The White Ethnostate should be created in Maine.
>95% white
>low crime rate
>beautiful scenery
>fertile land
>seafood capital
The White Ethnostate should be created in Maine.
>95% white
>low crime rate
>beautiful scenery
>fertile land
>seafood capital
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What if the only seafood I like is lobster?
bro if you want to move to Maine go
You have taste so beyond shit that I'd rather listen to Hillary Clinton and her opinions than yours, on anything.
Thats not how you spell
Maine is pretty nice. Maple water is one of the best drinks I've ever had, lobster is delicious, and snow keeps niggers out.
PNW is full of disgusting border-hopping spics.
Leave the coast and its a barren desolate shithole filled with jew-loving neocons
Oh yeah pal? What are your favorite foods? This is /ck/ now btw
which means they're going for it next. we need some maine poltards to conduct some observational study for us and mark hints of cultural maxists attempting to corrupt it.
>not denying them liberal retard land
>not enjoying salty tears
>not embark on a campaign to sear into their memory that they live, amongst humans, at our discretion
Step up you ethnostate game, fa-m
Maine is getting flooded with somalians. There's no escape bros.
I come bring family
No you idiot. It's wyoming/montana, or nothing at all
The Aristocrats!
Alaska is the seafood capital of the United Statesand it is littered with natives, filippinos and Samoans.
Thing is, its only liberal retard land in Seattle, Portland, and the Willamette valley.
Every other part of both Washington and Oregon are desolate barren shitholes filled with beaners and jew-loving neocons.
Wanna know why the Hanford project and LIGO were put in Washington? Because its fucking 400 miles from anywhere that matters
No thanks, refuse to make my life any more difficult or uncomfortable than necessary.
If a white ethnostate was announced in Maine today, I'd go. I'd also probably see about starting one in my location.
I refuse to believe Alaska is littered with anything. They have like 1¼ people per square mile.
The ethnostate already exists. Pack your bags, you;re going to Russia.
So when Yellowstone erupts we get wiped out? Or is that not happening?
shut the fuck up about maine you god forsaken retards, we're full
I lived there for a long time. I know that place, and yes its mostly west-side cities. Not that big a deal, its possible.
You could also add New Hampshire and Vermont.
Where they're all addicted to heroin and the food is so shitty that they're EATING heroin? No thanks.
This. If you disagree you’re probably highly uneducated. There is a long history of white culture here. Just in more recent times, the blood of white separatists has been spilled here. Plus, after The Big One, all of the coastal cities (read: multicultural) will be wiped off the map. Except Portland but I’m sure we can do the rest. Did you know Portland didn’t allow blacks in until the 1930s?
For more reading up on this topic, please go here:
Your question is at the top.
It isn't a shithole but it is littered with Bush villages and fish proceeding plants and boats staffed by many migrant workers.
Meant to mention you.
how would you solve the nigger-level meth epidemic in the PNW?
The meth is mostly produced and distributed by Mexican gangs, if we get rid of the Mexicans it does a good portion of getting rid of the meth.
uh huh.
and how about the hoards of morbidly obese jew-loving boomer neocons?
Re-education, euthanasia, etc.
Im glad you agree but due to concerns over the movements legitimacy ill yield and defer elsewhere. I suppose ill start my own