Mexicans are just taking advantage of American laws to get money.
Blacks also.
The problem is Jews are still Jews. They should have all the focus when it comes to conversion.
If things continue the way they do, white people will attempt a genocide against these people. And though they are wicked, they are still God's creation.
The problem is that in their religion they believe non-Jews are animals to be manipulated. They believe they should be the masters of the universe. And even if they do not believe this religiously, if they were brought up by people that did, those beliefs are ingrained into their being.
The only way to break their way of thinking is to teach them of the message of love that Jesus brought to earth. They must break the cycle by religious devotion to the principles of love that Christ brought. They are the ones who lack love, not the Muslims, not the White people.
White people crave Christ in their hearts, the Jew corrupts their heart and so they look towards hate. Please understand them. The solution is to convert the Jew, you are wasting your efforts with the white man.
I fear that the one true Church is acting against this notion.
Indeed the Jew is clever and has corrupted the very institution that Christ said holds the keys to Heaven. We must awaken to this. We must address the Jewish question with love, not hate. But first we must acknowledge what the Jews do.
If we fail as Catholics to convert the Jews, their blood will be on our hands.
Are you Catholic? If so, you should agree with what I say and help me on this mission.
If you kill all the Jews and gain the riches of earth, what about your soul?
Jack Sullivan
instead lets just set up an isolationist nation state with reviewbrah as the catholic philosopher king
Benjamin Richardson
Christcucks are so annoying with their "they are still God's creation" bullshit. Jews are an invasive species that threatens every ecosystem they infiltrate, and should be exterminated like a weed or foreign beetle.
Owen Carter
My soul is already in turmoil with all the shit that is going on in the world, when the threat to my family, people, country and planet has been wiped out, I will be happy knowing that I can raise my children as faithful followers of God without the jew trying to corrupt them
Those Jews who are serious about their covenant with God will turn to Jesus---eventually.
I dare say a pious Jew's chances of getting into heaven are better than that of a pedophile Roman priest.
James Ramirez
But love feels good. And hate feels bad. Even loving my enemy feels better than hating him.
Try loving people who hate you. Try loving yourself. And try loving those who destroy you.
If you kill lots of Jews because you hate them, you will end up hating yourself when the deed is done. And will it be worth it if you hate yourself in the end?
Josiah Morgan
I’m a Catholic and I believe that one of the church’s biggest missteps is not only treating Jews like they are our brothers, but not proselytizing to them. The Talmud says horrific things about Christ and Mary, but yet the Church ignores these things. The Jews come from the lineage of those who killed Christ. The blood is on their hands, as they have said to Pilate and before God himself. I am flabbergasted that we even associate or let Rabbis darken the doorsteps of the Vatican. I do not advocate violence towards Jews, but I sure as shit do not regard them as anything less than the church’s greatest enemy besides moral relativism.
Charles Perry
I don't hate jews. I don't hate mosquitoes when I grow plants to keep them away, I don't hate ants when I pour vinegar down their mounds, and I don't hate wasps when I leave out a trap that kills them. Hate has nothing to do with restoring balance to your home.
Hate is to wish evil on others. You wish that Jews would die. Do you want to die? If you don't want to die, and you wish that Jews would die, then you are wishing evil on them, and therefore hate them.
Like it or not, Jews are human. You can have children with them who won't be sterile.
Joseph Cooper
Love feels good. Try it. Recognize that they want to hurt you, and love them anyways. That way you will be perfect.
Listen buddy, the world isn't sunshine and rainbows, there are winners and losers, and I don't plan on losing. The kikes need to get exterminated yes or yes
It’s not hate when you call Jews out on their bullshit. Christ did it on a daily basis; speaking of which, I’m tired of the feminization of Christ. He was a man of action. He was assertive. He confronted people. He did not fucking back down when confronted himself. He put people in their place regularly. You can still be in a position of love and mercy while condemning the evil that Jews engage in. Examine yourself, dude. Fucking seriously.
Gavin Gray
I'll die happy knowing the world is a better place for whites and my white children
I acknowledge what Jews do. I don't agree with their extermination which is what I believe will happen unless they are converted. It's very hard since they never argue in good faith.
Nicholas Butler
dude he's probably a protestant cuck, don't even bother
You will die in torment and you children will be ashamed of the actions of their father and your bloodline may possibly end with them due to the guilt you burden them with.
This YouTuber is a pedophile and we can’t allow him to do it anymore please let us help his victims and shut his channel down watch this video please:
>I don't believe you have children I'm 20 dipshit, it's next to impossible to own a home and raise a family at this age thanks to globalism and inflation
> I don't believe a man who watches cartoons I like anime, fuck off
They have revealed to us the only viable solution themselves. That unspeakable incident that actually never happened and merely arose out of their subconscious innermost fear.
Nothing else will ever save the world. They have been appealed to, converted, forced, thrown out, a billion times in humanities unfortunate history. And they are now only a few centuries away from wiping out the (real) people of god, and replacing them with their global slave nigger caste. To be ruled tyrannically for eternity.
William Price
Even if they are not the Chosen people but Kazar infiltrators, they are still creations of God.
Daniel Foster
No, actually. They're not. They are completely satanic. I genuinely believe they don't have souls.
James Ortiz
Gee, who is actually attempting to change the root culture of a Jewish/Christian country. Um.......muslims.