

O wait nm soory my Hebro. your one of the good ones. one of the good niggers.

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>smokes weed all day and skateboards all night, no job, high school dropout...but he's the least Jewwy Jew
i know probably 3 or 4 jews who fit that description.

i would say that stonerism among jews is way higher than among non-jews.

and most jew stoners are chill af

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>i would say that stonerism among jews is way higher than among non-jews.
Probably because getting stoned shuts out the neurotic part of the Jew brain that was developed over 2 millennia due to inbreeding.

>Same experiences
I have been in inside sales for 20 years. Every jew i have met, at least 50, every fucking one was a complete snake. Now, i have been in sales so honesty isnt the most prevalent charachteristic to begin with but the ratio of Jews to non-jews i have worked was directly proportional to how shady and underhanded the company was.
You also mentioned that most Americans have never met a Jew, thats partly because the religion itself is designed to keep them divided from gentiles.
They cant use electricity on Friday and must walk to the synagogue, this forces them to live within 5km of eachother and they normally buy up a lot of the residency surrounding a synagogue isolating themselves from others.
Orthodox Jews also believe that if a gentile sits at their table their food is no longer kosher.
They also practice endogamy and a male who marries a gentile is considered to not have jewish children.
Oh and they happen to believe that God favors them over all other human beings.
They believe all this and preach diversity while practicing seclusion.
Such is the deceptive way of the snake which is the jew.
Mind you they can all put on the front and take an anglicized name and persuade whites to take a bad deal.
Take it from my experiences, which are extensive, never, EVER, trust a fucking Jew.

>But muh one individual good Jew


>> ask the question to people who "give the answer "the jews did it!" to any and all questions posted to /pol:"

The jews did it!

Its not like I havent been under the watchful eye of the full body of this thing since I was old enough to say fuck niggers.

You should be scared Ashkandi's. That Land Means nothing at all.... LITERALLY NOTHING

The New Isreal is the real Jews comming into the Kingdom and they will be targeted by your fucking Drag net Surveillance Satan Cock sucking Synagogue . AND YOU WILL BE CUT DOWN BY ALL CONSUMING FIRE. . . YOUR PUREST FORM IS ASH . . .

That Land means nothing until the Kingdom comes to rest on its place.

Ill say it again ill see you all in Hell. Get fucking ready/ / /

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I have jewish family. They are all degenerate pieces of shit. Tax dodgers and drug addicts. Fuck em all.

stupid wop detected