Sadiq khan war on cheeseburger

Mayor of islamic caliphate of london now wants to ban assault cheeseburger.
>" oy bong bin dat cheeseburger".

Attached: Dc5Z3qdXkAA0Vsu.jpg (1024x558, 74K)

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Don't care anymore.

Shouldn't cows be holy to you?

enjoy hell

That's there plan for the people, my man.

Introduce small things constantly until the people are subservient and controlled entirely.

> No
I love eating steak

Attached: Db-4Cc0X0AEWpQb.jpg (1000x575, 83K)

I'm for ban on junk food, good move.

Still don't care

Attached: 1524838816649.png (480x638, 425K)

No, I don't.

How pathetic please kys

Attached: 1525001942387.png (588x575, 34K)