>I have never heard a gunshot in real life
I have never heard a gunshot in real life
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Time to suicide
I shot someone in the leg during lunch break in highschool. I guess your problem is that you live in a city.
Sorry you are deaf
it’s so much louder than movies and vidya make you believe. Even a single pistol pop will make your ears ring and swell up
its weird, they sound really loud out in the open, but in city space, they sound just like a small firecracker, i think buildings kill the eco
its nothing special
That's ok. I've heard hundreds of thousands, possibly more than a million. I've got enough for us both.
My neighbors were shooting all day today.
Well, yeah, you live in Italy where the gun homicide rate is 1/6 of the US.
kill yourself shill scum
what about all the Italian shooter men
And Italians aren't known for being gun fanatics(other than in their history with the mafia)
oh yeah the mafia that's what they're called
Indoors, even with ear protection, you can feel a rifle shot shockwave to your very core.
I went shooting for the first time last Sunday. It's incredible how the pressure wave rolls over you in an enclosed space and how much louder and meatier it is than on TV. So much fun, no wonder they're trying to ban it.
10/10 would bang again
I like the way you think.
I shot a man in Reno, just to watch him die.
My good man, Italians are knows as some of the finest shotgun and rifle makers in the world. Apparently you don't move in those circles.
If it makes you jump, it's a firecracker. If it makes you jump and your ears feel tingly; it might not be a firecracker.
I used to have to work in Baltimore for weeks at a time and I stayed at some shitty hotel instead of one in the Inner Harbor because the shitty hotel had better wifi and was near more places to eat but anyway the thing is I heard fucking gunshots all night I mean I can't imagine what the fuck is going on in that city
I love going camping with my gauge.
Ever shoot a big ass spider at 4am with buck shot? good shit. Nothing like shooting with no ear protection. I highly recommend it
t. everybody but amer*cans
I decided to empty a couple of mags out of my .45 last night on a whim, with no ear pro.
>Mfw my ears are still fucking ringing
If that was your first time, then ya your ears are fucked for a lil while. Say bye bye to dBs you'll never hear again!
You should’ve aimed for the head
you poor thing.
>shot 5 different guns today
>its just a regular weekday for me
>I hear gunshots every day
shit's fucking loud dog.
Sonora, negrito?
I had a nigger fire three blanks at me from his shitty handgun yesterday... Just drove by being all niggery. At first I thought he missed and was gonna shoot me dead. I was so happy to finally be at the end of this shitty life... But no, nigger had to just be playing games
Mississippi is a garbage dump, send nukes
>boom boom boom boom boom boom boom
>boom boom boom boom boom boom
>boom boom boom boom boom some more
>go get less more quiet like he was going away
Don't get any ideas there whiteboi
Pretty much this. And there's a continuum of
You might be at a range with your earpro on popping off shots with an AR, and it's still loud AF, then some geezer might come up next to you to dial in the new optic on his 300 win mag and that will sound loud over all the tacticool fags shooting their ARs.
It's louder than the loudest thing you can imagine user, even fireworks.
It's loud
Come to America Italy bro, visit the dragon mans compound in Colorado and shoot every type of gun you want
>hear a gunshot
>turns out it was just fireworks
Did you destroy that bunker yet, Courier?