Why do non-whites gravitate towards this faction?

Why do non-whites gravitate towards this faction?

Attached: hordelogo.jpg (1000x630, 87K)

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cause all the sissy white bois are yiffing at goldshire.

They like a non-white world, with non-white politics, non-white faces, and non-white leaders. The only white faces they see are Undead white guys. And Blood Elves. But Belves are all white girls anyway, so it's aight.

Anyway, every people, every race, we all ultimately enjoy a homogeneous society

Attached: malebelf.jpg (300x168, 8K)

That's just perception. I mostly play alliance and figure most horde players are edgy fagots but then I was just yelled at the other day for not jumping into some pvp by an alliance player that was getting camped. Like I'm suppose to save-a-hoe that I don't even know. I'm on a pve server for a reason.
lol says the group comprised of necrophiliacs, cow fuckers, mana addicts, dope smoking(what did you think they meant by mojo?) and demon worshiping orcs!
what are orcs(niggers) trolls(island niggers),tauren (native American Indians), goblins(jews)? And what of your "white" races? Undead corpse fuckers and mana addicted elves? Pathetic!

>primitive lifestyle
>rotting corpses
>gay elfs
>actual green niggers
>the entire faction is now ruled by undead Hillary

>the entire faction is now ruled by undead Hillary

If you wanted you could have mention how wow has become an SJW fest where religion (the light) is now bad, order, cleanliness, purity, peace, prosperity and looking for those that are allied with you is now bad and evil. The new writers at blizz are pretty much doing the same thing (((they))) are doing in real life but in a game, I mean you just have to read into what BFA is and you will see it, clear as day that the faction that has had to deal with a bunch of literal dindu orcs is now evil and the orcs are good because the humans (and the other races) didn't lay down and allowed themselves to be killed.

Brainwashing the youth probably.

fuck you cunt, orcs are way better than niggers

Exactly! That's what I mean! That's why they love Horde! It's all flaming homosexuals, cold feminists, fat feminists, lots and lots of people of color and "diversity" and zombies, like omg! it's their ideal world. So of course they totally love Horde. White people who play Horde are basically race traitors.

For the Alliance.

Attached: for the alliance.jpg (300x168, 15K)